Unusual Occurrence

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"Are you okay, Sakura?" Ino asked, concerned about her well-being.

It had been a few days since Sasuke had informed Sakura about his interactions with Sasori. Sakura was hesitant to add to Sasuke's stress as he took over the family business. Though she didn't know Sasori's true motives, she understood the benefits that his family's partnership could bring. Sasuke had reassured her that he would handle the situation and find other partners if needed, but she didn't want him to be burdened even further. With the end of the year approaching and Sasuke assuming more responsibilities, it was already a challenging time for him.

"I'm just not sure about Sasori's intentions," Sakura confessed with a shrug.

"Do you think he might try something?" Hinata asked curiously.

Sakura had kept her history with Sasori a secret from her friends, only confiding in Sasuke about the abuse she had endured in the past. She knew that she wasn't comfortable discussing it, but she also knew that one day she would need to open up someday.

So far, Sasuke had informed her that their meetings with Sasori's family were formal and involved other individuals from both companies. It wasn't just a one-on-one interaction between Sasuke and Sasori, which provided Sakura some relief. She couldn't imagine what could have happened if Sasori and Sasuke were left alone in a room again.

"I just want to make sure Sasuke doesn't get stressed out. It can't be easy for him to work with my ex-boyfriend," Sakura sighed, expressing her concern.

"Don't worry, Sakura. Sasuke is smart and observant. I'm sure he would notice if Sasori was up to anything," Ino reassured her, trying to alleviate some of Sakura's worries.

However, Sakura couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. She remembered her last conversation with Sasori, where he had tried to reconcile with her, only to reveal that he didn't truly care for her. Their relationship had started out seemingly perfect, but it quickly became controlling and abusive. Sasori would dictate how Sakura dressed and who she even spent time with. There were moments when Sasori would try to force himself onto her, and whenever he got angry, he would turn violent, and hit her. He even manipulated her into performing oral sex on him against her will.

Sasori was not the person others believed him to be, but Sakura was afraid to disclose the truth about their relationship. Everyone believed they were a happy couple, which made their sudden breakup surprising to even Sakura's closest friends. She chose to keep certain details to herself, only mentioning that he had been controlling.

"You're in a healthy relationship now with Sasuke. He's a good guy," Hinata remarked.

Sakura sighed, replying, "I just hope Sasuke is okay. I don't want to be the reason their family business suffers."


On their four-month anniversary, Sasuke had planned a special date for Sakura, knowing that it had been a while since they had spent quality time together. Despite his busy schedule, he made sure to find some time for them.

Sasuke and Sakura walked hand in hand through the park, mesmerized by the breathtaking sunset. It was a perfect evening, or so they thought.

As they strolled along the path, Sakura's smile faded when she spotted a familiar face in the distance. Her heart skipped a beat as she recognized Sasori. What was he doing here? Wasn't he supposed to be in Suna?

Feeling a surge of unease, Sakura immediately tightened her grip on Sasuke's arm and nervously whispered, "Sasuke..." Sasuke looked down at her, following her gaze and noticing Sasori approaching them.

A sense of tension filled the air, and Sasuke's instincts told him that this encounter was far from a coincidence. He could sense that there was something off about the situation, and he squeezed Sakura's hand tighter, silently offering reassurance.

"Sasuke, isn't that Sasori?" Sakura asked, her voice filled with concern. It unsettled her to see him there.

Sasori approached them, wearing a disarming smile, pretending that his presence was nothing more than chance. "Well, well, what a surprise to bump into you two here," he said smoothly.

Sasuke's patience wore thin as he glared at Sasori. He wanted to confront Sasori now that they were not in a professional setting, but he also understood the importance of their current partnership. The stakes were high, and Sasori was exploiting that fact to threaten him. If Sasuke acted out, Sasori could threaten to withdraw their partnership.

"Save it, Sasori. We both know you're not here by accident," Sasuke snapped, his voice dripping with restrained anger. Sakura's grip on his arm tightened, silently urging him to stay calm.

Sasori chuckled, finding amusement in the situation. "Oh, Sasuke, always so perceptive. But let's not jump to conclusions here. I have no intentions of interfering with your little date," he said with a coy smirk, feigning innocence.

Sasuke's eyes narrowed, suspicion filling him. Sasori had taken advantage of their vulnerability and was holding their partnership hostage.

"You look nice today, Sakura," Sasori said, turning his gaze towards her.

Sakura swallowed hard, feeling the universe's cruel twist of fate to have him appear here of all places.

"Is Sasuke treating you well? I remember the kind of dates we used to go on. It seems Sasuke is lacking some class," Sasori chuckled.

"Much better than any dates we ever had," Sakura retorted, her voice laced with anger.

"Feisty," Sasori smirked.

Reluctantly, Sasuke masked his anger, keeping his voice steady. "That's enough. If you're done here, we're leaving. And let me remind you not to mistake my tolerance for weakness," he warned, his words carrying an underlying threat.

Sasori's smirk widened. "Very well, then. We understand each other, don't we?" he replied, his tone filled with sinister implications.

As Sasori walked away, Sakura tightened her hold on Sasuke's arm, her eyes silently pleading for him to stay calm. Though anger still burned within him, he forced himself to focus on the present moment.

"Are you okay, Sakura?" Sasuke asked, concern etched on his face.

"I just hate him. He thinks he can get away with anything," Sakura sighed in frustration.

"I don't have to be partners with him, Sakura. If you want, I'll pull out," Sasuke reassured her.

Sakura smiled softly, reassured by Sasuke's unwavering support. "No, Sasuke. It's fine, really. Right now, he's just spewing empty threats."

"But showing up here unexpectedly? It's hard to believe that it was a mere coincidence," Sasuke said, his eyes narrowing with suspicion.

"Even if he did know we were here, he's just trying to provoke us," Sakura explained, her voice steady.

"I just don't want to see you stressed out because of him," Sasuke admitted, his hands gently cupping Sakura's face.

"He doesn't scare me, Sasuke. As long as I'm with you, I feel safe," Sakura said, a soft smile gracing her lips.

"You're amazing, you know that?" Sasuke said, love shining in his eyes as he held her hand.

"I know," Sakura replied, her voice filled with playfulness as she let out a giggle.

"We can go somewhere else if you want," Sasuke suggested.

"We can stay here a little longer. Maybe we can head back home afterwards?" Sakura smirked, lust in her eyes.

"In a hurry, are we?" Sasuke teased, a playful smirk forming on his face.

"You know I can't resist," Sakura said, leaning up to tiptoe and planting a kiss on his cheek.

As long as I'm with you.


Sasori is a stalker 😭 He hasn't done anything too crazy yet tho...I wonder how he knew they were there. Do you think their encounter was a coincidence? I think not 🫢

This story is progressing faster than I expected it to be 😂 I don't know how I manage to upload 2-3 chapters a day but SasuSaku is my life ❤️

I don't own any of the pictures included. All pictures were found on Google and Pinterest.

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