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    Today is Wednesday, July 21st and I had my check up Monday. The neurologist cleared me and said I could resume all regular activities. It's also been four days since the argument between Lauren and Aunt Mary which means there's only three days left until our wedding day. I stayed pissed at my aunt for two days after what she had said to Lauren. I wouldn't even talk to her in those two days because I knew I would probably say something I would regret. By the third day, I was ready to talk to her and tell her how it was going to be.

   Aunt Mary went to the grocery store Tuesday morning and Lauren left to go do something with Julia so I knew this was a perfect time to talk to my aunt alone. I sat in the living room waiting for her to return. Within the past two days, Aunt Mary was acting a little better towards Lauren. I guess all it took was Lauren putting her in her place but I still was not okay with what was said to my fiancé.

   When Aunt Mary returned home, I helped bring the groceries inside, then when we were putting everything up, I told her how I felt. "You may not agree with Lauren and I being together or getting married. However, you can quit being a bitch to her. She's not to blame for my accident, that is on me and only me. Yes, I was looking for her but I was the one speeding, she didn't make me do that. I better not ever hear again of you telling her she nearly killed me or anything else along those lines. We're family and I want you at my wedding but if you can't let this go and quit being a bitch to Lauren then I don't want you there."

   After I said what I needed to say, I didn't even wait for her response. I walked up stairs to the bedroom Lauren and I were sharing and started gathering our stuff to leave. I'm more than happy to stay in a hotel instead of being here with the way she's carrying on. Before I even got half way through, Aunt Mary came into the bedroom and apologized. She didn't want us to leave and promised to do better and apologize to Lauren. I made it clear that was her last chance.

   The rest of our family and friends made it in today and are all booked at the same hotel as Julia. We made plans to eat together tonight here at my aunts as a pre-wedding dinner, her idea, not mine. Julia and Katie took this opportunity as a way to do a little wedding shower. Lauren and I explained there was nothing we needed but they were not budging on it. Let's just hope dinner and the little impromptu wedding shower goes smoothly.

   Everyone arrived here for dinner around the same time. I knew everyone but Lauren's Aunt Suzie and cousin Blakley but was quickly introduced to them. Her aunt is her mom's sister and is recently divorced. Blakley is Suzie's daughter, she is 19 years old and seemed nice, just distant and really didn't talk much. Lauren even said it was weird because normally Blakley is very talkative, especially with her. Lila seemed to really like Blakley and was caught staring at her numerous times. Lila still has a girlfriend and I reminded her of that a couple times. Lila explained that she wasn't looking at Blakley to cheat on her girlfriend; she was just really pretty and couldn't help it.

   It's nice to see Mrs. Scott here but weird at the same time. She pulls Lauren in for a hug as soon as she sees her then comes my way. As Mrs. Scott is hugging me she says "I see you're taking care of my baby. Lauren's always been like a daughter to me and I'm glad to see her so happy." I thanked Mrs. Scott as we all made our way to the kitchen to fix our plates to eat. Aunt Mary has a large patio table outside so that's where we're all going to sit.

   Dinner was nice and went by smoothly. The weather outside was great. It was warm but not too bad for July in Florida. Everyone was getting along great and as everyone finished eating, the kitchen was cleaned and Julia made sure to announce it was time for gifts.

   We all gather in the living room with Lauren and I sitting on the loveseat, Lauren's parents and Mrs. Scott on the sofa, Aunt Mary in the recliner, Kyle, Katie, Julia and Lila all on the floor. Lauren's aunt and cousin had brought two chairs from the kitchen to sit in.

   Mrs. Scott hands us her gift and once we open it, we see an Edinburgh Hand Casting Kit for 2. We both thought that was pretty awesome and a great way to display our love for each other in our apartment. The gifts continue with us getting a personalized throw blanket with mine and Lauren's name and our wedding date embroidered on it from Aunt Mary. We received a new Keurig from Kyle, a set of personalized wine glasses from Lila and a pair of Mrs. and Mrs. bathrobes from Ms. Suzie and Blakley.

   Julia is all giddy as she hands Lauren her gift to us. Lauren eyes her sister then slowly tears the paper off to reveal a black suede box. As quickly as she takes the top of the box off and looks inside, she quickly closes it and yells "Julia!" Both Julia and Katie bust out laughing as Lauren's face turns red.

   "What's in the box baby?" I ask as I study Lauren's bright red face. She shakes her head as I reach for the box.

   Before I grab a hold of it Lauren says "it's nothing, just... Julia, playing a joke."

   Again Julia and Katie start laughing and Julia says "it's definitely not a joke Lauren. You might not use it but I do imagine Kyler would love to."

   I grab the box and as I'm opening it I say "what -ohhh..." My words die in my throat as I look inside the box. I don't know if I should question this gift or be aroused by it. I'm staring at a black strap on harness along with a purple dildo that looks to be at least seven inches. I smirk as I look over at Lauren "I will definitely put this to some really good use." She blushes even more, smacks my arm and gives me a stern look. "Baby, just think how..."

   My words are cut off as Lauren puts her hand over my mouth and says "shut it Kyler." Julia laughs and their parents give a questioning look wondering what's in the box. Before Mrs. Jessica can even ask, Lauren says "it's nothing mom, nothing at all."

   Julia and Katie start laughing again as Katie hands me her gift to us. Lauren and I tear the paper off together and I open the box. Now I see why Lauren's sister and my best friend were laughing so much. Katies gift to us is a tiffany blue double ended dildo with the smaller end curved inward. "I like this one baby. Look, it's ribbed on this end for you." I whisper in Lauren's ear. She tenses up a little as she glances at me and quickly crosses her legs. I think she likes it too even though she probably won't admit it.

   Lauren quickly takes the box in her hands and closes it up. Looking at Julia and Katie she says "y-you two must have gone shopping together. Why would you even... why?"

   They both laugh and Katie quickly says "well Julia told me that y'all have sex all the time so we figured those were perfect gifts for you two. Y'all can spice things up some."

   Mr. David quickly stands and hands Lauren an envelope and says "okay, we're moving on because I don't want to hear anymore about what could possibly be in those boxes. Lauren, your mother and I knew you two didn't really need anything so we decided on a different gift. Now before you two open that, we don't want to hear anything about you can't accept it. Just know we wanted to do this because we love the both of you."

   Lauren opens the envelope and pulls out a brochure for Cancun. Inside the brochure are two plane tickets and a hotel reservation for five days and four nights in an all-inclusive honeymoon bungalow at Palafitos El Dorado Maroma. Looking at the brochure, the suite has its own private infinity pool and it's over the water. The bedroom even has a glass floor. I look at Lauren then at Mr. and Mrs. James because I am speechless.

   Mrs. Jessica says "we wanted to give the two of you a honeymoon trip as your wedding present because y'all deserve it. Also Kyler, thank you for making my daughter so happy. I can hear it in her voice every time I talk to her."

   Lauren and I both hug her parents and tell them "thank you."

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