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   "Oh, no I was just checking to see if you were still awake. Sorry to bother you." I say because I really thought Kyler would be asleep.

   "You didn't bother me and I couldn't go to sleep actually. You can come in if you want to. You don't have to hang in the doorway, I promise I don't bite. Well I don't bite... hard." Kyler teases and laughs a little after undoubtedly seeing the look on my face.

   "O-okay then, I guess I can come in for a few minutes." I say as I feel my heart rate pick up. I sit on the edge of the foot of the bed facing Kyle and just glance down at my lap. I really don't know why I came in here.

   Kyler sits up and leans against the headboard and laughs as she crosses her arms. "Why are you sitting down there and on the edge of the bed?" She asks and pats the bed beside her a few times. Finally giving in, I move to the top of the bed beside her.

   "So how was the visit with your sister?" Kyler asks with a smile.

   I smile a little. "It was good. It was long overdue and I'm glad we got to catch up.  Please, don't flirt with Julia... Kyler." I want to leave after saying that because it makes me sound so jealous. I definitely don't want to give Kyler a reason to think that but I also don't won't her flirting with my sister.

   "I wasn't flirting... Lauren. We were just talking and joking around plus she's not really my type. Why did you get so mad anyway? Were you jealous?" Kyler asks in a playful tone, like she is sort of joking and sort of not. I feel the tension in her bedroom as we look at each other. I feel my heart beating faster and I know I should get up and leave. "Lauren... do you maybe feel something for me?"

   I look at Kyler like she is crazy and feel myself about to panic. "Kyler! I'm m-married for fucks sake and... and to your father."

   Kyler shakes her head, "it was just a question and like I've said before, you can do so much better than Mike. You deserve so much better."

   I shake my head, "Kyler you don't..."

   Kyler quickly interrupts me. "Don't even say I don't understand. I see and hear how Mike treats you. He is an asshole and you know it. You deserve to be loved, cherished and desired. He definitely doesn't do any of those things. You are an amazing woman and I don't understand why you stay with someone like him."

   "Now why don't you forget about him for right now and just relax. My room is a no stress zone right now so relax and let everything go." Kyler says as she moves down the bed by my feet with a bottle of lotion in her hands. "I know just the thing to help you relax too." She states as she rests both of my feet in her lap. She squeezes lotion in her hand and starts gently massaging my left foot.

   "You don't have to do that Kyler," I say and start to move my feet off of her lap. She grabs them and puts them back in her lap as she starts back massaging. I bite the inside of my cheek because her hands feel so good and I'm scared I will make a sound I know I shouldn't.

   Kyler smiles at me as she continues her foot massage. "I want to do this for you, it's always a great way to help you relax. You deserve to just relax and if I can help you do that, then let me, please." I nod at Kyler and smile embarrassingly then lay back on the bed and close my eyes. Kyler laughs and continues rubbing my left foot then switches to my right foot.

   I open my eyes and prop myself up on my elbows so I can look at Kyler. "Kyler, can I ask you something?" She nods my head for me to ask away. "Why don't you call Mike dad and why did your mom keep you away from him?"

   "What?!" Kyler asks more in a defensive tone than I was expecting or had ever heard from her and I immediately flinch from the loudness.

   Worry quickly graces Kyler's face. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean for it to sound like that and I didn't mean to be that loud. Mom didn't keep me from him. He didn't want anything to do with me. He would call every once in a while like for my birthday and some holidays for the first year then that stopped. I can't call him 'dad' when hasn't been there for me and it's obvious he never wanted me anyway."

   I look at Kyler and process what she said. I hate that her relationship with Mike is such a mess. I had hoped it was repairable but I was definitely wrong. I lay back down on the bed but quickly raise back up. "Kyler... what... what was that in the kitchen before Chis stopped by?" I ask nearly in a whisper and I can feel my cheeks blushing. I could be wrong but I honestly thought she was going to kiss me.

   Kyler looks at me with a longing look in her eyes and I feel my heart rate pick up. She is quiet for a few seconds. "Honestly, I really wanted to... hug you because you seemed like you needed it. I'm sorry if you think it was inappropriate." I swallow hard because from her slight hesitation I know that's not what she was going to say.

   We stay silent for a few minutes then Kyler asks "do you feel relaxed?"

   I smile because I honestly do feel relaxed. "Yes, thank you. You're definitely good with your hands." Why the hell did I just say that? Why was I even thinking that in the first place?
Kyler laughs at me as I quickly close my mouth and feel my face get hot. I realized how that sounded, how inappropriate it was and how she more than likely perceived what I said.

   "You're welcome and yes, I'm pretty good with my hands." Kyler moves back to the top of the bed and lays down beside me. She turns on her side while I'm on my back. I have my eyes closed but I can feel her gaze on me.

   I open my eyes but I am tired and so relaxed now. I know if I keep my eyes closed I could fall asleep. Kyler moves closer to me and rubs her hand lightly up and down my arm. I feel my body relax into Kyler's touch and without thinking, I close my eyes again and snuggle closer to her, fully content in the moment.

I Loved You Before I Met You (New Version)Where stories live. Discover now