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   Kyler slowly moves her mouth from my clit and licks up the mess I made between my legs. I have never felt anything like that orgasm before, it feels like I am floating. She kisses back up my naked body ending at my lips. As she captures my lips in a passionate kiss and I can taste myself on her. "You taste so damn good. You are now my favorite thing to eat." Kyler whispers against my lips as she pulls away from our kiss.

   My face heats up at Kyler's comment but I really don't care because of the way I feel. "That was amazing. Oh god... I never knew I could feel like that." I feel like I am completely floating right now. I realize what I admitted out loud and it feels like my cheeks are on fire so I try to cover my face.

   Kyler moves my hands and smirks, "that was sexy as hell. You are sexy as hell and I'm surprised I didn't cum just by watching you." She leans into me and captures my lips in another passionate kiss. "I love you" she says as she stares into my blue eyes.

  "I love you Kyler." I say and hug her tight. As I release the hug I lightly kiss Kyler's ear then gently bite her ear lobe. I slowly kiss down her neck and begin lightly biting and sucking, not caring if I leave visible marks. I move one leg between Kyler's and she grinds against my thigh seeking her release. "Lauren... baby please." She manages to say. Hearing her beg for my touch turns me on knowing I have that effect on her.

   I grin down at Kyler and caress her cheek. "Patience, I want to fully enjoy this as I make love to you and I want you to enjoy this too but only if you're sure" I am so nervous but I desperately want this. I've never felt anything like that.

   "Yes, please." Kyler nearly begs as I kiss her neck then ghosts my lips over her skin. I stop at her right collarbone kissing on the arrow tattoo. With shaky hands, I pull Kyler up enough to get her tank top off then lay her back down. I slowly work my way down to her breast kissing on both of them before taking her left nipple in my mouth and sucking hard. She moans loud and tries to grind against me. I release her left nipple and move to the right doing the same thing. After releasing her right nipple, I kiss down her toned stomach and stop to kiss the quote tattoo on her left side.

   With my hands still shaking, I reach for the waist of Kyler's Adidas pants and start pulling them down. She sits up and helps get her pants off then throws them onto the floor. My heart is beating like crazy now and I am scared I will not satisfy her but I want this so bad. Kyler is giving herself to me completely and knowing I will be her actual first makes me so nervous.

   I slowly pull Kyler's boxers down, taking in the scent of her arousal and it turns me on knowing I'm the cause. I am tempted to look but I feel to embarrassed to do that so I lean forward and kiss over her newly exposed skin. She sucks in a breath as I tenderly kiss towards her inner thigh. Kyler automatically opens her legs, giving me a glimpse of her glistening pussy. I lick my lips at the sight and gently kiss towards her pussy while squeezing my legs together because of the throbbing between my own legs. I kiss back up Kyler's body then gently kiss her lips and ask "are you sure?"

   Kyler nods her head at first then says "I feel like I have waited my entire life for this moment with you. I'm scared but not about the sex. I'm scared because I've never felt like this for anyone."

   I swallow thickly as Kyler's words wash over me. I look into her eyes and softly say "I love you Kyler and that's exactly how I feel too. You make me feel things I've never felt before." She smiles as I kiss her soft lips then I pull away to look into her eyes for reassurance. "I want you so bad but I'm so nervous. I've never done this but I'm trying to copy what you did to me and what seems... natural. I think the way you made me feel is engraved into my brain and I want you to feel that too." I chuckle a little after rambling which causes her to laugh as well.

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