Unspoken Plan

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"Hey, Sakura?" Sasuke said, a puzzled expression on his face. It was way too early in the morning to deal with this. Not only was he abruptly woken up by the noise, but now Sakura was aggressively pounding her phone with her fists.

"What?" Sakura screamed out in frustration. At this point, she didn't even care anymore, she just wanted to break her phone.

"Why are you hitting your phone?" Sasuke raised an eyebrow. Seriously, what did the poor phone do to deserve this?

"It's so fucking slow, and I was trying to watch my k-drama! It just kept lagging," Sakura threw her phone down on the ground before crawling back into bed. If she couldn't enjoy her morning k-drama session, she'd rather just sleep.

"Just give it some time, my phone lags too," Sasuke tried to reason, snuggling up to her. Her outbursts weren't always pleasant, but seeing her upset over not being able to watch her k-drama was kind of adorable.

"No, my phone has been lagging for days. Maybe it's broken," Sakura sighed, burying her face in his arm. She wasn't losing her mind, even the simplest tasks made her phone lag, and she was starting to suspect some water damage.

"Maybe your phone got hacked," Sasuke teased jokingly. Maybe it was a bit early to be teasing her, but he had to get back at her for disturbing his precious sleep. Plus, he secretly hoped she'd take out her frustrations on him and maybe things would get steamy in the morning. Sakura was still touchy with him, although not as intensely as a couple of days ago. He just assumed it was her pregnancy hormones messing with her emotions.

"Ha ha, very funny. Maybe it just needs an update," Sakura sighed. All she wanted was to watch her k-drama, eat some breakfast, and then crawl back into bed before school. She was toying with the idea of becoming a stay-at-home mom, but deep down, she knew it was just the pregnancy talking.

"Well we have all day together today. What do you want to do? Stay in bed, and order food? Anything you want," Sasuke kissed her forehead. Tomorrow he had to deal with business manners, and let Fugaku know his plans about letting go of Sasori's partnership in the next two months. That was his plan anyway, and it seemed things were going well, enough for him to do so.

Sakura snuggled closer to Sasuke, holding onto his arm as she spoke eagerly, "That sounds really nice! But, umm... could you also grab some ice cream for me? I'm almost out and I'm really craving it. Oh! and maybe some more sweets too? The baby seems to be craving different things now. Thank goodness it's not tomatoes anymore, that was such a strange craving for me. I mean, I ate them for a few days, thinking it would last the whole pregnancy, but now I want something else. The ice cream with pickles actually wasn't as bad as I thought it would be."

She remembered when she offered it to Sasuke, he looked like he was going to gag!

Sasuke chuckled and asked, "Sure, do you want more pickles too? Our baby really has some interesting taste preferences. I would never have thought of mixing ice cream and pickles together. But I'll make sure you have what you need, while still making sure you're eating healthy."

Sakura nodded eagerly, replying, "Definitely more pickles! But please, no more tomatoes for me. I've had my fill of those." She playfully gagged, indicating her aversion to tomatoes now.

Sasuke tried to reason with her, saying, "Come on, tomatoes aren't that bad! If I could eat them with every meal, I would if I could."

They lay there, wrapped in each other's arms, enjoying the peaceful silence. Sasuke gently caressed Sakura's back, assuming she had dozed off. However, when he stole a glance downwards, he discovered that she was actually wide awake, lost in her own thoughts.

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