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   I wake up Friday morning to the sound of my alarm going off at 5:45. I groan as I shut it off then slip out of bed and make my way to the bathroom to quickly shower. I can't believe Kyler is officially done with high school. I'm going to miss her coming to my office or just seeing her around campus. I know it's a good thing for us that she's no longer a student but I will miss her being there. I wonder if she has made a decision on which college she wants to go to?"

   After showering, then drying off, I brush and floss my teeth. Once I use mouthwash, I walk back into the bedroom so I can get ready. I catch Kyler's gaze in the mirror as I am getting dressed. "What are you doing awake?" I ask as I glance at her over my shoulder.

   "I want to go to work with you today to help you with end of the year stuff. After all, I'm part of the reason you didn't get any of it done yesterday." Kyler says as she is getting out of bed. I smile and she stops to kiss my cheek on her way to the bathroom.

   "I'm leaving at 6:45" I call out as Kyler is stepping in the shower.

   By the time I have coffee and a quick breakfast ready, Kyler walks into the kitchen showered, fully dressed and ready to go. "Why do you want to go to work with me today?" I ask as I quickly wash the dirty dishes.

   "Like I said, I want to help you and just spend time with you, beautiful." Kyler answers truthfully.

   I smile at Kyler then glance at her watch, "let's go then and thank you, I appreciate your help."

   We get to the school at 7 and head straight to my office. I line Kyler up on things to do while I'm taking care of other things. About 7:15 there's a knock on the door "come in" I say as I continue typing away on my laptop.

   Mrs. Scott walks in and brings some papers to me, laying them on the corner of my desk. On her way out says "Kyler sweetie, come help me move some boxes of paper." Mrs. Scott is in her 70s and she is sweet as can be. Of course Kyler politely and eagerly agrees to help her and off they go.

   I glance at the papers Mrs. Scott put on my desk and noticed there's two invoices with checks I need to sign. I quickly sign them then get up so I can take them back to Mrs. Scott. As I open my office door I hear "I think it's sweet that you came to help Lauren out."

   I smile and ease my door back closed instead of interrupting their conversation that obviously isn't meant for me to hear. I walk back to my desk and right after sitting back down, Kyler opens my office door and walks back in with a smile on her face. "Did you finish helping Mrs. Scott?"

   Kyler laughs a little "yeah I did. Umm, I need to tell you something but don't want you to freak out." I squint my eyes at her, trying to figure out what she is going to say. "So... Mrs. Scott knows about us but she said she would never tell anyone because we love each other."

   I smile and shake my head "I swear, that woman always knows everything. Thank you for telling me but I'm not worried about her. I trust her and that explains the look she always gives me when you're around."

   Kyler leans against the side of my desk as she fixes her gaze on me. "Her exact words were "you two fancy each other."" I laugh at her choice of words. "She also said you can't wipe the smile off of your face when I'm around or when you talk about me."

   I feel my face heat up and playfully roll my eyes as I look up at Kyler. "She's not wrong." I honestly admit.

   "She wasn't wrong about my observation of you either. She said I act like you are the only person in the room and that my eyes are always glued to you." Kyler laughs with a shrug of her shoulders.

   Kyler moves beside my chair then leans down and gently kisses my lips. "Kyler!" I quickly stand and put some space between the two of us. In one quick step, Kyler steps forward, grabs me by my hips and pulls me to her.

   "Baby relax okay, remember I'm no longer a student here." Kyler moves one hand to my cheek and kisses me again. I relax because she is right and kiss her back.

   Once I pull away from our kiss I look at Kyler and smile. "Okay, you find something to busy yourself with because I've got papers to take to some teachers."

   "I can take the papers for you, just tell me where they need to go. Are they all going to one department or various ones?" Kyler offers but I would rather take care of this myself even though I have plenty of other things I need to do.

   I shake my head "they're all for the English department but I'm taking them." I end up saying with more of a short tone than I meant to.

   "If it's not confidential I will take them so you can finish up other things. It's really no problem. I know you have a lot to do." Kyler offers sincerely once more.

   I shake my head again "you're not going to deliver this to the English Department. I will be back shortly." I head for her office door but I am stopped by Kyler's gentle hand on my shoulder.

   Kyler turns me so I'm facing her. "Why not Lauren? What's wrong with me..." then it's like it dawns on her as to why I don't want her to go. Ms. Smith is there. "Do you not trust me?"

   I sigh, "Kyler, it's not you that I don't trust."

   Kyler smirks at me. "So you're jealous?"

   I roll my eyes "I'm not jealous, I just don't...."

   Kyler steps closer "just admit it, you're jealous."

   For some reason I feel a rush of irritation wash over me at Kyler's playful banter because she is right, I am jealous. "For fucks sake Kyler just stop. I don't want you around her, okay. Can you honestly blame me though. I mean it was just a few months ago that you nearly had your tongue down her throat." I turn back around and walk out my office door shaking my head. I know I should not have gotten mad but I did and it's not because I don't trust Kyler because I do. I just don't want them around each other in case Tylisha does like her plus it makes me remember the sight of walking in on them. Just the thought of Kyler kissing someone else hurts. I know that's stupid and I know I definitely came across as jealous. I will make sure I apologize when I get back to my office.

I Loved You Before I Met You (New Version)Where stories live. Discover now