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   Three and a half weeks pass by in a blur and it's now the third week of May. I would have graduated this week if I was still in Pensacola. Prom was this past Friday night but I didn't want to go. I knew Lauren would be there chaperoning but I still couldn't bring myself to attend. It was just a stupid dance anyway and I didn't want to third wheel with Lila and her girlfriend.

   I wanted to go back home to see my friends and especially Katie graduate. I called her a couple weeks ago and told her what's been going on. I had to talk to someone and just needed my best friend. I've also talked to Aunt Mary but I haven't told her about everything that's happened. I wanted to ask her about Kyle but I'm still trying to wrap my head around the whole ordeal.

   Mike has not coming home until late at night and has not been talking to me which I could care less about. My guess is, he's probably been with the two dollar whore he cheated on Lauren with. Lauren on the other hand kept to herself and shut me out. She has not been home at all this week and she hasn't been at school either. I've tried calling and texting her to make sure she's okay but she never answers. I went by the front office and asked Mrs. Scott, if Lauren was in her office, she said no and that she had taken the week off. She tried to question me as to why I was asking but I just told her I forgot and left.

   Kyle has been texting me and we have talked on the phone a lot. We even met up twice to hang out. We are getting to know each other and I'm actually glad to have a sibling. I just can't believe my mom kept that from me. It's also crazy that his step parents named him and mom named me but we have similar names.

   We definitely have a lot of catching up to do. Kyle did tell me that Mike was not happy seeing him and overheard him talking to Lauren when he mentioned that he recently broke up with his boyfriend. Mike told Kyle he never wanted to see him again and that he wasn't his child then made him leave. I wish mom was still alive because I know she wouldn't be like that. It would be weird though since she never told me about Kyle but I know she would love him regardless. I still can't believe how much we look alike even with a year difference between us.

   By the time Sunday rolls around I'm so tired of this bullshit. I've tried calling Lauren but she still will not answer. This shit is driving me crazy. I want to know where she is. I want to see her and check to make sure she is okay. I lay on the sofa in the living room waiting for my sperm donor to get home so I can get to the bottom of this. He left around 5 this morning and hopefully will be back soon. Apparently I dozed off but I'm awakened by the sound of the door from the garage shutting. I get up and walk into the kitchen as Mike makes his way to the island.

   "What's going on?" I ask. Before he answers, I say "Lauren hasn't been home all week or at school. Neither one of you are talking to me, which isn't new for you, so what's going on? I deserve to know since I live here.

   Mike looks at me and says "if you must know, Lauren left me. She filed for divorce before I got home the other week because... well that's not important. She didn't like the fact I never told her about my second marriage or that both of them ended the way they did. And she didn't like the fact I never told her about the first kid. Are you happy now that you know?"

   He walks right up to me and points his finger at me and has a disgusted look on his face. "I've seen the way you look at Lauren. Is that why she left me? Did your dyke ass turn her into a dyke too? You better not try to contact her. As far as that boy goes, he's no son of mine and never has been. Apparently your mom could only have gay kids. As far as I'm concerned your not my kid either and can get out of here too! Go back to Pensacola with Mary. I don't want you here anymore. I can't believe I ever let Lauren convince me in bringing you here. Everything was perfect for me until you got here!"

   "Asshole" I say as I back up away from Mike since he is yelling in my face. I happen to bump into the wall separating the kitchen from the living room as Mike angrily walks towards me. I move to the side to turn the corner and go upstairs but he grabs me by my hair and jerks me back. He jerks me hard enough that I fall onto the cold tile floor, hitting my head an elbow on the floor as I land. I squeeze my eyes shut from the throbbing pain radiating through my head.

   Mike stands over me and starts yelling. "You better watch who you're talking to. Get the hell out of my house now! Go stay with your gay brother or somewhere as long as it's not in my house! I will set up a day you can get your gay shit out of here then I never want to see you again. Better yet I will throw all your gay shit outside and you can get it! Or maybe I will burn it! You better remember what I said about Lauren, so don't try to find her. We may be getting a divorce but she still belongs to me. You better listen and not be anywhere near her."

   My head is throbbing from hitting the floor and my eyes feel heavy. I feel my eyes slowly close but I open them back up to see that asshole standing over me. I quickly bring my foot up and kick Mike in between the legs. I watch him fall to his knees grabbing himself and groaning in pain. "I fucking can't stand you. I'm glad Lauren left your sorry ass because she deserves so much better."

   I stand up and feel dizzy but notice my phone on the floor. I slowly reach down and grab my phone off the floor. Mike gets back to his feet but is still bent over holding himself. "Your mom probably wrecked on purpose so she didn't have to be around your gay ass anymore. She probably was hoping she would die and maybe take you with her because you're a worthless disgrace. Or maybe she was just hoping to get rid of you." He says with so much hate.

   His remark about mom hits really hard and I take off out of the house as fast as I can without getting to dizzy and falling. I make it down the street to the park that's about a mile from the house until I can figure out what to do. I can't believe he got physical with me. I can't believe what he said about mom. I have to find Lauren because I need to talk to her or just see her. I don't know where I'm going to go. Where am I going to sleep? Maybe Lila will let me crash with her. Maybe I just need to call and tell Aunt Mary everything but I'm kind of pissed at her for never telling me about Kyle either.

   I still feel dizzy so I sit down on a park bench and Mike's words about mom repeatedly run through my mind. I get so overwhelmed that I start to cry which makes my head hurt more. I sit on the park bench until I notice it's 6 p.m. and decide to dial Lauren's number one last time. If she doesn't answer then I will never try again. On the fourth ring she finally answers.

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