Chapter 1: Weak

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Devale: (Angry) Crystal I'm about to lose my shit, fucking TALK. I'm done playing games with you, is he MY son?

Crystal: (Crying) Devale please calm down, you're scaring me and my baby. Please just give him to me, just please give me my baby.

Devale: Oh so now you're afraid of me, do you really think I would do anything to hurt him. He is MY son RIGHT? Stop looking at me dumb and answer the fucking question before I take him foreal.

Aden: Is squirming in Devale arms and reaches for Fatima when Devale starts yelling.

Crystal: Devale, just give him to me then we can talk, I swear. (Sobbing) give me my baby, just give me my baby, please.

Devale: Notices Aden is starting to get upset, so he rocks him a little before finally handing him to Crystal.

Crystal: Hugs her son so tight, kisses him all over while making sure he is physically ok. Keeping her eye on Devale while simultaneously preparing herself to breastfeed her 9 month old baby boy. She is still crying because she honestly didn't know where her child was for the better part of the afternoon. She looks at Devale with so much hate in her heart that tears start to fall.

Devale: What the fuck you crying for, I'm the one being forced out of my sons life.
Stfu with all that crying shit because it's your fucking fault I took him. If you would've just given him to me when I asked all this could have been avoided. Plus you know I wouldn't harm him. You need to understand he is MY son too, or is he?

Crystal: I swear I hate the day I met you, I never thought this would be you. You KIDNAPPED OUR SON bro. I told you you could take him this weekend but Devale is going to do exactly wtf he wants. Fuck the fact that he is a BABY on a fucking schedule. Did you feed him, change him, play with him, bond with him. No, you fucking signed him out if daycare then went on dnd to be spiful to ME. You have done some shit but this is unforgivable. I've been a mess since 2pm and you KNOW it. Why D, why would you do that to me? Do you really hate me that much?

Devale: Fuck all of that, is he my son or not. Because according to Chelsea he isn't. I want to know the truth RIGHT FUCKING NOW.

Crystal: Wait wait wait what? The fact that you're entertaining ANYTHING she says is wild. This is the same bitch who tried to fuck you repeatedly when we were together but suddenly her word is Bible? She must be fucking you real good for you to act this way, she a dumb lying hoe and you a bitch a nigga for this shit. Yall deserve each other.

Devale: Crystal you saying a whole lot of words when I only need to hear a yes or a no.

He makes direct contact with her, looking for any sign of deception.

Aden is relaxed in his Crystal's arm getting diaper change. He is falling asleep after getting Milk wasted.

Crystal: Devale

Devale: Crystal yes or no?

Crystal: Yes since you need me to say it but you already knew the answer. Devale, I never cheated on you. I gave so much of myself to you that I lost me. You got me pregnant on purpose just to question if he is yours behind what a that hoe said.
I tried to play fair but after today's stunt I just don't know.

Devale: I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking straight. I shouldn't have taken him from daycare without you knowing. That's my bad Crys.

Crystal: Your Bad? ARE YOU FUCKING FOREAL. I can't with you, matter of fact get out just go.

Devale: I'm not leaving until we talk about this.

Crystal: No. Fuck that and fuck you Devale. Get the fuck out NOW.

Crystal still crying can't even look at Devale, she takes Aden in his room then heads to her room and slams the door leaving Devale right where he stands. A few seconds later she hears the door shut. Assuming he left she finally breaks down. She is thankful her son is safe but so hurt that her relationship with Devale officially over.

She cries until she has no voice and a migraine. She hears Aden cooing from his room, she takes deep breaths preparing for Mommy mode. She never wanted kids but here she is somebody's momma and a damn good one at that.

She goes to pick him out of the crib but he isn't there. Before panick can set in she see Devale in the rocking chair playing with Aden.

Crystal: Takes Aden from him. I told you to leave over 30 mins ago, why are you still here. Haven't you done enough damage for one day.

Devale sees how fragile she is, he says nothing at all. He debates pushing her to have the conversation they need to but know she isn't in the right headspace. He grabs his keys and heads out.

Crystal breaks down, holding her son. This hurts, she usually so strong and just let shot roll off her back. She hates to admit it but she loves and is still in love with Devale.

She knows she is strong and resilient but not in this moment. In this moment she is...Weak.

Ok yall, this is my first book. Give me feedback and suggestions. Also shot out to some of my favorite writers. DeniseDavis30 ClarenciaR2 FlyMiiaa iceemeout KarcynDisaya MinajLively phillyniyah kdotdot_ Nyderaa pierre7413 qveenidaa RaeWhitney214  shanyaronyae CatiaBhoo24.
  And my two favorites Dawnta1993 shereads_6 yall inspired me. THANK YOU!

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