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   Kyler smiles at me then looks back at Tylisha. "Well I have been crazy about Lauren since I first met her. I was just so drawn to her and blown away by her beauty inside and out." I feel my face heating up at Kyler's admission and squeeze her hand as she continues talking. "Also, I'm sorry for putting you in that situation at school. It was wrong of me to use you like that and I hope you can forgive me for nearly ruining your career."

   Tylisha laughs "don't worry about it, it's water under the bridge and yes, I forgive you. I will admit, it was kind of hot but unfortunately you're not really my type. It was really nice to get that type of affection and I tried to make myself like you because there were things about you that reminded me of someone else. Plus, I was desperate for attention as well. I know that sounds bad but I have never gotten over a crush I had when I was a teenager and she turned my world upside down. After many failed relationships, I wanted to feel something so I'm sorry for using you too. We were both wrong but that's in the past and maybe eventually we could all be friends."

   "Yeah baby, we talked when I was taking those papers around to the English department. Tylisha wanted to talk about it to clear the air so we did and I'm glad. Everything is good and I know that I have nothing to worry about when it comes to her." I explain to Kyler since she has a confused look on her face.

   We bid our goodbyes to Tylisha since our food was brought out and walked back to our table. Once we sit down I lean in and whisper in Kyler's ear "I will tell you more about it on our way home because when we get home... you have unfinished business to take care of." As I pull away I rub my hand up Kyler's thigh and give it a squeeze. I feel her shiver and I can't help but smile knowing how I can do a simple thing like that and get to her.

   "Who was that?" Julia asks as she is eyeballing me and Kyler.

   "That was Tylisha Smith. She is a teacher at the high school I was at." As soon as the words leave my mouth, mom and dad both say "what" at the same time. I look at them "mom and dad, I actually quit my job today."

   Of course dad is the first to respond but instead of his attention being on me, he looks directly at Kyler. "You caused this didn't you?" He asks in an angry tone.

   "Okay dad, cut the crap. This was my decision and my decision only. Do not even think about blaming Kyler." I sternly say. I reach over and grab Kyler's hand that's closest to me. "I will discuss this later with you dad but for now we are done with the conversation. Tonight's dinner is about Kyler, her accomplishments, her graduation and all of us just spending time together. So let's just enjoy dinner, one another's company and celebrate my beautiful, wonderful girlfriend."

   Mom and dad smile and turn their attention back to their dinner. Julia on the other hand makes a gagging sound before voicing her thoughts. "Do you really have to be all mushy and in love at the table? You definitely make some of us feel even more single with all your lovey dovey crap."

   Everyone laughs at Julia but mom is quick to say "leave them alone Julia. Maybe if you quit looking in all the wrong places you could find love. At least that shut my sister up and the rest of dinner is nice. We all carried on conversations, shared a lot of laughs and just enjoyed one another's company.

   Once Kyler and I make it home from dinner, I unlock the door and enter the apartment first. Kyler walks in after me and I hear the door close then she locks it. I feel Kyler's eyes on me and turn to see her still standing by the closed door just looking at me smiling. My eyes connect with hers and I see nothing but love.

   As we are both staring into each other's eyes I feel my heart beating harder and it sounds loud enough in my ears that I swear Kyler can probably hear it too. We both hurry towards each other and our lips crash together as our tongues explore each other's mouth. Our lips mold together as the intensity of the kiss grows. As a moan escapes me, Kyler quickly wraps her arms around me and hoists me up with my loose dress going up around the top of my thighs. I wrap my legs around her waist as she spins around and carries me to our bedroom.

   When Kyler's legs hit the bed, she lays me down, finally breaking our heated kiss. She looks down at me with love, adoration and admiration. I notice her eyes look glossy and she swallows hard. "Lauren, I love you so much. I never knew that I could love someone as much as I love you and sometimes this is still so hard for me to believe."

   Kyler passionately kisses me but I break the kiss with confusion gracing my face. "I love you more, sweetheart. What can you not believe though?"

   Kyler pecks my lips then lays down on the bed on her side facing me. She looks into my eyes with so much vulnerability. "I just... sometimes I just can't believe that you love me and want to be with me?"

   I smile at Kyler as I raise my hand up and gently caress her cheek. "Well believe it baby, because I love you. I will admit, sometimes it's hard for me to believe as well but I think I feel that way because of how fast my feelings for you happened. The time we spent together, the conversations we would have or just being around you... I think all contributed to my growing feelings for you. I was not expecting... well you when I first opened that door for the first time after you moved here. There was something there immediately that I could not comprehend. Like a force or magnetic pull, whatever you want to call it, that drew me to you."

   I caress Kyler's cheek again then place a tender kiss on her lips. "I don't want to question it, I just want to enjoy it because this is honestly the best feeling."

   Kyler smiles and wraps her arms around my waist and buries her face in my hair. I pull back enough to see her face. "I promise you baby, you are not the only one that finds this hard to believe at times. Sometimes it surprises me that you want to be with someone like me but you do and I am thankful for that. I am thankful that I met you even under the circumstances that it was under."

   I capture Kyler's kiss-swollen lips and she smiles as I break the kiss. I lay my head back onto the bed looking directly at her. "I love you most" we both say at the same time which causes us both to laugh. After our laughter dies down, I cuddle against Kyler and enjoy her comforting embrace as she wraps her arms around me and we both drift off into a peaceful sleep.

I Loved You Before I Met You (New Version)Where stories live. Discover now