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   I turn onto my back and a couple seconds later, Lauren turns on her side slightly resting against my chest. Her head rests against the crook of my neck and I wrap my arm around her, pulling her closer. "You're so comfortable." She mumbles and I can't stop the smile on my face. I know at this moment, if someone walks into my room it would raise questions but I don't care. I just want to sleep next to Lauren with her in my arms while I have the chance. I know this will never happen again though as I close my eyes and drift off to sleep too.

   I wake up the next morning feeling rested and my phone starts ringing. Looking around I realize Lauren is no longer in my bed. I reach for my phone to see who is calling and it's Lila. It's 7:30 a.m. so why is she calling this early on a Saturday but I answer anyway. After talking to her for about 30 minutes, she tells me that the new 18 and over club is opening tonight and that we are definitely going. Her cousin is getting us the arm bands so we can drink which is a plus for me.

   I head downstairs to the kitchen and Lauren is leaning against the counter already dressed for the day. I walk up beside her and hop onto the countertop. "Good morning." I say as I nudge her with my leg. She slightly smiles "good morning." I study her for a second and ask "Did you sleep well?"

   Lauren blushes a little and moves to stand at the island like she is putting space between us. "Yes, I did. Best sleep I've had in awhile but... what we did was so wrong."

   "We didn't do anything but sleep Lauren. There's nothing wrong with that."

   Lauren shakes her head as she is looking down, "no Kyler, it was wrong. The way we were wrapped in each other's arms this morning, it was... wrong." It feels like my heart is being squeezed by her words. It hurts even though I didn't know we were in each other's arms and I was already kind of expecting her to be weird about us falling asleep together.

   "Lauren it was not wrong, it's not like we had sex, we just slept. It was the best sleep I've had in a while too. So how can you say it was wrong especially when it felt so right? I can tell you have feelings for me, like I have feelings for you."

   Lauren picks her head up and sighs, "Kyler, I...." She swallows hard then continues, "I-I don't know what you're talking about. Even if I did, which I don't, nothing could or would ever happen between us, I am married. Please don't do this okay. Just let it go and let's pretend it never happened." After that, she walks away and goes upstairs. Was she going to admit she has feelings for me? I know I'm not imagining the attraction being only one sided between us.

   I decided to go back to bed and try to forget this morning and her words as much as possible.
When I wake back up, it's a little after 12 p.m. and I can honestly say I am really ready for tonight. After everything yesterday, all the other crap with Mike and now with Lauren, I need to let go and forget everything.

   After looking through my closet I realize I don't have a dress so I decide to head to the mall and find one. I sent a text to Lila for her to meet me there in 30 minutes. I haven't used much of my 'allowance' so it's just been building up. Might as well put some of it to good use for a dress to look sexy as hell.

   I decide to change clothes, so I throw on a pair a black Adidas pants, a white tank top and Adidas shoes then head downstairs. Lauren and Julia are sitting at the island when I walk into the kitchen and Julia is looking at something on her phone. "Good afternoon sleepy head." Lauren says as her eyes involuntarily travel down my body and back up. She seems totally fine now like this morning didn't happen or she's just trying to act normal in front of Julia.

   I shake my head, "yeah, good afternoon. I'm heading over to North Star mall for a little bit. Is that okay?"

   Lauren nods her head as she glances at me again. "Okay sweetie. Do you want something for lunch before going?" she asks.

   "No thank you, I'm meeting Lila there and I can grab a bite there."

   Julia looks up from her phone "holy shit." Lauren and I look at her like she is crazy. Julia is looking at me and finally says "I didn't know you had tattoosare even sexier with them. Damn, if..."

   Lauren sternly says "shut it Julia."

   Julia looks at her "what, I can't compliment Kyler? Sorry Lauren but damn...."

   Lauren looks at Julia "please shut the hell up Julia!" she basically yells. Lauren is looking at her sister with anger and... jealousy in her eyes... again. Julia stops talking after Lauren's outburst and when she sees the pissed look on Lauren's face and glances between me and Lauren.

   We all fall quite after Lauren's outburst and there's a weird tension in the room. I figure this is a good time for me to leave. Before leaving I look at Lauren, "Lila and I are going out tonight if that's okay with you?"

   Lauren sighs, "sure, that's fine just be home no later than 2 a.m. please. Unfortunately, I'm actually going out with Julia tonight so please be careful but call me if you need anything." She needs a night to relax for sure.

   "Okay I will and hope y'all have a good night too." I say over my shoulder as I'm heading to the garage. I stop when I get to the door "shit." I know Lauren heard me since as soon as I turn around she is already looking at me. "Sorry, I forgot Mike took the car from me."

   Lauren gets up from her seat and grabs her car keys. She walks over to me "here, use mine and I will ride with Julia since we had planned an afternoon and night together anyway."

   I glance at the keys in her hand. "Are you sure?"

   Lauren smiles at me "yes, it's fine Kyler just be careful."

   I pull her into me for a quick hug and squeeze her "thank you" I say next to her ear and I feel her shiver in my arms. I release the hug and can't help but smirk at her. She glances down at my lips then clears her throat turning back to the island where Julia is sitting there watching us.

   I definitely know that Lauren feels something between us with the way she responds to me and with how pissed she got with Julia. Why does she have to be married to my sperm donor? Why is the one person I have to fall far completely off limits? Why do I keep torturing myself with the thought of her?

I Loved You Before I Met You (New Version)Where stories live. Discover now