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   I peck her cheek and laugh a little as I get off the bed and go to the bathroom to clean the vibrator. When I come back to the bed she is still laying in the same spot and I get back in bed as I watch the rise and fall of her chest and I lay down beside her.

   Lauren turns on her side facing me and snuggles into me with a slight smile on her face. I drape an arm over her and lightly rub my hand up and down her back. "You're glowing so I guess you enjoyed that and it was pretty good?" I ask as I kiss her head.

   She nods her head and says "yes and so fucking good" and she kisses my chest. I run my fingers through her hair and she kisses my chest again. I pull her tighter against me and I hear her whisper "I love you Kyler. I love you so much."

   I wrap my arm tighter around her "I love you Lauren, more than you will ever know." We lay here just enjoying each other's embrace and the peace and quiet of the moment. Content in our current state, and the feeling of being in each other's arms, we both close our eyes and drift off to sleep.

   I wake up suddenly to Lauren kissing my exposed breasts and teasing my nipples. She uses her tongue, lips and teeth on my hardened nipples and quickly turns me on more and more as the throbbing between my legs intensifies. She kisses down the valley of my breasts to my toned abs and across my hip bones. She continues on and pushes my legs open and settles there.

   I lift my head up and look at her as she kisses my right inner thigh. I gasp at the feeling and her eyes quickly look up at me. She moves to my left inner thigh and smirks at me before kissing it and nipping with her teeth. She attaches her lips again on my right inner thigh and this time sucks hard and I know it will leave a hickey.

   Lauren releases the skin and kisses her way to my pussy and lightly brushes over my folds with her tongue. I push my hips upward but she kisses back down to my inner thighs. She nips at the newly formed hickey and licks it before kissing back up and hovering over my pussy. I feel her hot breath on me as she is slowly teasing me by kissing and licking all around my clit.

   The more Lauren teases me, the more aroused I am becoming and I start thrusting my hips looking for the desired pleasure. "Please..." is the only word I get out before she suddenly takes my clit in her mouth and sucks hard. I grab Lauren's hair pushing her more into me and grind my hips. She flicks her tongue across my swollen clit a few times then sucks hard again.

   Lauren spreads my legs wider as I'm grinding against her mouth. She groans against me as she slips her tongue inside my wet folds and tongue fucks me quickly. She removes her tongue and goes straight to my clit. It doesn't take long and my back arches off the bed and my thighs tighten around her head as a loud moan escapes my lips and I cum all over her mouth. I thrust my hips a couple more times as I'm coming down from my climax then lay back on the bed.

   Lauren continues to lick and suck all over my pussy cleaning up all of my cum that she can. I finally loosen my thighs from around her head and she kisses her way up my body. "Give me a minute and I will..." I start saying but before I can finish Lauren interrupts me. "I'm good baby, I wanted to wake you up to something... very good. However, we do need to get up anyway and definitely shower before your graduation dinner." I groan because I honestly want to stay in bed cuddling..

   "Well that was very good to wake up to, beautiful." I wrap my arms around Lauren, keeping her from getting out of bed.

   Lauren pecks my lips "we need to get up and shower baby so we can get ready. We have to meet everyone at Olive Garden at 7 and it's a few minutes after 5 now." I reach out and grab her hands and pull her on top of me.

   I smirk at Lauren, "why can't we just have each other for dinner?"

   Lauren laughs and places kisses all over my face. "You are absolutely adorable but we are not canceling dinner with everyone. Yesterday was a big day for you and we are definitely celebrating." She gets off the bed and I roll over on my stomach then feel a slap on my ass. I look back at Lauren and she is grinning at me then says "come on, we can shower together so it's quicker. But... no funny business and I mean it."

   I get out of bed laughing and Lauren grabs my hand pulling me to the bathroom. I lean against the bathroom doorway as I watch her in all her naked glory turn the knob in the shower on so the water can heat up. Sometimes it's hard for me to believe that Lauren actually loves me. She could be with anyone but she wants me. I know she loves me because it's in her eyes, the way she looks at me, talks to me, it's everything.

   After a couple minutes of letting the water heat up, she steps into the shower under the warm water. I pull away from the door frame and I step in behind her quickly closing the glass shower door.

   Lauren closes her eyes as the warm water is running over her. My eyes travel down, taking in every wet curve and detail of her amazing body. "I can feel you staring," Lauren says with a laugh.

   My eyes travel back up to meet Lauren's ocean blue eyes. "You're so beautiful," I whisper right before I claim her lips with a loving kiss.

   Lauren shakes her head and laughs as she pulls away from the kiss. She sternly says "we can't waste anymore time. Turn around and I will wash your hair real quick." Lauren says as she rolls her eyes at me so I turn and she lathers the shampoo and starts washing my hair and occasionally her breasts brush against my back. She isn't purposely creating contact but it is definitely sending tingles down my spine and turning me on again.

   When Lauren is done washing my hair I wash hers but try to be careful and not brush against her because I know if there is anymore skin to skin contact in this shower, we will not be going anywhere. As much as I would be fine with that, I don't want to piss Lauren off since she put forth the effort to get everyone together for dinner tonight.

   We both bathe rather quickly and make sure not to touch or stare at each other's naked bodies. The sexual tension inside the shower is at an all time high and we both want the same thing but know there is no time. We get out of the shower and dry off then get ready.

   I decided to wear black ripped jeans with black ankle booties and a loose fitting cream button down short sleeve blouse that's short in the front and longer in the back. I put my hair in a messy bun with a few pieces loose to frame my face and minimal makeup. I'm waiting in the living room for Lauren to finish getting ready when I suddenly hear her walking down the hall.

   I stand by the door and look in Lauren's direction as she walks into the living room. One look at her causes my legs to go weak and my mouth to become dry. She is wearing a spaghetti strap cream colored dress with a plunging v-neck that comes mid thigh and black sandals. It's a simple sundress but she is absolutely beautiful. Lauren catches my attention when she steps closer and asks "is this dress too much?"

   I shake my head no as my eyes travel down her body and back up. "It's not the dress baby, it's you in the dress." Her cheeks flush with a hint of pink as she looks away from my gaze. "Shall we go?" I ask and she nods her head and takes my hand.

   Once we arrive at Olive Garden and everyone is already outside waiting on us. We all walk in together and quickly get escorted to our table. We are sitting at a large table with of course Lauren and I sitting side by side. Across from Lauren is her parents, then on the other side of her is Julia. Aunt Mary is sitting directly in front of me and Kyle is sitting by her.

   Lauren's sundress looks so good on her. Hell, she looks good in anything she wears but there is something about this simple dress that makes her look even more beautiful and so alluring. Her legs are visible because of the length of the dress and even with her legs partially under the edge of the table, I can't help but stare. As the waiter comes around and takes our drink and food orders my attention is pulled away from Lauren's sexy legs. We all fall into nice conversations while waiting on our drinks.

   Lauren is talking to her parents and Aunt Mary but stops as our drinks are sat in front of each of us. Once the waiter leaves they pick back up on their conversation. I glance down, taking in Lauren's smooth legs again. I have a lot of thoughts running through my head right now and most are not appropriate things to do in public. I'm snapped out of my very inappropriate thoughts when I hear Lauren very sternly call my name.

   I look up at Lauren and her face is completely red. "Kyler, you have got to stop looking at me like that." Lauren whispers to me and I can't help the knowing smirk that makes its way to my lips.

I Loved You Before I Met You (New Version)Where stories live. Discover now