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   Julia walks towards the door but stops and looks at me with a duh expression on her face but I'm not sure why. "From Kyler's graduation invitation you sent me. This is the return address that was on the envelope." Julia says as she answers my question.

   Realization sets in on what I did and I can't believe I done something so stupid. "Shit" I say as I run my fingers through my hair. "I was not thinking clearly when I sent Kyler's invitations out and put my address instead of her P.O. Box address. How could I have been so stupid?"

   Kyler walks over to me, wraps an arm around my waist and kisses the side of my head "you're not stupid, it was a simple mistake baby. You've had a lot going on. It's not like everyone that got an invitation is going to show up here. It will be fine."

  Julia nods in agreement "Kyler is right. I just wanted to visit a little with you and find out why you guys had moved out of that nice house. Now I know it's so you two can get your nasty on all the time."

   Julia starts laughing until I give her a stern look that says 'shut the fuck up.' "I didn't get the apartment for that. I got it after I had the divorce papers drawn up so I would have somewhere to live. Nothing was going on between Kyler and I when I got this place."

   Julia looks at me "so Mike didn't have to pay for the apartment as part of the divorce."

   I shake her head "no, I literally said earlier that I had got the apartment before divorcing Mike. I used some of my inheritance and paid for a six month lease. I figured that would give me time to figure out if I want to buy a house or not."

   Kyler looks at me with a shocked look because she didn't know I had an inheritance. "Lauren" she says as I look at her, "I didn't know you had an inheritance."

   I nod my head "umm... yeah our grandfather on mom's side left money to Julia and me. Julia used some of hers for college and since I had already finished college I left mine alone as more of an emergency fund and just let it draw interest."

   Kyler shrugs "okay that's cool. Did Mike know about it? Not trying to be nosy but how much are you talking? You don't have to tell me so don't feel pressured to do so. I just know these apartments are not cheap."

   I smile as I think about my grandfather. "He left each of us $500,000. I took out close to $20,000 for the apartment including furnishing it and utilities. After the divorce was finalized I put all that back into that savings account since I got money from the divorce plus the inheritance had been drawing interest the past seven years. Also no, Mike didn't know about it." All Kyler could do was nod her head in understanding.

   Julia and I both laugh at the shocked look on Kyler's face. I lean in kissing her softly on her lips. Before it gets heated Julia clears her throat "seriously you two" and I pull away smiling. As I turn back to Julia, Kyler smacks my ass. I squeal and glance back at her biting my lip because that turns me on.

   Julia opens the door to leave "bye you two, have fun sucking face and I will see you both in a few days. Kyler, graduation dinner for you two is on me, just figure out where you want to go. I honestly don't see how you two can be around each other at school when you can't seem to keep your hands or mouths off of each other but I'm glad to see my sister this happy."

   Kyler laughs "trust me it's very hard but we make it work even though I just want to rip her clothes off and take her on her desk."

   I whip my head around looking at her because I can't believe she would say that. "Kyler!" She just laughs at my expression.

   "What? It's true." Kyler says with a smirk.

   Julia laughs "you two are too much, bye" she says as she closes the door.

   Once Julia is gone I turn to Kyler because I know she probably has more questions about the inheritance. "I hope you're not mad that I didn't tell you about the inheritance. It's not something I go around telling people and I was going to tell you once I felt like you were in this relationship for the long haul." I really hope she understands and is not mad.

   Kyler takes my hands in hers and caresses the tops of my hands with her thumbs. "I understand why you didn't say anything and I'm not mad. I would have done the same thing if I were in your shoes." I squeeze her hands thankful "I know I didn't tell Mike but for some reason I felt like I shouldn't. I know that sounds bad since he was my husband but I always wondered if I actually was in love with him. I never felt anything with him like I do with you. Something always felt off. I know I should not have married him but I thought it was what I wanted. I was 21 and stupid."

   Kyler stares at me for a few seconds like she is thinking about what I said. I know it's probably a little weird hearing me talk about my relationship with Mike. I actually hate that I even brought him up. I just said it without even thinking. I realize by the look on Kyler's face how awkward the conversation was for her. "Sorry for talking about him to you."

   Kyler shrugs "it's okay. It's just weird hearing you talk about him like that, especially with us being together now."

   I get lost in thought I guess over the whole reality of our situation. What if I slip up like that again or Kyler decides she can't be with me? "Don't you start overthinking and second guessing all of this."

   I finally look at Kyler and slightly smile. "Do you want something to eat?"

   Kyler smirks at me as she wraps her arms around the lower part of my waist resting her hands on my ass then gives it a squeeze with both hands. "Yeah I do want something to eat and I want your lesbian lunchbox."

   I burst out laughing and shake my head "I was being serious, Kyler."
Kyler nods, "so was I, Lauren." She moves her hands right below my ass, lifting me up and puts me over her shoulder.

I Loved You Before I Met You (New Version)Where stories live. Discover now