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   The past three days seemed to fly by and today is finally our wedding day. Lauren stayed with Julia at the hotel so we wouldn't see each other until the wedding. After our pre wedding dinner and gifts, I asked Kyle to walk me down the aisle. He was shocked but excited and screamed "yes". Lauren had already asked her dad to walk her down the aisle and both her dad and Kyle went Thursday morning for their navy suit fittings.

   Lauren and I met with the wedding company Thursday to go over any last minute details and to decide who would walk down the aisle first. Lauren's logic was since she asked me to marry her after she had given back her engagement ring that she should walk out first and because she is older. To me that was crazy logic. I wanted to walk out first since I asked her to marry me first and because I wanted to see her walking towards me. It wasn't a big deal and she got her way because... I wanted to see her happy and I'm just happy to be marrying her.

   My stomach feels like it was in my throat from the nervousness and butterflies as we are waiting. I don't know why I'm so nervous, hell I'm marrying Lauren. Katie is checking over my hair which she had fixed in loose curls draped over my bare shoulders and my makeup had a light finish. I looked down at myself and I'm glad I decided on a dress. It is a sleeveless dress that is fairly simple yet kind of fancy. It's made of a soft satin fabric with a lace overlay that hugged my body down to my hips where it slightly went out and flowed down to my ankles. The white color really popped against my tan complexion. We decided to go barefoot for the ceremony since we were on the beach which I was happy about.

   "I can't believe this is happening." Katie says as she wraps her arms around me from behind and squeezes me. I shake my head because I honestly can't believe it either.

   We suddenly hear Kyle ask "are you ready?" I nod and take his extended arm as he leads me through the sand to the starting point. Our friends and family are standing and our two maids of honor are standing with the minister and the photographer.

   Kyle leads me to the entrance of a smoothed aisle in the sand lined with small lanterns and scattered with rose petals. I look straight ahead and see Lauren's dad walking her the rest of the way down the aisle. Her spaghetti strap lace covered dress nearly matches mine and looks beautiful on her. The bottom flows with each step and she looks like an angel floating through the air.

   Lauren's dad stops them at an arbor adorned with fresh champagne colored roses and navy netting fixed around it. He kisses her check and walks off to take his seat. It feels like my heart stops as Lauren turns around to face the way she just came. My knees feel weak and apparently Kyle notices because he says "I've got you," as he tightens his grip and steps forward to lead me down the aisle to my waiting fiancé.

   I lock eyes with Lauren and I swear my breath is stolen from my lungs and everything around me stops. Her dirty blonde hair is curled and touches the tops of her shoulders and she has the biggest smile on her gorgeous face. She is breathtakingly beautiful and just looking into her loving blue eyes makes all my nervousness disappear. Her eyes never leave mine and we are both smiling like idiots. My face hurts from smiling so much but I can't stop.

   I honestly don't even remember walking down the aisle until we stop in front of Lauren and Kyle passes my hands to her. We both smile at each other with a watery smile and hold each other's hands tight. As I'm standing in front of her I say "you look so damn beautiful" causing her to blush.

   Lauren whispers "you look beautiful too" right before the minister clears her throat to begin the ceremony. Our eyes stay locked on each other and I stare at my soon to be wife as the minister's words become background noise and I'm lost in everything that is Lauren.

   I'm snapped out of my staring when I feel Lauren squeeze my hand and I'm asked by the minister if I would like to say my vows. I nod my head as I glance at the minister then lock my eyes with Lauren's again. "Lauren, my love, you have changed my life. You have taught me to love and what it's like to be truly loved and to take the risk of vulnerability. I love you - not only for who you are but also for who I am when I'm with you and for the part of me that you bring out. You make me feel complete."

   "I have often said I believe I loved you before I met you. I still believe that is the truest way to explain our undeniable connection. We were definitely made for each other."

   "I want to laugh, cry, plan, adventure, raise a family and live a zestful fulfilling life with you. This commitment is very serious to me and I am so very honored and happy to be standing here today announcing my love to you."

   "I promise to cherish you; to honor you and to listen intently; to hold you gently when you are afraid; softly kiss you when you are hurting; and to love you so passionately."

   "With patience and compassion, I promise to support you through the changes and challenges of our lives together. I promise to be faithful and honest, and to stand by your side, as we grow old together."

   "My companion, lover, friend - I promise to be the very best me that I can.... For you, for us and for all time."

   Lauren has tears running down her cheeks and I want to wipe them away but she tightens her grip on my hands to keep me from trying. I stroke her knuckles with my thumbs letting her know I'm here and it's okay. The minister says "now Lauren it's your turn."

   Lauren gives me a watery smile as she locks eyes with me again. "Kyler... you are my anchor, my rock - supporting me and steadying me with your love. On this day, in front of our friends and family, I pledge my love and steadiness to you."

   "Your honesty has taught me to be true to myself. You have helped me and continue to help me fight my insecurities. I feel stronger in your presence, knowing you are always in my corner."

   "We may not have known each other or been together very long but it seems like a lifetime ago that I met you. We have certainly gone through ups and downs since our rocky start but you stayed my companion, my friend, my lover and never gave up on me. For that, I thank you and will forever be grateful."

   "I promise to hold you firmly as we venture through life together. I promise to always defend your right to be you and to care for you when you are sick and celebrate with you in health."

   "I promise to laugh often and pull together during hard times. I promise to work to be my best, most authentic self, every day."

   "And so, Kyler, today I pledge my love to you. I promise to be your ardent lover, your faithful companion, your steadfast friend, your greatest cheerleader, and above all, hold you gently, but firmly, as the love of my life as long as we both shall live."

   I find it hard to breathe as Lauren finishes her vows as the small breeze coming off the water brushes against the tears on my cheeks.

   "Do you, Lauren Alisha James, take Kyler Shay Adams to be your lawfully wedded wife?" The minister speaks, breaking the silence that surrounds us.

   "I do." Lauren immediately says as she smiles at me with the biggest smile I think I've ever seen grace her delicious lips.

   "And do you Kyler Shay Adams, take Lauren Alisha James to be your lawfully..."

   "Yes, fuck yes." Everyone suddenly starts laughing including Lauren and she shakes her head. "I mean... I do." I smile apologetically at the minister and she laughs too.

   The minister continues and says "the wedding ring is a symbol of an unbroken circle of your love for each other. It should always remind you of your commitment and vows to one another. Please present each other with the wedding rings."

   Katie hands me Lauren's wedding ring and I slip it on her left hand next to her engagement ring. Julia hands Lauren my wedding ring and with shaky hands, she slips it on my left hand next to my engagement ring. We smile at each other as the minister says "By the power invested in me by the state of Florida, I now pronounce you wife and wife. You may now..."

   I didn't wait for the minister to finish those last few words as I cup Lauren's face with both hands gently and bring her lips to mine. Our lips meet with a familiar but new feeling and we both smile against each other's lips. I press my lips firmly against hers, deepening it into a passionate kiss. Her arms quickly wrap around my waist as she pulls me firmly against her and we are lost in the moment as cheers and clapping erupt around us.

   As we pull apart I smile at Lauren "I love you Mrs. James."

   Lauren smiles at me and caresses my cheek, "I love you too Mrs. James."

I Loved You Before I Met You (New Version)Where stories live. Discover now