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   I look at the stage and turn my attention to the gorgeous woman standing at the podium ready to give her speech. This is the woman who stole my heart. Lauren came into my life as an added bonus that turned into so much more and I couldn't be happier because she is without a doubt my soulmate.

   I smile as I look at Lauren and my heart starts racing as I take in her beauty. Her dirty blonde hair is perfect, the sexy burgundy dress with a hint of visible cleavage and her toned legs just add to her beauty. Those tan, toned legs that I love wrapped around me and love to have my head between. I am so damn lucky that she loves me.

   I watch Lauren as she gives her speech and her eyes constantly find mine and I smile and wink at her every time. She stutters close to the end of her speech because when she looks at me, I seductively lick my lips for her and bite my bottom lip. I know she knows what type of thoughts are running through my head especially with her in that dress and what happened in the hallway earlier.

   After all the other speeches are finished, Lauren finally starts calling out the graduates names and I'm the second one to be called. When she calls out my name I hear loud yelling in the stands and glance towards Aunt Mary, Kyle, Julia and Mr. and Mrs. James to see them on their feet clapping and yelling for me. I hear Lila along with some of the other students cheering as well.

   I walk across the stage for my diploma and as I grab it from Lauren, my fingers brush hers as her eyes find mine and I feel the butterflies in my stomach. I lick my lips then pull my bottom lip between my teeth and wink at her. Her face turns red and she shifts on her feet as she smiles at me. I smirk and walk off the stage going back to my seat.

   When Lauren calls Lila's name out I stand up and cheer and clap for her. She is such an awesome person and I'm so glad we became friends. After Lauren finishes the names she gives a closing ceremony speech and says "I now present to you the graduating class of 2020." We all stand and throw our caps in the air ready for this to be over.

   I feel free and like a weight has been taken off my shoulders now that I'm no longer a student and Lauren is no longer my principal. However the weight is replaced by sadness as reality sinks in that we're not free, we still have to hide our relationship. I take a deep breath then suddenly hear Lila call my name. When I turn around, she crashes right into me pulling me into a big hug. "We did it, now go get ya woman!" She says as she motions to the left.

   I look to the left and there is Lauren talking to a couple teachers. My heart is racing as I think about what Lila said. Maybe I will just talk to Lauren and tell her Lila's logic and see what she thinks.

   I make my way towards Lauren as she is finished talking to those teachers. All of a sudden she is stopped by another teacher, one of the arrogant male teachers at that. As she is talking to him, her eyes land on me and her eyes roam down my body and back up. She smiles at me and I smile back until I notice him brush his hand down her arm and I watch her demeanor suddenly change.

   As I get close enough to Lauren, I hear the male teacher say "I've always thought you were hot. Now that you're single, what do you say Lauren? Want me to show you a good time? Bet I can rock your world and have you begging for more." He places his hand on Lauren's waist and I immediately see red.

   "Excuse me" I say as I draw both of their attention to me. "Sorry to interrupt but Ms. James, can I speak with you?"

   Lauren looks at the douche bag and in a stern tone voice says "do not put your hands on me again. I will also advise you, if you want your job, you remain professional when speaking with me and any of the females here. And it's Principal James, don't forget that when addressing me." She turns away from him towards me.

   When Lauren's eyes lock onto mine I feel an overwhelming rush of emotions wash over me and Lila's words come to mind again. Before I even realize what I'm doing I say "Lauren, will you do me the honor and go on a date with me? I know it might not seem right but I'm no longer a student and you're no longer my principal, we are just two of age consenting adults."

   Lauren is looking at me wide eyed in shock. I smile at her as I await her answer and I hear mumbles from people around us. I quickly glance around and see the looks of a few students, parents and a couple teachers that are close to us and overheard me. They all looked shocked as well and were just watching us.

   The only person I'm interested in right now though is Lauren. I see her glossy eyes and she bites her lip as she is staring at me. I know her emotions are taking over her.

   Lauren still looks shocked and I start to panic because it was just an all of a sudden reaction to seeing her and her looking at me like she did and because I was jealous, mad or whatever you want to call it when that douche canoe touched her. I know this was not the place or time to do that but it came out before I even thought anymore about it. "Look Lauren..."

   I'm cut off when Lauren blurts out "yes, Kyler. My answer is yes, I would love to go on a date with you." I have the biggest smile on my face and oblivious to everything else, I pull her into a big hug.

   Lauren breaks the hug first, "I can't believe you just did that?" She says as she pulls away. "That was so hot seeing you so jealous of that sleaze ball." She shifts where she is standing and I definitely don't miss the way she squeezes her legs together.

   "You okay?" I ask, already knowing the possible answer.

   Lauren closes her eyes then reopens them "do I look okay?" She asks sarcastically.

   I smirk at Lauren "You look so...."

   Lauren slaps my arm as she whispers "don't finish that thought. Right now, I don't care about anything else other than you taking me home and fucking me." My eyes widen at what Lauren just said and I can tell by the look in her eyes that she means it.

   "You don't have to tell me twice, come on" I say as I start walking to the parking lot. Lauren is right behind me and catches up with me once we get to the parking lot. "What about our families?" I ask once we reach her car. She hands me the key fob and says "they will be fine, just... please take me home."

   Once we are in her Ford Edge heading to the apartment I glance at Lauren and she is staring at me while her head is resting against the seat and she is biting her lip. Her eyes are darkened with lust and I wish I could magically transport us home. I focus my attention back on the road until I hear "Kyler" softly breathed from Lauren.

   I glance at Lauren and she says "I need you to... touch me... please." She pushes her dress up and grabs my hand that was resting on the center console and puts it between her legs directly over her underwear. I feel how wet her thong is and pull it to the side exposing her soaking wet pussy.

   "Holy shit baby." I say as my fingers spread her pussy lips apart and I run a finger in between. I feel the intense throbbing between my own legs and the tingling in my lower stomach. "I'll get us home as quickly as I can." I pull my hand from between Lauren's legs and lick her arousal off my fingers as I speed up to get us home.

I Loved You Before I Met You (New Version)Where stories live. Discover now