Unexplained Past

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"Yeah, we had sex," Sasuke admitted, feeling embarrassed. He never imagined having this conversation with his friends. The man who prioritized his studies, now, was no longer a virgin.

Naruto exclaimed, "Oh thank god, our Sasuke is no longer a virgin!"

Kiba added, "I thought this day would never come."

"Really? I thought you were done for after punching Sasori in the face!" Suigetsu said shockingly.

Sasori...so that was his name? Sasuke only found out today from Suigetsu that he knew Sasori. It truly was a small world, and Sasuke had intended to ask Suigetsu about it.

"Speaking of Sasori, how do you know him?" Sasuke asked, diverting the attention away from himself.

"Oh, well, we went to middle school together. We're not as close as before, but you know me, the more people at the party, the merrier," Suigetsu shrugged.

He didn't know the full extent of Sasori's relationship with Sakura, and he didn't want to push it. However, witnessing Sasori's aggression towards her the previous night made Sasuke furious. He must have done something to her, forcing her to transfer schools, especially in their last year when it was unusual for such a late transfer.

"Are you guys official now?" Naruto interjected, bringing the focus back to Sasuke.

"Yeah, we are," Sasuke replied, trying to hide his emotions.

"No way! Naruto called it! I told you!" Kiba exclaimed.

"So, does that mean you can make time for us now?" Naruto teased.

"You mean make time for Sakura? Yes," Sasuke said, rolling his eyes.

He was just getting used to being in a relationship while also balancing his schoolwork. It wasn't as difficult as he had anticipated since Sakura was also focused on her studies. The semester was ending soon, and she had already received a few medical school offers.

"Is she moving out?" Kiba inquired.

"I guess not. Now that we're dating, there's no point," Sasuke shrugged.

His friends smirked at his response. "Endless sex for you too," Suigetsu teased.

Sasuke glared at his friends. He knew this day would come eventually, so he tried not to let their teasing bother him. He knew his friends were genuinely happy for him.

"Well, we're happy for you, Sasuke. I hope you know that," Naruto said, patting Sasuke's shoulder.

"I already knew that," Sasuke replied, smiling at his friends.

Sasuke felt a weight lift off his shoulders as he shared the news with his friends. Now, all that remained was to inform his family. There was no avoiding this topic, especially since they would wonder why Sakura had decided not to move out. However, Sasuke didn't anticipate it being a major issue, considering their families were close. He was determined to tell Itachi first and then eventually inform his parents.

Some might find their relationship unconventional, especially how it began. Sasuke never expected that one day he would be in a relationship with a girl he was initially forced to live with. Nevertheless, he was grateful he went through with it because it led him to Sakura.

Sakura was good for him. She supported his studies and understood his priorities, never pressuring him for anything. However, his only concern was Sasori. Sasuke didn't know what his intentions were towards Sakura, besides his obvious desire to reconcile with her. He had hoped that being in a relationship with Sakura would make Sasori back off, but it appeared that Sasori wasn't the kind of guy to easily give up. Sasuke knew he had to remain vigilant in case Sasori tried to do something again.


"Hi, baby," Sakura said as she gave him a quick kiss.

Sasuke took off his glasses and set aside his book, turning his attention to the pink-haired girl. "Hey, how was your day?"

Sakura giggled and took a seat next to him on the couch. "It was good. I had a couple of med school interviews, but I think I did well."

"Do you know where you want to go?" Sasuke asked, hoping for something nearby. He didn't want Sakura to move too far away, especially considering they just started dating.

"I'd like to go somewhere close to home. I don't think I could handle being far from my family," Sakura replied, leaning over to give him a kiss on the cheek. "Especially from you."

Sasuke wrapped his arm around Sakura's waist and leaned over her. "Yeah, I don't think I could handle it either."

"Mmmm... Sasuke, maybe not right now. I'm on my period," Sakura said, feeling Sasuke's lips trail down her neck.

"Who said I wanted to do anything?" Sasuke teased.

"Says the bulge in your pants!" Sakura exclaimed.

"He's just happy to see you," Sasuke joked.

Sakura playfully smacked Sasuke's arm. "Who knew the cold, reserved Sasuke would be such a pervert."

"I'm the pervert? How many toys do you exactly have in our drawer?" Sasuke said.

Sakura looked up at him, hiding her embarrassment. "You enjoy it as much as I do, so I guess we're both perverts."

Sasuke gave her a quick kiss before pulling away. "So, I think we should tell our parents about us soon."

Sakura sat up and looked at him. "Do you want to do it when we're all together, or...?"

Sasuke shrugged. "I don't think we have to. It's not a big enough announcement to gather everyone."

"Yeah, you're right," Sakura agreed.

Sasuke's thoughts returned to Sasori once again, and he let out a sigh of defeat. He couldn't deny that it was bothering him.

Sakura noticed his change in demeanor. "What's wrong?"

Sasuke shifted his focus back to her. "What happened between you and Sasori?"

Sakura was taken aback by the question but knew that this day might come. She preferred to be honest with Sasuke and move past it.

"Well, you know he was toxic, as I had told you before. We broke up because he was mentally and physically abusive. Whenever we argued or if something made him angry, he would take it out on me," Sakura explained, hanging her head down.

Hearing this made Sasuke's blood boil. Now he understood that Sasori deserved the punch he received. If only he could have landed more blows, maybe Sasori would finally leave Sakura alone for good. But it seemed to only motivate Sasori to pursue her further. The thought of someone hurting Sakura, especially considering her smaller stature compared to Sasori, was unbearable. How could someone harm the person they claim to love?

Noticing Sakura's discomfort, Sasuke gently lifted her face with his finger. "You don't have to worry about him anymore, okay? I won't let anything happen to you."

Sakura's eyes widened, and she planted a grateful kiss on Sasuke's lips. "I love you."

"I love you too," Sasuke replied, pulling Sakura into a warm hug. "So much."

Sakura gazed into his eyes and smirked, asking, "Do you need a break?" She ran her fingers over the fabric of Sasuke's pants.

Sasuke's breath caught in his throat, "Come here," pulling Sakura down forcefully between his legs.


Yayyyy another chapter! This story has been getting a lot of attention and it makes me so happy 😭😭

Also I know Sasori in Narutoverse is like 30 something but they're all 21 in this story.

I picked Sasori because I lowkey felt that tension between him and Sakura during their fight scene lmaoooo and I just happened to be one of those people to "ship" them 🫣

Photo credits go to @ceejss on Twitter (X)

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