Unyiedling Desperation *light lemon*

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Warning: light lemon and sensitive scenes relating to kidnapping/abuse in the next chapters.


"Just be late for work, okay?" Sakura playfully requested, planting kisses along Sasuke's neck.

"Another round? This is like the third one today," Sasuke smirked. Maybe he could make an exception and be late for work when it came to sex. He needed to lighten his mood, especially after what happened at the office a few days ago. Although his sour his mood didn't last long when he remembered Sasori's face after he told him they were no longer going to be business partners.

"One more round, I promise I'll do the work," Sakura pleaded. But that wasn't going to happen. Sakura was already three months pregnant, and her energy wasn't the same as it was a few months ago. Pregnancy had a way of changing things, of course.

Sasuke smirked while flipping them over. "I didn't say no."

Sasuke moved his hand to grab himself as he stroked his dick before entering through her folds, "Damn, Sakura, you're so tight."

A moan escaped Sakura's lips as she felt Sasuke fill her. The sight of Sakura's body moving beneath him with each thrust was enough to send him over the edge. "Sasuke, you feel so good," she moaned loudly.

Sasuke let out a low groan, feeling Sakura's walls tighten around him. He paused his slow and steady rhythm, hooking his arms behind Sakura's legs to increase his pace.

Sakura gripped the bedsheets tightly, trying to stifle her voice but failing. "Oh my god, Sasuke!"

Feeling Sakura get wetter with each thrust, Sasuke continued until Sakura cried out in climax.

After a few more thrusts, Sasuke too reached his limit. "Fuck," he groaned, shaking above her.

Sakura giggled. "Looks like you're going to be late."

Sasuke, still catching his breath, glanced at the digital clock by their bed. "I think it was worth it."


"Do you think you can accompany me to my doctor's appointment? It's around noon, so I was wondering if you could take an hour or two off from work," Sakura asked as she prepared his lunch.

Sasuke was fixing his tie in front of the mirror, hurriedly trying to get it right. Since he had recently learned how to tie a tie because of Sakura, he wasn't particularly good at it. "Yeah, I think I can make it work."

"Okay, that's perfect. Well, I could pick you up then? Since I'm already going to be coming back from Ino's," Sakura suggested as she handed over his lunch. She didn't have any classes today, and staying home all day wasn't an option for her.

Sasuke quickly grabbed his belongings and gave Sakura a quick kiss before rushing out of the apartment. "Sounds perfect. I love you, see you later."

Sakura couldn't help but laugh as she watched her future husband scurry off. It was amusing to know that she was the reason he was running late.

Sakura took out her phone and started texting Ino,

Sakura: Hey Ino, I'm going to drop by your place real quick, then I'll head to Sasuke's office around noon.

Ino: Okay, no problem. Are you here to pick up your gift?

Sakura: Well, I have to, since someone forgot to bring it to the baby shower.

Ino: Hey! I was busy.

Sakura: Too busy daydreaming about being a godmother?

Ino: A girl can dream!

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