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   The wedding reception was great and I must say, the wedding company we used really goes above and beyond. The top package that we picked included a reception at a beachside pavilion with bistro lighting and tables with centerpieces of fresh flowers. They also provided appetizers, champagne and dinner for up to twenty guests.

   Most of our family and friends enjoyed themselves and seemed to dread the end of the reception and having to leave. Well, there was one person that didn't seem to enjoy herself and that was my cousin Blakley. Kyler noticed at the beginning of the reception she seemed down in the dumps. I noticed too and tried talking to her but Blakley kept assuring me everything was fine, she just didn't feel that good. We finally just let it go and enjoyed our wedding reception.

   The food was really good and of course we can't forget about our wedding cake. The strawberries and champagne cake was so damn delicious. I think Kyler and I both ate too much cake. When we both held the knife and cut the cake together, I knew Kyler was tempted to smear it in my face but decided against it especially after the look I gave her. She knew I realized what she was thinking and just laughed when she handed me a saucer with a slice of cake on it instead.

   After we enjoyed the wedding cake, Kyler and I had our first dance together to At Last by Etta James. The lyrics took over us and we slowly swayed together as we held each other tight. We were so lost in each other, we forgot the world around us as we just enjoyed being in each other's arms. By the time the song ended, we were both misty-eyed. Everything was perfect and I couldn't be happier. If anyone would have told me that I would have met my person, my soul mate a few months ago and fallen head over heels in love, I would have thought they were crazy. I am so glad I stopped fighting my feelings for Kyler and embraced them instead. I get to call her my wife and it's the greatest feeling knowing that I have someone I truly love and that truly loves me. Honeymoon here we come!

   Kyler and I were up at 6 this morning and out the door by 7 headed to the airport for our 10 a.m. flight to Cancun. While we were waiting at the airport for our flight to board, I received a call from the Alamo Vista School Board. While Kyler was in the hospital, I had emailed the board concerning Mr. Jones's actions and inappropriate behavior. I knew it was possible that it wouldn't do any good but the more I had thought about it, the more I wanted the board to know what kind of scum they had working for the school district. Come to find out, I was not the only one to contact them and that after investigating, Mr. Jones no longer works for the school district.

   The school board also offered me a job back at Alamo Vista if I wanted it. It was not as principal since that had already been filled but one of the old English teachers retired so they offered me that position which was also head of the English department. At first I was going to tell them I would think about it because I didn't know how Kyler would feel about me going back to work there but she quickly told me to take it if I really wanted it. She knew I liked it at Alamo Vista especially since that was the first school I ever taught at and had worked up to principal. So I gladly accepted the job and was excited to be going back but nervous at the same time, for obvious reasons, especially with me accepting Kyler's date and going back being married to her. However, I promised Kyler I wouldn't let other people's opinions get to me and I plan to keep that promise. Not just for her but for myself as well.

   Once we finally boarded our flight, Kyler and I talked about school and she told me that she changed her mind about taking off a half semester. At first I thought Kyler wanted to take longer off because we got married. However, she soon explained that she wanted to go ahead and start when school starts back in the fall instead so she can get finished sooner. Her goal is to graduate early and I know she can do just that.

   Once Kyler and I landed in Cancun, we got a cab and are currently pulling up to the Palafitos El Dorado Maroma. We are so eager to get to our bungalow that we can hardly keep our hands off each other. It's been a little over a month since we have had sex and it's just need, want and raw passion between us right now. We have definitely given the poor cab driver a show. At one point I thought I was going to end up in Kyler's lap because I got too carried away..

   As soon as we get checked in and get to our honeymoon bungalow, Kyler drops the bags right inside the doorway and quickly pins me to the door as soon as it closes. I moan in appreciation as she presses her body into mine and she takes the opportunity to plunge her tongue into my mouth. I reach between our heated bodies and grab the hem of Kyler's shirt, quickly pulling it up. We break the kiss for me to pull her shirt all the way off and she copies me as she pulls my tank top off and throws it on the floor.

   I cup Kyler's breasts through her bra and squeeze on them, making her arch into me. Kyler's hands travel down and grab my butt in my short denim cut offs. She slips her hands inside the leg openings and squeezes my butt harder. I thrust my hips forward seeking the friction I crave. Kyler moves her hands around to the front of my shorts and quickly unbuttons and unzips them, pulling them down enough until they fall the rest of the way, landing at our feet.

   Kyler's fingers disappear inside my thong and she moves them straight to my wet, waiting pussy. She swipes her middle finger up my drenched slit and my pussy is like a magnet as her fingers easily slide inside. I tense up at the sudden intrusion but soon relax as my head falls back on the door and I release a breathy moan. Kyler starts pumping her finger inside me and I grab the waistband of her running shorts and roughly pull them down with them landing at our feet.

   I crush my lips against Kyler's and reach for her underwear, pulling them down too. She removes her finger from inside me then grabs my thong with both hands and rips the fabric to get them off of me. I move us backwards so our feet's free from the clothes on the floor and remove my own bra. I turn with my back towards the bed and walk backwards while motioning for Kyler to follow me. She removes her bra and tosses it across the room, gladly stalking towards me.

   I get on the bed and move back so I am in the middle, resting on her elbows. I look at Kyler's naked body and bite my lip as I look her up and down. She gets on the bed and slides her palms up my legs and thighs causing me to quiver beneath her touch. I quickly sit up and grab the back of Kyler's neck, forcefully pulling her lips against mine in a heated, hungry kiss. I suck her bottom lip into my mouth and drag my teeth across the sensitive flesh.

   Kyler moves her hand between our bodies and reaches between my legs with her fingers, finding exactly what she is looking for and brushes her fingers lightly over my clit. A shudder rips through my body and a shaky breath escapes my lips, landing on hers. "Please Kyler," I say with a trembling breath and latch back onto her lips, kissing her hard.

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