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    I can't believe this ass hat right now. Mike obviously doesn't care about me, my feelings or Laurens at all, especially thinking he can force me to have a boyfriend and why the hell talk to Lauren like that. "Don't talk to Lauren like that! And I will not have a boyfriend or ever be in a relationship for that matter."

   Mike looks at me with anger in her eyes. "What's that supposed to mean?" He asks as he stands up.

   "Well, you ruined the whole idea and my view of a relationship after what you did to mom and then apparently to your second wife. Yeah, I found out about the second marriage and how it ended. I honestly don't know what Lauren sees in you. She is such an amazing woman and you... you're just an ass." I say.

   Lauren has a shocked look on her face. She apparently doesn't know what to do and just sits there frozen in place. I look at him again "You ruined our family because you couldn't keep it in your pants. Do you think I want to go through the same thing mom went through? I'm scared to be in a relationship because of what you did. I'm scared the same thing will happen to me. Mom wasn't good enough for you even though she was such an amazing woman. So why would I be good enough for anyone when even she wasn't?"

   Before that asshole can say anything else I get up and go upstairs to my room. As I'm closing my door I hear Lauren and Mike arguing. She is really pissed at him for treating me the way he did and for talking to both of us the way he did. Plus she is constantly asking him what I meant by everything I said, especially the cheating and second wife part. Of course he tells her it is nothing to worry about, it was just me trying to start something and just me being an annoying, inconsiderate kid. Did she not know he was married a second time before her?

   After shutting my door they are still arguing and they have gotten louder. I hear Mike say he can't believe he let Lauren convince him to have me move here. So he didn't want me here after all. I figured as much. They argue a little longer and I hear him say he is going back to work to catch up on things he put off for the 'lesbians' birthday. He slams the door going to the garage and as he is leaving I hear him spinning tires as he takes off.

   I'm laying on my bed on my stomach and for some reason I start crying. I've never really been an emotional person and I'm not crying over that asshole, I just feel so angry, overwhelmed and alone. My whole life is fucked up and I just feel like nobody wants me. Aunt Mary sent me here instead of letting me stay with her, the asshole didn't want me here to begin with and my mom passed away. Besides my best friend Katie, I have nobody and I can't even see her because I'm stuck here in San Antonio. I'm just all alone.

   I've been laying here for about an hour when there is a knock on my door. I don't even answer because at this point I don't really want to talk to anyone. Slowly the door opens and Lauren comes into my room. She walks over to my bed and sits on the edge and starts rubbing my back. "Are you okay Kyler? I'm sorry about all that. I had no idea he would react like that. I am so sorry sweetie. I do want you to know, you are good enough and I mean it. Anybody would be lucky to have you as their girlfriend so please don't think otherwise."

   Just Lauren's presence is enough to calm me down and not feel so angry and overwhelmed. I turn on my back then sit up. Looking at Lauren "I'm fine, don't worry about me. You have nothing to be sorry for because you did nothing wrong. I'm sorry for what happened. I should have kept my mouth shut and I wish I wouldn't have had to come live here. Nobody gives a damn about me except Katie and I'm not even close enough to see her anymore."

   Looking at Lauren's face she has a sad and hurt look after what I said. Her eyes are glossy and I can tell she is fighting back tears but one slips out anyway. Right after it starts to roll down her cheek, I automatically reach up and use my thumb to wipe it away. She looks at me and leans forward real quick and engulfs me in a warm hug. I immediately hug her back and never want to let go. I'm scared of being in a relationship but for some reason that's what I really want with her, more than anything, even though I know it can never happen.

   I can feel Lauren's breath on the side of my neck and it sends tingles down my spine. She feels so good against me and I wish I could stay like this all night. Slowly she pulls away and says, "Please don't say things like that Kyler. I am so glad you live here now and I want you here. I have enjoyed getting to know you and having you here. Not just because you help me out around the house either or throw out compliments constantly, no matter how inappropriate they are at times. I honestly enjoy your company, our talks and just you as a person, more than you know. I care about you, so much. Ever since we met, it feels like we have known each other forever. I always feel so comfortable with you and you're so easy to talk to. I'm glad we have become friends and I mean it when I say I care about you. I care more than you know."

   Lauren stands up "I think I'm going to head to bed. Why don't you try to get some rest too, okay?"

   I nod and give her a small smile "goodnight Lauren."

Lauren slightly smiles, "goodnight Kyler." Before she has time to close my door I jump off my bed and grab her hand to stop her. She turns around to look at me and I pull her in for a big hug.

   "I'm sorry Lauren for what I said about coming to live here. Please don't be upset about that, I'm just mad. I've enjoyed being here with you though. I kind of figured he didn't want me here. I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings and I'm sorry for ruining everything."

   I release Lauren and back up a little staring at her. She gives a half smile "you didn't ruin anything, I promise, and goodnight again Kyler." I nod and give her a small smile in return.

   "Goodnight Lauren" I say as she closes the door. I get back into bed and decide to text Katie to see if she can talk. I just need to hear my best friend's voice right now.

I Loved You Before I Met You (New Version)Where stories live. Discover now