Ups and Downs

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Sakura's first week as a medical student was a wild ride of exhaustion. The days zoomed by faster than she could keep up with. She knew it would be tough, but damn, the tiredness was hitting her hard.

Although in the midst of all the craziness, there was one thing that bothered Sakura more than anything - morning sickness. Those relentless waves of nausea taunted her every damn day, making her wonder how she'd survive the next few months. It seemed like her dream of becoming a doctor was going head-to-head with the physical toll of being pregnant.

But just when Sakura was drowning in her struggles, fate stepped in and brought her face-to-face with Tsunade Senju. Now, Tsunade was a big shot at the university, not to mention the head of the medical department. And the moment Sakura saw her, she was instantly captivated by Tsunade's presence. There was something about her that drew Sakura in.

And guess what? Tsunade noticed Sakura too. It wasn't just her impressive academic record that caught Tsunade's eye. There was something deeper, something that resonated with her. She could sense Sakura's determination and the freakin' potential oozing out of her. It intrigued Tsunade, and she wanted Sakura to stick around after class.


Once class ended, Tsunade caught up with Sakura, stopping her in her tracks.

"Hey there, Sakura Haruno," Tsunade greeted her with a warm smile.

Sakura just wanted to head straight home after class. Pregnancy hormones were wreaking havoc on her, and all she craved was her cozy bed. But she couldn't give in to exhaustion. She mustered a quick nod in response.

"Yeah Tsunade-Sama?" Sakura questioned, her voice slightly shaky.

Tsunade raised an eyebrow, concern etched on her face. "You alright, sweetheart? You look a little pale."

Sakura gave a reassuring smile. "I'm good, Tsunade-Sama. Just dealing with some pregnancy stuff, feeling a bit off lately."

Tsunade's eyes widened in surprise. "Wow, pregnant? Well, congratulations. Although I gotta admit, it can't be easy."

Sakura hesitated, not wanting to complain on just her second day. She wanted to prove she could handle it, even if she felt overwhelmed.

"It's tough, but... I'll figure it out," Sakura admitted half-heartedly.

Tsunade's smile turned kinder. "Hey, Sakura, why don't we take a seat?" She motioned toward one of the desks in the classroom.

Sakura gratefully sank into the seat, grateful for the opportunity to rest her tired body. Sasuke had been waiting outside to pick her up. She had texted him a while ago about how exhausted she was and how badly she wanted to go home and crash.

But before Sakura could say anything else, Tsunade started the conversation. "So, I see that you maintained an impressive GPA and snagged a bunch of internships during your undergraduate years. I have to say, I'm very impressed."

Sakura was taken aback by the praise but couldn't help bubbling with excitement. "Yes, Tsunade-Sama! I've always wanted to be a doctor, and I gave my all in my studies. I believe in the power of medicine to change lives, and I've always wanted to help people in their times of need, to give them the best care possible."

Tsunade looked genuinely impressed. "That's an excellent answer, Sakura. I can tell you'll make a great doctor, and your kid will be lucky to have a mom like you."

All Sakura could do was beam with gratitude, but she couldn't help wondering why Tsunade had asked her to stay back in the first place. "Thank you, Tsunade-Sama!"

Unexpected Hearts / SasuSakuWhere stories live. Discover now