Unspoken Secrets

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Sakura gently tugged at the edge of her shirt, feeling her nervousness rise. Sakura knew she couldn't keep this secret from her friends any longer.

Noticing Sakura's demeanor, Hinata spoke up, "Hey what's bothering you?"

Sakura attempted to find the right words, "There's something important that I need to share, something I haven't talked about before."

"You see, when I was in a relationship with Sasori..." Sakura's voice trailed off, tears welling up in her eyes. "At first, everything seemed perfect. But after a few weeks, he changed. He became possessive, controlling, and eventually abusive."

Ino gasped, "Oh my god, Sakura. I had no idea..."

Hinata's eyes widened as she spoke softly, "Sakura, why didn't you tell us before? We could have helped you through this."

Sakura's voice trembled as she continued, "I was scared and ashamed, and I didn't want anyone to pity me."

Tears streamed down Sakura's cheeks, "There were moments when he tried to force himself on me, and when he was angry, he became violent. He manipulated and controlled every aspect of my life. I only found the strength to end things when my parents were moving back here, which gave me an excuse."

Ino reached across the table, squeezing Sakura's hand tightly, "I'm so sorry, Sakura."

Hinata's voice quivered with anger, "No one should ever have to go through something like that. We're here for you, Sakura, and we'll support you in any way we can."

Concerned, Ino finally asked, "Sakura, are you okay with Sasuke working with someone like Sasori, though? It's understandable if it bothers you."

Sakura took a moment to collect her thoughts, looking at Ino, "It doesn't bother me as much as you might think. I trust Sasuke, and I know he wouldn't let anything happen to me."

Hinata added, "Sakura, we just want to make sure you're safe. Seeing Sasuke work closely with Sasori..."

"I chose to go through with it because I want to show Sasori that I'm no longer affected by him," Sakura said.

Ino leaned forward, "But Sakura, what if Sasori tries something? What if he tries to hurt you or manipulate the situation?"

Sakura maintained her composure, "I won't deny that there's a risk, Ino. However, Sasuke reassured me that the meetings between him and Sasori are never one-on-one. Sasuke is fully aware of my past with Sasori."

"I won't let fear control me any longer. Sasori no longer holds anything over me. Allowing Sasuke to work on this partnership with Sasori's family is a way for me to prove to myself that I'm not affected by him. I won't give him that," Sakura added.

Ino and Hinata exchanged glances. "We understand, Sakura," Ino said.

Hinata nodded, "We believe you."


Naruto, Kiba, and Suigetsu sat together in Sasuke's apartment, the atmosphere heavy. Sensing Sasuke's concerns, Naruto decided to address the issue.

"You look worried, Sasuke. What's bothering you about this partnership?" Naruto asked.

Sasuke remained focused. "I have doubts about Sasori, especially considering Sakura's history with him. However, my family needs this partnership."

Curious, Kiba raised an eyebrow. "If you're worried about Sasori, why not consider partnering with another company?"

Leaning forward, Sasuke said, "I did consider that option, but Sakura didn't want me to back out."

Suigetsu chimed in, "Man... I can't believe Sasori turned out to be that kind of person. What precautions are you taking?"

Sasuke met Suigetsu's gaze. "I made it clear to Sasori that any interaction must be professional. I won't allow Sakura to be in a vulnerable position where she feels there is a chance of Sasori trying something."

Naruto reassured Sasuke, saying, "We trust your judgment, Sasuke. But if anything feels wrong or if Sakura needs our help, we're here for her, right?"

Sasuke replied, "I appreciate that, Naruto. I won't let anything harm her or our relationship."

Kiba smirked, "Sakura is lucky to have someone like you, Sasuke."

Suigetsu patted Sasuke's shoulder. "Well, Sasuke, we're behind you all the way if anything."

Interrupting the serious conversation, Naruto excitedly suggested, "Sasuke, I have a brilliant idea!"

Intrigued, Sasuke raised an eyebrow. "Alright, let's hear it. What's this brilliant idea of yours?"

Naruto's grin widened as he explained, "What if we plan a weekend getaway? We all need a break from school and stress."

Suigetsu joined in, his smirk growing. "I agree. You've been buried in school work, Sasuke. It's time to take a breather and enjoy life for a while."

Taking a break sounded tempting, offering a much-needed escape from all the pressures. More importantly, it would be a chance to spend quality time with Sakura away from the presence of Sasori and the business world.

Sensing Sasuke's hesitation, Naruto persisted. "Come on, Sasuke. We'll take care of all the planning and logistics. You deserve this break, and so does Sakura."

Unable to resist, Sasuke finally smiled and gave in. "Alright, I'm in. Where are we going?"

Kiba's face lit up with excitement. "What if we book a cabin in the mountains, surrounded by nature and breathtaking views? It's the perfect place to unwind and reconnect with our adventurous side."

Suigetsu chimed in. "I agree. Hiking, fishing, and even a nearby hot spring. It'll be our own little retreat from the world."

Sasuke smirked. "Alright."

Naruto's grin grew wider. "It's settled then! I'll invite Sai as well. We leave this Friday. It'll be a chance for all of us to recharge."


Sasori was filled with anger. There were no words to explain his current emotions. Initially, his plan was to win back Sakura, but he believed that partnering up with Sasuke's company would be enough to intimidate him. However, things didn't go as planned, and any opportunity he had always seemed to go awry.

He despised seeing Sakura with Sasuke. Why didn't she desire him the same way she desired Sasuke? He had been trying for years to win Sakura over, but it only took a matter of weeks for Sasuke. She never wanted to have sex with him, and she never looked at him the way she looked at Sasuke.

Despite knowing that his family was planning to enter into a partnership with Uchiha Corp, it was Sasori who pushed for the idea. He had devised a plan to somehow get at Sasuke, but for now, he needed to put it on hold. Their companies would benefit from this partnership.

When he saw them together at the park, he wanted to kill Sasuke. Unbeknownst to Sakura, he had secretly placed a tracking chip on her phone. He knew her whereabouts at all times, and it was no mere coincidence that he came across them in the park. Sasori had assumed Sakura would be alone, so seeing her with that raven-haired man only intensified his anger.

Sakura moving away from Suna was the breaking point for Sasori. She wanted to escape him, and it was evident that she no longer had any desire for him. Sasori knew he could have any girl he wanted. However, the thing about Sasori was that he desired what he couldn't have. He loved the power he held over Sakura, and it turned him on whenever she resisted him.

He would just have to find another way.


Sasori is a creep lmaooo but I'm glad they have their friends support despite everything ❤️❤️

I'm slowly introducing Sasori to the story but the drama is happening lmaooo 🫣

Thank you for all the support I love you all 😭

I don't own any of the pictures included. All pictures were found on Google and Pinterest.

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