Unusual Request

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"Don't you think this apartment is too big?" Sakura asked as she surveyed the place.

Sasuke finished placing the boxes in the living room and replied, "I don't think so. What makes you say that?"

Sakura glanced at him and said, "Well, there are two bedrooms?"

Sasuke chuckled and said, "Okay, it's not going to be two bedrooms. I'm planning to transform the other room into an office."

Sakura pouted as she sat on the couch, "I feel bad...especially since I'm not contributing to the rent or anything..."

Sakura's words held truth. She didn't have the time for a part-time job, especially since she would be starting medical school in a few months. Sasuke was the only one working, and Sakura felt guilty because this wasn't the first time she was living in their apartment without contributing.

Sasuke sat next to her and gently cupped her face, saying, "I told you not to worry about that, okay? Just focus on studying."

Sakura couldn't help but emit a heavy sigh. "Yeah, but even in the university apartment, I didn't contribute anything."

"When will you believe me when I say I'll take care of you? I don't want you to move back to your parents' place and commute to school. I want you here," Sasuke said, planting a kiss on her lips.

Sasuke always knew how to say the right things to comfort her, regardless of the situation.

"I promise I'll pay you back," Sakura reassured him.

"Well, what are you offering?" Sasuke said playfully, kissing her neck.

Sakura pulled away, teasingly saying, "Hey, let me rest. You've worn me out these past few days!"

Sasuke chuckled and replied, "Can I wear you out even more, please?"

Sakura playfully kicked him, exclaiming, "Pervert! I can't even walk properly."

"I guess that means I'm doing a good job," Sasuke smirked.

Sakura quickly changed the subject, asking, "When is your first day of work?"

"I start on Monday," Sasuke replied casually.

Sakura wanted to avoid the topic, but she had to ask. Monday would be his first day as CEO of the company.

"I know we've been avoiding this discussion for the past few weeks, but any news on 'him'?" Sakura hesitated.

"As of right now, no. The last I heard, he went out of the country for some business matters," Sasuke shrugged.

Sakura felt a wave of relief. The last thing she wanted was for Sasori to provoke Sasuke further, especially now that Sasuke was firmly established in the company. So far, Sasori hadn't made any trouble, which gave them some peace of mind. They hoped it would stay that way.

"Just don't let him get to you, okay?" Sakura reassured him.

"The only time he would is if you somehow got involved," Sasuke responded through gritted teeth.

"Let's not overthink it," Sakura said, planting a kiss on his cheek.


"Uh...I'm not going to do that," Deidara said, shaking his head.

Sasori crossed his arms in protest. "Why not?"

"Because I'm not going to risk my family's company to help you stalk your ex-girlfriend," Deidara argued.

It had been at least two months since he last saw Sakura or even had a moment alone with her without Sasuke nearby. He wouldn't be back in the country for another two or three months, and he felt like he was losing closeness with Sakura. Having her location and a few pictures just didn't seem like enough.

Unexpected Hearts / SasuSakuWhere stories live. Discover now