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   Lauren and I both wake up to the sound of knocking on the front door. "What time is it?" I ask Lauren as she is sitting up in bed.

   "Umm.... Damn it's 12:45" she says as she checks the time and we hear the knocking on the front door again. She yawns as she stretches and I wrap my arms around her waist to keep her from moving. Lauren giggles as she looks down at me. "I need to see who's at the door."

   I let go of Lauren's waist but as she is getting out of the bed I grab her hand. "Give me a kiss first." I say as I pucker my lips towards her.

   "We haven't brushed our teeth yet, Kyler. Morning breath." Lauren states but I just shrug my shoulders.

   "I don't care about that, I just want a kiss." I state as I sit up facing Lauren. She giggles but leans in and pecks my lips just as we hear harder knocking on the front door.

   "That's all you get for now. Go brush while I see who's trying to bust down the door." Lauren says as she gets out of my grasp and I give her a pouty face. I glance at her hair and can't help but laugh at her messy hair. It's a mess from her squirming on the couch yesterday as I fucked her and from sleeping. She realizes what I'm laughing about when she glances in the mirror and she sticks her tongue out at me. She runs her fingers through her hair as she walks out of the bedroom.

   I head to the en-suite so I can brush and floss my teeth. I hear muffled talking while swishing mouthwash but once I spit it out, it's quiet. I don't hear Lauren or any other voices so I decide to go see what she is doing and why she hasn't come back to brush her teeth. Heading to the living room I turn the corner "Lauren, who was at the..." I stop talking when I see her sister Julia looking directly at me. "Oh, hey Julia." I say as I walk into the kitchen instead.

   "Lauren, what's going on here? You literally said nobody was here when I asked what took you so long to answer the door and why you look like you do. You claimed you had just woken up. Why is Kyler here too if you were sleeping." Julia says as I'm getting a glass of water. Before Lauren can answer her sister, Julia says "wait, Lauren are you cheating on Mike? I didn't like that asshole but still. Oh no, please tell me you're not cheating on him with his own daughter, who is also your stepdaughter! Please tell me I'm wrong."

   As I start walking out of the kitchen, I hear Lauren "no Jules, I'm not cheating on Mike. I'm not even married to him anymore." I walk into the living room and look at both of them as I'm trying to access the situation. I can feel the awkward tension between the two of them and I know Lauren is possibly freaking out on the inside.

   "Why don't we all sit down." I suggest which causes Lauren to lock eyes with me. She finally nods her head after a few seconds of us looking at each other. Lauren and I sit on the couch beside each other and Julia sits down in the chair.

   Lauren looks at me and I smile at her then nod my head letting her know it's okay to tell Julia if she wants to. This is her sister after all and I trust that Julia will not do anything to jeopardize Lauren's career. At least I hope I'm correct. Before Lauren turns her attention to her sister though, Julia says "okay, what's with the looks between the two of you? That's the second time y'all have looked at each other like that. Why did you say you weren't married to Mike anymore? Lauren, please explain what's going on because from my perspective this doesn't look good. It looks more like you are shacked up in an apartment with Mike's daughter."

   Lauren groans in annoyance and shakes her head. "For God's sake Julia, shut the hell up. If you would then I will explain everything to you. I mean it, be quiet until I'm done then if you have questions you can ask." I snicker because it's cute and rather sexy when Lauren gets all stern and treachery.

   Julia puts her hands up in surrender "okay Lauren, go ahead and explain."

   Lauren sighs as she sits back on the couch and gets comfortable. "First of all, like I stated, Mike and I aren't married anymore. We are actually divorced. I went ahead and left him after giving him the divorce papers and got this apartment. I had told you I thought he might be cheating on me and he was. I had finally had enough of all his shit especially after finding out he was cheating, about the other kid he had but kept a secret, all the lies, how controlling he became and the mental stress. He had been lying and cheating for a while. You know good and well that's one thing I absolutely cannot stand is a liar or a cheater."

   "So since I divorced Mike, Kyler is not my stepdaughter and that's the end of that. She recently moved in with me because he kicked her out. He blames her for all of his screw ups and doesn't like the fact she is a lesbian. Since Kyler didn't have much longer left with school I offered for her to live here so she wouldn't have to repeat her senior year because of that asshole and now here we are."

   Julia shakes her head. "Wow! Does mom and dad know about the divorce? What did you mean about another kid?"

   I hear Lauren take a deep breath and release it and she leans her head back against the couch then just lays it against my shoulder. Without thinking, I rest my hand on her thigh as a reassurance that everything will be okay. Of course those two actions by both of us don't go unnoticed by Julia. She jumps to her feet "okay, what the hell? Something is definitely going on between the two of you with the lovey dovey looks and now the touches. What the hell are you thinking Lauren?! You're the older one and shouldn't do something this stupid!" As soon as Julia raises her voice like that, and I feel Lauren tense up, I've had enough.

   I stand up and step towards Julia. "Enough Julia, don't talk to Lauren like that. You're not coming into her home and yelling at her. That's completely uncalled for and she doesn't deserve that. She's had enough of that shit from Mike to last a lifetime. If you can't talk to her without raising your voice then maybe you need to leave"

   Julia sits back down and rubs her hands over her face. "I'm sorry for yelling at you Lauren. Kyler, you are mighty quick to defend my sister. There is something between the two of you isn't there?"

   I sit back down beside Lauren and as soon as I lean back against the cushion, she grabs my hand holding it in hers. She smiles at me with love in her eyes and I really just want to kiss her. She apparently wants the same thing because she glances down at my lips then quickly turns her attention to her sister. "Yes Julia, there is." Lauren states as she starts playing with my fingers. "Kyler and I are together. We felt an instant connection between us ever since we first met but we never acted upon it. At least not until the divorce was finalized. We fell in love with each other."

   Lauren looks over at me and smiles with tears in her eyes. "I have never felt like this for anybody. I am completely in love with Kyler. I am finally truly happy and I can't imagine my life without her. I know to most people this is completely inappropriate. Trust me I have been battling the unethical aspect myself and the fact that I fell in love with a woman but you can't help who you fall in love with. Yes, Kyler is a student at my school but only for five more days, well technically four since she graduates Thursday. Then hopefully after a few more months of secrecy we will be free to be together in public."

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