Unexpected Extensions

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Sakura took a deep breath, attempting to regain her composure. She recognized that the situation had become complicated, but she was determined not to let it ruin her evening. Determined to enjoy the remainder of the night, she sought out Hinata and Ino, joining their conversation to distract herself.

However, Sakura couldn't shake off the lingering thoughts about Sasuke. She pondered on what had prompted his sudden confession and why he had abruptly left the table. Perhaps it was merely the influence of alcohol? After all, they only met two days ago.

Unable to resist her curiosity, Sakura made her way towards the bar where Sasuke had vanished. She found him standing alone, leaning against the counter, seemingly lost in his own thoughts.

"Sasuke," she called out softly, capturing his attention.

He turned towards her, his expression guarded. "What do you want?" he replied, his voice tinged with annoyance.

"I wanted to talk," Sakura stated, her voice now filled with uncertainty.

Sasuke appeared taken aback by her directness but made no objection. He motioned towards a quieter corner of the bar, away from prying eyes and the loud music. They located a secluded spot where they could converse in private.

Sakura initiated the conversation, "I guess I don't know where to start. First, about what you said earlier?"

Sighing, Sasuke ran a hand through his hair again. "You're overthinking it. Forget what I said. Have you ever had a drink before? Besides, we barely know each other."

"Alright, then let's get to know each other? Also, I didn't choose to share a roof with you. I'm sure your mom informed you that this arrangement is temporary," Sakura replied, attempting to defuse the tension.

Sasuke hesitated, his gaze dropping slightly as he spoke, "Um...I don't think that's a good idea. Look, I'm not sure if your mom told you, but school is important to me. I can't afford distractions."

Sakura felt a twinge of disappointment, "Distractions? Okay, I get it. You know what? Ever since I moved in two days ago, you've only said a few words to me. Would it hurt to converse every now and then? I could tell you've never had a girlfriend. No girl would ever survive being with you."

Sasuke clenched his teeth, caught off guard by Sakura's remark. His frustration surged, and in an impulsive reaction, he grabbed her wrists tightly, "What did you just say?" he demanded, his voice filled with irritation.

"I said that no girl would ever survive being with you," Sakura repeated, her words echoing in the air.

Before Sasuke could respond, Naruto and the rest of his friends arrived, now aware of the tension that had unfolded. Sakura, without saying a word, excused herself and sought refuge with Hinata and Ino, hoping to salvage the remainder of the night.

Confusion etched on Naruto's face as he looked at Sasuke, "What was that all about?" he inquired, trying to make sense of the situation.

Suigetsu couldn't help but stifle a laugh, attempting to hide his amusement, "Don't tell me you're having your first love quarrel with a woman," he teased.

Kiba chimed in, joining in on the banter, "Sasuke probably tried getting laid but got rejected."

Sasuke glared at his friends, his frustration growing, "I'm going home," he stated firmly.

Naruto, disappointed, whined in response, "What? It's only 12 am! The bar doesn't close until 3. This is your yearly appearance, Sasuke. At least stay till the end."

"Why do you guys keep pushing it? There's nothing between Sakura and me," Sasuke snapped, his annoyance evident. "She's just a girl I was forced to live with, and it's only been two days. Just let me endure this until she moves out."

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