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   Lauren smiles at me and grabs both of my hands. "You're absolutely right, you know. I should never have let Mary or anybody get to me. I'm so sorry and I'm sorry if it made you feel like I was not serious about us or that you were not good enough for me. For someone who has never been in a relationship, you're really good at it." She sits in my lap and I wrap my arms around her. She wraps her arms around me and pulls me against her in a tight hug. It's like she is scared I will disappear if she lets go.

   Lauren moves back enough to look at my face and caresses my cheek as she smiles at me. "You could have given up on me but you didn't and for that I am truly grateful. I'm tired of worrying about what others think and how it's affecting us. I promise you, I am 110% in this relationship also. Once again baby, I'm sorry for making you feel or think that I didn't love you or want to be with you. I can promise you that is not how I feel. I love you with all my heart and hate that I get in my own head and overthink things or automatically think the worst."

   Lauren kisses my lips tenderly then kisses from my mouth to my cheek, down my jaw line until she reaches my neck. She sucks on my sweet spot and I can't help but moan as I start throbbing between my legs. She bites her lip and quickly gets off my lap. I get up, wrap my arms around her and whisper, "I think we need to finish what we started earlier today."

   Lauren laughs "that we do baby." She pulls away from me, turns around, glances over her shoulder and winks then starts slowly stripping her clothes off in the hallway as she walks to the bedroom. I just freeze in place and watch this beautiful woman.

   I quickly walk to the bedroom and as soon as I'm in the doorway I take my shoes and pants off. I start to take my shirt off and my phone starts ringing. All these interruptions today are pissing me off. Is it to much to ask for time with Lauren?

   Lauren laughs after looking at me and picks my phone up off the bed. She walks over to me in all her naked glory, "it's Mary calling. You might want to answer it before she shows up out of the blue again." I throw my head back and groan. She laughs again and as I start to answer my phone it stops ringing. I sit on the edge of the bed and call my aunt back. The phone starts ringing as Lauren makes her way over to the bed slipping on her silk robe.

   Aunt Mary finally answers after the fourth ring. "Kyler, How are you?"

   I sigh, "I'm fine." I feel the bed shift and look back and Lauren is crawling towards the top of the bed. Her ass is swaying from side to side as she moves and I can't help but stare. Aunt Mary's voice finally catches my attention and brings me out of my trance.

   "Kyler. What... what I'm calling for is... I want to say," her voice is a little quieter than before but I hear her when she says "... I'm sorry. I'm really sorry Kyler." Just hearing my aunt apologize and the way she said it, I could tell from the emotion in her voice that she means it.

   Lauren moves and lays on her stomach giving me a concerned look. I glance at her and she mouths "are you okay?" I nod my head then say into the phone "Why would you even say all those things to me or more importantly to Lauren?"

   I hear Aunt Mary sigh, "Kyler, I... I know I should not have reacted the way I did. I'm sorry for that; it was very hateful of me. I realize that and you were right about your mom. She would be happy that you found someone you love and that also loves you. Kyler, I love you and... I don't care who you're dating as long as you're happy."

  I can't believe what I just heard so I ask "do you really mean that?"

   Aunt Mary laughs a little then continues to talk. "Of course I mean it. I feel terrible and I know I hurt you more than I could ever imagine and I know it hurt Lauren too. Just from the way you talk so passionately about her and the way you look at her, I... I know you love her. I hope you both can forgive me. I want to apologize to her also."

   I softly sigh "Aunt Mary... I do forgive you. I don't want to but I feel the need to."

   Aunt Mary releases a breath through the phone but before she can say anything I continue. "I appreciate you apologizing and just know that it honestly means a lot."

   My aunt cuts in "I really mean it Kyler and I honestly want to apologize to Lauren as well but I think it would be better done in person. After all, I did say some rather nasty things to her."

   I glance at Lauren and she is watching me with furrowed brows. I wink at her, "yes, Aunt Mary I think that would be a good idea. We are actually having a graduation dinner Friday and I would like you to be here for it."

   Before I can say anything else Aunt Mary says "I wouldn't miss it for anything. My flight back home is not until Saturday afternoon anyway. I really hope I get the chance to apologize to Lauren before Friday's dinner though."

   I smile as I glance back at Lauren "I think that can be arranged and would be a good idea."

   "Okay Kyler, I will let you go. I will talk to you later and if I don't see you before graduation day I will see both of you then. Bye sweetheart." I say "bye" as I end the call and flop onto my stomach on the bed facing Lauren.

   Lauren giggles and caresses my cheek. "I assume that conversation went well?" she asks. I shift a little closer to her and kiss her forehead.

   "Yeah it did. She apologized and wants to apologize to you too but in person. I'm really glad she apologized but she wouldn't have needed to if she wouldn't have overreacted in the first place and been a complete bitch."

   Laurens perfect pink lips curve into a smile as she hums agreeing. She leans forward and kisses my lips in a sweet kiss. I just melt into her as I return the kiss. Just feeling the gentle caress of her lips on mine makes me all tingly inside. Lauren pulls away from the kiss and brings her hand up to my cheek. Cupping my cheek, she caresses my soft tan skin. "Kyler, let's get in bed and call it a day. I'm ready to lay down and cuddle with you." I lean in and kiss her again, "sounds like a great way to end this crazy day."

I Loved You Before I Met You (New Version)Where stories live. Discover now