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   Mr. Jones looks at me, "Ms. James, are you saying these allegations are in fact true? You know if they are then you are out of a job and I will have to report you. You will also lose your teaching license and can never be a principal or teacher again. Luckily for you, you will not go to jail since Ms. Adams is 18. And as for you Ms. Adams, you will be expelled for the rest of the year and will repeat your senior year."

   I sigh but before I can say anything, Kyler quickly says, "Okay, I will tell you the truth Mr. Jones." I snap my attention to her and he looks at her and nods. "Okay Ms. Adams, I'm listening," he says.

   Kyler glances at me and gives me a look that I don't quite understand then turns her attention back to Mr. Jones. "The truth is... I am living with Lauren, I mean Ms. James. I am living with her because my so-called father kicked me out for being a lesbian. Since Ms. James and I are friends, she offered me her spare bedroom since I have no other family here and had nowhere to live. My only family is in Pensacola where I moved from in March. School is already over there so if I went back there I would have to repeat my senior year. She didn't want me to have to repeat my senior year because of my father's actions."

   Mr. Jones looks at me "is this true Ms. James?"

   I glance at Kyler then at Mr. Jones. "Yes sir it is. It was not fair to Kyler for her to repeat her senior year for something that was out of her control and wasn't her fault."

   Suddenly I hear Kyler mumble "it's my fault your marriage ended." I look up and look at her real quick hoping Mr. Jones didn't hear her and telling her to shut up with my eyes.

   Of course Mr. Jones had to hear Kyler also. "So if your marriage ended Ms. James because of Ms. Adams then I'm guessing the sexual relationship is true."

   "No sir, I think you misunderstood me. I meant that I blame myself because I'm the one that told Ms. James about Mike's past when I revealed his lies and secrets. It has nothing to do with a sexual relationship between the two of us." Kyler quickly defends which I am thankful for.

   Before Kyler can continue I cut in. "Kyler, that's enough. Mr. Jones I will resign as I have already stated and you can take any other actions you need to take against me. Yes, I was wrong for not notifying the board about Kyler's home situation but with so little days left of school at the time; I figured there would be no issue. Clearly I was wrong and I apologize for not contacting you about the situation. Nobody knew about it and I'm not sure how Mike found out either unless he had been following Kyler to my apartment. She should not have to pay for me not following protocol and for her father's stupidity and hatefulness by not being able to graduate this year."

   Mr. Jones looks at me taking in everything I said. "Well, Ms. James I understand why you allowed her to live with you but you should have contacted me about the issue. I'm willing to let that slide because that is not my main concern. My main concern is the sexual relationship allegation between the two of you."

   "Mr. Jones, I have a... girlfriend. I care about her a lot and never want to do anything to screw that up. She means everything to me."  Kyler says in a rush and I just look at her. About that time my office door opens and I see Lila standing there. Before I can ask why she rudely burst into my office, Kyler rushes over to her. I watch as Kyler drapes her arm over Lila's shoulder and smiles at her. They look at each other for a couple seconds then I see Kyler whisper something to Lila and she just smiles. "Mr. Jones, this is my girlfriend... Lila." Kyler states as she focuses on the superintendent. Her what? This better be a joke.

   Mr. Jones nobs his head. "Well, if this is your girlfriend then why did you rush through Ms. James' door like you were coming to see her?" Kyler looks at me then back to Lila. I look at her arm over Lila's shoulder again then I watch as she pulls Lila into her side and I feel a knot form in my stomach.

   "Oh, like I said earlier, Lila had told me she was coming to see Ms. James during lunch and when I got here I heard Ms. James talking so I thought she was talking to Lila. Isn't that right Lila?" Kyler says as she looks at Lila and licks her lips.

   "Yes that's right baby, I was just late getting here. We are so crazy about each other sir. I love her and she loves me." Lila caresses Kylers cheek with one hand as her other hand goes under the bottom hem of Kyler's shirt where she rest her hand. I feel so many emotions wash over me as I see the two of them. "She is the love of my life." Lila lovingly says right before she pecks Kylers lips then grabs her ass. I am shocked and hurt by their interactions and I look away because I honestly do not want to see Kyler like that with someone else.

   "Okay, no need for such a crude public display of affection. You can go now and I will be finished with your girlfriend in just a few minutes." Mr. Jones says.

   Lila nods then quickly grabs Kyler's face and kisses her lips hard. As she pulls away she says "see ya in a few, baby." I feel a knot in my stomach and tears in my eyes but I try my hardest to keep them from falling. Kyler quickly wipes her mouth then looks at me. I look down at my lap instead of at her and quickly wipe my cheek, wiping a stray tear away.

   Once Lila closes the door, Kyler sits back down "if we are done now, I have a class starting soon. As you can see there is nothing going on between Ms. James and myself. When she was married to Mike we became friends. She was trying to be a good friend by helping me."

   At first I thought the whole Lila being Kyler's girlfriend was just a ruse but I'm not sure now. Not after the kisses, especially the last one. Kyler was adamant about being in a relationship with me but maybe I was just a game for her. I thought what we had was actually special. I'm just not sure exactly what to think right now.

   I snap out of my wandering thoughts when I hear Mr. Jones. "Yes, I think everything is cleared up. Ms. James, your resignation is not needed. I apologize for this situation and see now that it was just a case of someone apparently being bitter. However, if I get one more concern on the same issues then I will fire you Ms. James and Ms. Adams, you will be expelled. I hope I make myself clear. You're free to go Ms. Adams and thank you for your cooperation."

   I nod and so does Kyler then she says. "I know it was Mike Adams. You don't have to tell me but I know it was because he is bitter and nobody else knows about his and Lauren's divorce." Mr. Jones looks between me and Kyler and just nods his head.

   "Thank you Mr. Jones" Kyler says as she heads for the door to leave my office. I don't even look her way as she leaves. I hear "have a good day Ms. James" but I do not look up. I just slightly nod my head while looking down at my desk. I hear Kyler sigh then the door closes behind her.

   Mr. Jones leaves a few seconds later and I am left alone in my office with my wandering thoughts again and emotions all over the place.

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