Unraveled Secrets *lemon*

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After that night, it seemed like Sasuke developed a habit of sticking his dick in Sakura's mouth any chance he got. It felt as if he was becoming addicted to it, unable to resist the temptation. Having Sakura kneel in front of him provided motivation to study harder because he felt rewarded whenever he needed a break.

Sasuke slowly thrusted into Sakura's mouth as he came. Sakura wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and stood up.

"Are you satisfied?" Sakura asked, attempting to hide the blush forming on her cheeks.

"I am," Sasuke replied before refocusing on his studying.

They hadn't progressed beyond that point. Sasuke felt a twinge of guilt for not reciprocating the favor, knowing Sakura was also aroused. He had only gone this far because of Sakura, but he felt nervous about taking things further since he didn't know how to proceed.


"You seem happier these past few days," Ino noticed Sakura's change in demeanor.

"Did something happen?" Hinata chimed in.

Sakura blushed and felt uncomfortable discussing it in a public place. Today was their weekly meet-up at the cafe.

Leaning closer to Ino and Hinata, Sakura whispered what had transpired in the past few days.

"No way!" Ino exclaimed in shock.

"Oh my god," Hinata added.

"Exactly!" Sakura exclaimed.

"So, who initiated it?" Ino eagerly asked her friend.

"Well, he first talked to me about the walking in on me incident, and then I noticed a bulge in his pants. For some reason, it drove me to make a move," Sakura explained, biting her lip.

"You're a naughty woman!" Ino said, trying to stifle her laughter.

"Who knew Sakura had it in her!" Hinata added.

"So, have you guys done it?" Ino asked curiously.

"Not exactly... I've just been giving him head," Sakura shrugged.

"You're telling me he hasn't returned the favor?" Ino asked in surprise.

"I'm sure Sasuke wants to, he just doesn't know how," Hinata said.

"You have to teach him then! You can't let him treat you the way Sasori did. You deserve to receive pleasure too," Ino insisted.

"For some reason, I don't mind. I never enjoyed giving Sasori head before, but with Sasuke, it's different," Sakura sighed.

"So, what are you guys exactly now? Roommates who barely spoke to each other, to friends with benefits now?" Ino asked.

Sakura didn't know how to answer that. What exactly were they? In a matter of months, she would be moving out. So, was this only temporary? Just a heat-of-the-moment situation?

"I'm not sure. I don't know," Sakura sighed.

"Well, you need to figure that out. Do you like him?" Hinata gently questioned.

"I like him enough for him to stick his dick in my mouth," Sakura scoffed.

"That's not what Hinata meant. Do you really like him?" Ino clarified.

"How can I like someone I've never even been on a date with? He's always busy, and I only give him head when he takes a break," Sakura added.

"Figure it out, Sakura! Either you guys commit to a relationship or you cut off contact completely. Although that might be difficult since your moms are best friends," Ino reminded Sakura.

"I'll figure it out, okay? I just need some time to think. I don't want to rush into anything," Sakura replied.


"Have you two had sex yet?" Suigetsu smirked, noticing the opportunity to tease Sasuke.

Sasuke rolled his eyes. He hadn't agreed to invite his friends over, but Naruto and the others quickly invited themselves upon hearing the news.

"Even if they haven't, Sasuke is now half a virgin," Kiba commented, trying to stifle his laughter.

"Not yet. I don't even know if we'll reach that point," Sasuke sighed.

"What else have you guys done? Have you gone down on her?" Naruto asked with curiosity.

"I can't believe I'm having this conversation with you guys," Suigetsu interjected.

"Do you even know how?" Kiba chimed in.

Sasuke's silence spoke volumes. His friends knew him too well. Sakura was his first with this, so they were aware that he had never done anything like that before.

"Well, be glad we're your friends. That's why porn was invented. Most guys learn from there," Naruto said, slinging his arm around Sasuke's shoulder.

Sasuke glared at his friend but swallowed nervously. Taking their advice, he started researching. He was determined to return the favor to Sakura one day, and he couldn't deny that he was eager to explore more with her, whether it be actual sex or other intimate acts.

After breaking the "tension" between them, Sasuke found himself less distracted in recent days. With only a few months left until Sakura moved out, he wanted to make the most of the time they had together.

He wasn't exactly sure where this was heading. While he enjoyed the pleasure he received, he couldn't help but question where it would lead. He knew he didn't have time for a full-fledged relationship, and the few minutes Sakura spent pleasuring him only occupied a small part of his day.

Sasuke was aware that they needed to figure things out before the end of the school year.


A short last minute chapter but this is dedicated to SakuraStan4Life ❤️❤️

10 chapters uploaded and it hasn't even been a week? I'm on a roll lmaoooo

I don't know exactly where this story is going since I'm adding in more plots for the story. I'm still thinking how I'll be adding their families in the upcoming chapter and also Sasori drama 🫣

Photo credits go to riakurou on Twitter (X)

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