Unplanned Surprises

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Sakura glanced up, anxiety evident on her face as she sought her friends' reactions. They too seemed speechless, unsure of what to say in this situation.

"Um..." Sakura stammered, directing her gaze towards Hinata and Ino, hoping for some clarity.

Both Hinata and Ino exchanged uncertain glances before refocusing their attention on Sakura.

"Well, it's definitely not mine," Ino exclaimed, clearly taken aback.

"Nor mine," Hinata added, her voice filled with surprise.

Sakura's nerves intensified as she responded, "But how can you be so sure?"

Ino let out a heavy sigh, frustration evident in her tone. "Sakura, to be honest, both Hinata and I took a test before this, so we know it's not ours."

Confusion and panic overwhelmed Sakura. She struggled to find the right words, unsure how to process this information. Could she be the one who's pregnant? Could this explain her constant cravings and unpredictable mood swings?

Hinata gently interjected, "Remember that herbal supplement you mentioned? It can interfere with birth control. Plus, Sasuke was mentioning about how emotional you've been."

Sakura's eyes widened in alarm. "Wait, Sasuke knows?"

Quickly reassuring her, Ino and Hinata responded, "No, no, he doesn't. But he approached Naruto, concerned that he might have done something to make you feel this way. He's confused."

Feeling unsteady, Sakura lowered her gaze and found herself sinking into a dining chair, unsure of what to say next.

The reality of the situation was overwhelming. She couldn't wrap her head around the idea of being pregnant. It felt like the wrong time for something like this. She hadn't even started medical school, and Sasuke had just begun his career.

Shame washed over her. She felt irresponsible, careless even. She and Sasuke weren't prepared for a baby. It was a fear she had always carried within her. Ever since they moved in together during their university days, Sakura had worried that she would hold Sasuke back. No matter how many times he reassured her that she wouldn't, doubts began creeping in. Now, with the possibility of being pregnant, she feared that she would indeed hinder Sasuke's progress.

"Ino, Hinata... I don't know what to do?!" Sakura exclaimed, her voice filled with worry.

Ino tried to console Sakura, "Don't worry, Sakura. Everything is going to be fine."

Sakura stood up abruptly, her panic escalating. "This can't be happening..."

Hinata calmly reached out, placing a hand on Sakura's arm. "Sakura, trust us. It's going to be okay."

"No, it won't be! We're not ready for a baby," Sakura replied frantically. "I haven't even started medical school, and Sasuke has just taken over the company. I'm going to hold him back. This is all my fault."

Ino and Hinata exchanged sympathetic glances. They understood the fear and self-blame Sakura was experiencing, but they needed to assure her otherwise.

"It's not your fault, Sakura. No one could have expected this," Ino said gently.

Hinata added, her voice soothing, "Sasuke loves you. You need to talk to him about it. You're not holding him back."

Sakura's anxiety mounted with each passing moment. "How can it not be my fault? I was careless. I should have done more research before taking that stupid supplement. You know I wouldn't consider aborting the baby. What am I going to do? What can I even say?"

Unexpected Hearts / SasuSakuWhere stories live. Discover now