Unforseen Arrangment?

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"What if I said I'm in love with you?"

"That you're lying."

"Well I'm not."


College, for most people, is a time of freedom. It's a memory that people often look back on. However, for Sasuke Uchiha, college was a different experience. School always took priority for him, as he knew he would eventually take over his family business after graduation.

Girls and parties were far from his mind. Sasuke preferred burying himself in books rather than getting caught up in college weekend activities. Yeah, he still made sure to spend time with his friends, but as he approached his final year of college, he wanted to make the most of his time with his studies.

Although occasionally his friends managed to get him out of his university apartment.

However, everything changed when he received the unexpected news. His mother mentioned that her best friend's daughter had to transfer at the last minute and urgently needed a place to stay. With no available university housing, the only option was for her to stay in Sasuke's apartment.

"What do you mean I have to share an apartment?" Sasuke asked, his frustration evident.

"Mebuki asked me for a favor, and your apartment was the only option. It's just for awhile until we find a permanent solution for her," Mikoto explained, trying to reassure him.

"I specifically asked you and dad for a one-bedroom apartment so that I could focus on my studies. And now I have to share my apartment with a stranger?"

"She's not a stranger, Sasuke. She's my best friend's daughter," Mikoto responded, crossing her arms.

"I've never even met her. So technically, she is a stranger," Sasuke countered.

"And where would she sleep? I feel like you're forgetting there's only one bedroom," Sasuke continued.

"I was thinking that you'd take the pull-out couch in the living room, and she can take your bedroom," Mikoto suggested.

"Mother, I don't think that's a good idea-" Sasuke tried to argue, but Mikoto interrupted him. Everything was happening so fast. He had just started his final year of college, and now suddenly his mother was springing this on him?

"Sasuke, just go through with it for a couple of weeks, okay? Sakura-chan is already stressed with the transfer. Plus, it'd be nice for you to get to know her."

Sakura... Sakura... the name didn't sound familiar to him at all. He didn't even know what kind of girl she would be. Loud? Quiet? Messy? All of these thoughts raced through his mind. One thing was certain: Sasuke was a clean freak. Everything in the apartment had to be arranged in a certain order or manner, and cleanliness was of utmost importance to him.

His mother mentioned having a best friend from university who got pregnant a few months after she did. He's heard about Mebuki, but due to distance and time, his mother hadn't seen her in years until now.

Mikoto told him that Sakura would be moving in the following day, and that she would help set up the bedroom and living room. Sasuke started to panic at the thought of living with a girl, and also worried about how his friends would react. He knew they wouldn't let him live this down.


Sasuke eagerly anticipated the following day, as it marked Sakura's move-in. The only information his mother had mentioned was that Sakura had pink hair and green eyes. That made it much easier for Sasuke, as he had never encountered anyone with those features before.

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