Urgent Call

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"You're about three months into your pregnancy now," the doctor said with a smile, pointing at the ultrasound image.

Sasuke glanced at Sakura, his eyes widening in awe. "So that little thing is our baby?" he asked, trying to comprehend the reality of the situation.

The doctor couldn't help but chuckle at Sasuke's excitement. It was expected from Sakura, who had learned about these things in school, but for Sasuke, it was a whole new experience. He couldn't believe that what he was seeing on the screen was their baby.

"You're quite far along now. Would you like to know the gender of the baby?" the doctor asked, curious to see their reaction. It was something they had been eagerly awaiting.

"Do you want to know?" Sasuke turned to Sakura, hoping she would share his eagerness. Sakura paused for a moment, pondering the question before responding, "Can you just write it down and put it in an envelope? We have a baby shower coming up in a few days."

Sasuke sighed internally, accepting Sakura's decision. He had been eagerly waiting for this day, counting down the moments until they could find out the gender of their baby. Though a part of him wished Sakura would magically agree to find out right away, he respected her choice.

"Perfect. I've written the gender on the envelope. Congratulations to both of you!" the doctor said, sharing in their excitement. The revelation of the gender now hung over Sakura and Sasuke, fueling their anticipation.

As they walked back to the car, Sasuke couldn't resist his curiosity. "Just a peek?" he pleaded, trying to snatch the envelope from Sakura's hands.

Sakura quickly pulled it out of Sasuke's reach, laughing. "No way! As much as I want to know, I want it to be a surprise for all of us."

Sasuke pouted, knowing Sakura was right. Impatience was one of his well-known traits, and his adorable reactions often followed suit.

"Well, the baby shower is this weekend. Can you hold off until then?" Sakura teased, her voice filled with amusement. She knew Sasuke's impatience was hard to handle, but she found it endearing.

"We still have a few hours before our dinner reservations. Do you want to rest?" Sasuke asked, focusing his attention on the road ahead.

Tonight was the night he planned to propose to Sakura. Thankfully, Hinata had recovered and joined them when they went ring shopping. Sasuke had decided to make a reservation at a nice restaurant for the proposal. The more he dwelled on it, the more nervous he became, his grip on the steering wheel tightening.

"Is something wrong?" Sakura inquired, sensing the change in Sasuke's demeanor. He appeared to be sweating profusely, causing her concern.

Sasuke loosened his tie, attempting to brush off his nerves. "It's just a bit hot in here," he replied, forcing a smile.

Sakura giggled and turned on the car's AC. "That's what the air conditioning is for, Sasuke," she said playfully.

It wasn't enough to calm his nerves though.


"My stomach is so fucking huge, like a fucking balloon," Sakura sighed as she slipped into her baggy dress.

"Don't stress out, it's really not that big," Sasuke tried to reassure her, instantly regretting his choice of words when Sakura turned around.

"What do you mean it's not that big? Am I not showing?" Sakura asked, clearly concerned. Sasuke hoped his slip-up wouldn't ruin their night.

"No, that's not what I meant. I just don't want you to be upset about it. I want you to be happy," Sasuke quickly clarified, raising his hands in defense. He decided to avoid saying anything more, knowing it might make things worse.

Unexpected Hearts / SasuSakuWhere stories live. Discover now