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   Aunt Mary cuts in. "Basically, Lauren got this apartment so she has a place to hide and sleep with you? That's sure what it sounds like."

   I stand up quickly trying to control my anger. "No! Did you not just listen to anything I said?"

   Lauren grabs my hand "Kyler don't! Please... just sit down."

   I shake my head as I glance at Lauren. "Why should I? There's no reason for her to keep spewing lies."

   Aunt Mary clears her throat as I sit back down beside Lauren. "Lauren, did you think you could keep this a secret? I'm surprised the school board hasn't found out about this yet. You're lucky you still have a job."

   Lauren sighs "Mary please..."

   Of course my aunt cuts her off. "Don't Mary please me, Lauren. You're practically molesting my niece."

   I jump up again but before I say anything Lauren is on her feet glaring at my aunt. "Excuse me? How dare you say I'm molesting Kyler!" Lauren's worried face is gone and replaced with anger.

   "She's a child Lauren!" Aunt Mary yells as she stands up too.

   "No, she is not! She is 18 and of consenting age. Yes, maybe we should have waited until she wasn't still a student to be together but that's all that's wrong here."

   Aunt Mary looks at Lauren, "tell yourself what you want. Wrong is wrong and what you're doing is wrong. Not just because she is still a student. It's wrong because you took advantage of Kyler and went after her."

   I see the look in Lauren's eyes and she is pissed, even more than I am maybe. "You listen Mary, I didn't start this. Kyler pursued me. Yes, I had feelings for her but I always ignored them until I finally realized I was hurting myself and her in the process by not being honest about my feelings for her. You are not coming into my home and basically accuse me of raping Kyler because I have done no such thing."

   Aunt Mary glares at Lauren "you're the adult. You are supposed to be the responsible one. You knew what was right and what was wrong but you went with it anyway. It doesn't matter if Kyler did pursue you. You should have said no and stuck to that. Seriously, how stupid can you be? I should report you to the school board!"

   "Hold on." I say but Lauren starts talking again.

   "I am far from stupid and you don't know a damn thing about me or our relationship! Kyler tried explaining earlier but you chose not to actually listen! Yes, she was my stepdaughter and yes she is a student at my school. If I have done anything wrong, it is the fact I should have waited until Kyler graduated and was no longer a student. But here we are and you know what, I wouldn't go back and change a thing about my relationship with Kyler. I love her. I love everything about her. I've never felt anything like this. There has always been a connection, a chemistry between us."

   Aunt Mary just stands there stunned. I have to say, I am quite shocked at Lauren's outburst. Finally I gather my thoughts "okay, let's all sit back down, please. Look Aunt Mary, Lauren and I are both responsible for this relationship we have but I am the one at fault for pursuing her. Yes, maybe she should have turned me down and maybe we should have waited until I graduated. But as she said, here we are. I graduate in three days. Nobody knows except her family and my friend here and of course Katie. We have been careful. We are nothing more than a student and principal to each other at school. We are both adults and we are happy together. And no, I may not have ever dated anyone because I have always been scared of getting hurt. However the love that I have for Lauren, I'm willing to take all the risks for us to be together. She has my heart and I trust her not to break it."

   I turn towards Lauren and tuck a loose strand of hair behind her ear. She glances at me and I smile at her then lean in and place a kiss on her perfectly soft lips. I caress her cheek, "I love you" and she smiles. We sit back down and I look back at my aunt to do the same.

   "I know it may be hard to understand. Hell it has been hard for Lauren to understand with the age difference, our school situation, her being married to Mike and because she has never been attracted to another female. But, you can't help who you fall in love with and I know for a fact mom would be proud of me and happy for me. Yes, she might be shocked but once she saw how much we love each other she would be happy for us. So I'm asking you to please do the same and don't do anything you might regret later on. Please! If you turn Lauren in, I don't know if I would ever forgive you. If you love me then don't do anything that will absolutely destroy me and make me hate you."

   Aunt Mary sighs "Kyler, she is supposed to be responsible and respect you as a student, not try to date you. I just don't understand this. This is very unprofessional of her."

   I take a deep breath, trying to keep my anger under control. Lauren sighs "I know it's unprofessional, trust me I do. But I love her, I love your niece and she makes me happy. I know I am putting my career at risk but for once, I chose to be happy. I haven't been this happy and loved in a long time and it's all thanks to Kyler."

   "Lauren, I don't give a damn if you're happy. You are an authority figure at the school and are supposed to take care of the kids there and have their best interest in mind, not take advantage and prey upon one of them. My niece at that!" My aunt just shakes her head.

   "She didn't take advantage of me or prey on me!" I interrupted. "Did you hear me when I said I pursued her? Aunt Mary, you claim you want what's best for me and for me to be happy. Sending me to live with Mike didn't make me happy and wasn't what was best for me but you went along with it anyway. Well meeting Lauren and falling in love with her is what's best for me and what makes me happy."

   Aunt Mary looks at me for a few seconds and before she can say anything I keep talking. "Okay, this ends now because all we seem to be doing is going around in circles. This is Lauren's home and she will not be disrespected in it. I will not sit here and let you keep talking to her like you have or treat her like crap. I love you Aunt Mary but I think it's best for you to go."

   Aunt Mary looks at me shocked but stands up. "I will give it a rest for now. I came to spend time with you and for your graduation after all, which is a very important time for you. Honestly though, I'm disappointed in you Kyler. You could very well mess up your senior year because of this so-called relationship. Lauren, you are jeopardizing your career and possible freedom for this relationship. I don't know you enough to be disappointed in you but I am very upset with you for allowing this to happen. I need some time to think about this. I promise I will not contact the school board... yet. I just need some time... to clear my head and try to wrap my head around this then figure out the best thing to do for you Kyler. You two need to understand that this discussion is not over."

   I nod my head "thank you Aunt Mary for not making a rash decision. Where are you staying while here?"

   Lauren stands up and looks at my aunt. "Mary, I'm not a heartless bitch even after what you said to me and because I love Kyler and you're her family, you're welcome to stay here if you want to. The spare room is available and has fresh sheets. The decision is yours. Now if you will excuse me I need to go to the grocery store." I look at Lauren a little confused because we just bought groceries the other day.

   Lauren starts to leave the living room but I grab her hand and stop her. "What's going on Lauren, why are you going to the grocery store again?" Lauren looks down then back up at me.

   "Kyler, I just need some time alone. I will be back shortly okay." Lauren softly says. I can understand her being overwhelmed and needing time to herself but...."

   I lean in to kiss Lauren but she turns her head and I kiss her cheek. "Okay" is all I can say as she goes to the bedroom, grabs her purse and keys and leaves without another look or word.

I Loved You Before I Met You (New Version)Where stories live. Discover now