Uncharter Territory *lemon*

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Sakura couldn't resist any longer. The urge was too strong. She sent Sasuke a text, making sure he wouldn't be returning home anytime soon.

Sakura: Hey, when are you coming back?

Sasuke: Note sure. My professor wants me to stay back after class.

Sasuke: Why are you asking?

Sakura: Just wondering. Have fun! I might go out later too.

Sasuke: Alright, thanks.

Sakura squealed with excitement. Finally, she would have some alone time. With Sasuke away from the apartment, she could fully indulge herself.

Sakura didn't want to deny it. If anyone were to stumble upon her drawer of novelties, they would undoubtedly label her as a freak.

She opened her drawer and took out her pink g-spot vibrator dildo, a prank gift from Ino that she surprisingly found use for.

With the room to herself, Sakura spread a towel on the bed to ensure no mess. She dimmed the lights and turned on her speaker, playing music to drown out any potential sounds. Sakura undressed, lying down on the bed with her legs spread apart. With a sigh, she inserted the dildo into her opening. Gratefully, the thrusting motion of the device and the vibrating g-spot attachment brought her pleasure.

Her moans escaped her lips as she clutched the pillows above her. "Fuck," Sakura moaned, feeling the familiar sensation building inside her. It had been so long, and she was on the verge to climax.

With her free hand, she squeezed her exposed breast, feeling the warmth intensify in her lower stomach.

Unaware of how much time had passed or that the music had stopped, Sakura was lost in the moment. She enjoyed taking her time when it came to pleasuring herself.

As she reached her peak, Sakura released a loud moan, but the bedroom door swung open at that very moment. Her eyes widened in shock as she quickly closed her legs and locked gazes with the intruder.

Sasuke froze in place, his own eyes widening in surprise. In a panic, he quickly shut the door, leaving Sakura to let out a small scream. She hurriedly got up and rushed into the bathroom, her mind racing.

"Oh my god, oh my god!" Sakura repeated, unsure of what to do. She desperately searched the bathroom, anything to end her life.


Sasuke left the classroom, heading back home. The meeting with his professor had taken only a few minutes, but he already felt exhausted.

He assumed Sakura would have left by now. She had mentioned that she would be going out soon, and he assumed she would have stayed out for the weekend, perhaps going to the bars with friends.

As Sasuke neared the apartment, he noticed that all the lights were off. This confirmed his belief that he would have the apartment to himself.

Deciding to take a shower to relax and then continue studying for his upcoming exam, Sasuke relished in the thought of having no distractions for the night. He was glad Sakura wasn't around to distract him.

As he opened the door to their apartment, he was met with the sound of soft moans coming from the bed. His eyes widened in realization. Sasuke stood frozen in shock, cursing at himself silently for not entering the apartment more carefully.

Sakura let out a scream, and he hurriedly closed the door, his mind racing. He couldn't believe what he had just walked in on. It didn't take much thought to understand what was happening.

Sakura was naked.

And she was masturbating.

Sasuke felt a stir of movement in his lower body, but he quickly dismissed it, feeling a sense of perversion for lingering too long. This moment, which he had hoped would be free of distractions, was now permanently etched into his memory. He knew he wouldn't be able to shake off the discomfort for the rest of the night, or even in the days to come.

Sasuke panicked. He didn't know if he should stay at the apartment and wait for Sakura to come out. He wouldn't even know what to say. Sasuke quickly grabbed his belongings and made his way to Naruto's place.


Sasuke burst into Naruto's apartment, his panicked expression catching Naruto's attention.

"What's wrong, Sasuke?" Naruto asked, concerned for his best friend.

Sasuke paced back and forth, his distress evident. "I just walked in on Sakura masturbating."

Naruto burst into laughter. "Seriously?"

"Yes, seriously!" Sasuke ran his hand through his hair, feeling increasingly overwhelmed and unsure of how to handle the situation.

"I mean, Sasuke, it's normal, isn't it? Are you telling me you've never done it before?" Naruto chuckled.

"Of course I have! But I've never walked in on someone doing it!" Sasuke replied, his panic growing.

"Well, what are you going to do about it?" Naruto asked.

"I don't know. Run away? Hide forever? How can I ever face Sakura after this? Oh my god, and I live with this woman!" Sasuke sighed in defeat.

"Why don't you stay here for a few days and then address it when you're ready?" Naruto suggested.

"Okay, yeah, that sounds like a plan. Fuck, dude," Sasuke agreed.

"So... what did you see?" Naruto teased, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Sasuke shot him a glare. "Shut up, Dobe. This isn't funny."

"Well, it is to me! I've never seen you this flustered before," Naruto said, struggling to contain his laughter.

"I didn't see much, but I saw ENOUGH. I immediately knew what she was doing," Sasuke replied, trying to conceal his embarrassment and the slight redness in his cheeks.

"How did this even happen?" Naruto asked, bewildered.

"Well, she told me she was going out. I assumed she had left because all the apartment lights were off. It wasn't until I went to use the bathroom that I found her on the bed, and..." Sasuke trailed off, unwilling to provide further details.

"That's crazy. I wouldn't know what to do in your situation either," Naruto laughed.

"It's only been a few weeks. We still have a few more months until we can find a permanent solution," Sasuke sighed.

"Well, I'm not naive, Sasuke. There's definitely something going on between you two. First, you and Sakura were talking at the bar when we went out, and second, you changed your hairstyle. Are you sure this isn't something?" Naruto probed.

Sasuke clenched his teeth. "Whatever I said to her at the bar meant nothing, and I changed my hairstyle because it was getting in the way."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa... you said something to her at the bar? What was it?" Naruto pressed.

Sasuke was caught off guard and realized what he had just revealed. He recalled the day when he had "confessed" to Sakura that he had been checking her out since they first met.

"It was nothing. Absolutely nothing. And don't tell Kiba and Suigetsu about this. I've had enough embarrassment for one day. Please do me a favor and text Hinata to find out when they're going out. I really don't want to run into her again," Sasuke said with a defeated sigh.

"Oh, Sasuke, you're in for quite a ride," Naruto taunted playfully.


3 chapters in one day 😩😩 I have too much time on my hands LMAOOO

I thought this would be a perfect scene to add and needed to add in some humor too. I couldn't help it! 😂😂

Photo credits go to @ceejss on Twitter (X)

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