Unveiling the Future

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"How's it going?" Sasuke asked, breaking the silence that had settled between them. It had been a few weeks since Itachi was freed from being bedridden and was now relieved from his crutches. At first, he tried to keep a positive attitude, but being dependent on crutches was starting to wear him down.

Itachi shifted his leg on the couch before responding, "I'm doing alright, much better now. I'm just relieved that Izumi doesn't have to go through the trouble of taking care of me. And how about you? How's Sakura and the baby?"

Sasuke chuckled lightly, adjusting his position on the couch, "Izumi loves you, taking care of you wasn't a hassle for her. As for Sakura and the baby, they're doing well. Sakura has started therapy to help her deal with everything that happened, but it's to be expected, you know?"

Itachi let out a sigh, understanding the weight of what Sakura was going through. "Yeah, I can't even imagine what she's dealing with. But you're doing a great job, little brother."

Sasuke glanced over at his brother, feeling a mixture of gratitude and guilt. "I wanted to thank you... If you hadn't reacted in time, Sasori would've..." Sasuke trailed off, unable to finish his sentence. The thought of what could have happened was too unsettling.

Cutting him off, Itachi reassured him, "But it didn't happen, and you and your family are okay."

Sasuke looked at his brother with a soft expression, his gratitude evident in his eyes. "You got shot," he stated, not wanting to downplay Itachi's sacrifice.

Itachi chuckled slightly, remembering the pain he had experienced. "Yeah, I did, and it hurt like hell. But Sasuke, you've sacrificed so much for me, even back in high school and college when I was sick. I know you don't like to admit it, but I was a burden to you, even if it didn't feel like it. So, let this be my way of protecting you. You know I would give my life to always keep you safe."

As the words hung in the air, the brothers were bathed in a wave of emotions. Sasuke couldn't remember the last time he had such a heartfelt conversation with Itachi, if they ever had one before. But he knew deep down that Itachi meant every word he said. Itachi had always been his inspiration growing up, and even though Itachi hadn't always prioritized himself in recent years, Sasuke understood that it was all out of love for his older brother.

"It means a lot to me, you know," Sasuke said, resting his chin on his palm. "I hope my daughter takes after you," he added with a chuckle.

Itachi couldn't help but smile, feeling a warmth in his heart. "She better. I'm way more fun than you."

Sasuke playfully glared at Itachi, responding, "Don't push it."


4 months later....

"Sasuke!" Sakura's voice echoed through the room, filled with a mix of urgency and exhaustion. By now, she was in her eighth month of pregnancy, nearing the end and feeling as bloated as a balloon. Every simple task, from getting out of bed to picking something off the floor, had become an arduous challenge. Her belly had grown so large that she couldn't even see her own feet anymore.

Startled by Sakura's call, Sasuke rushed into the room. "What's wrong, Sakura?" he asked, his voice laced with concern. Despite being in the final trimester, the doctors had warned them that their baby, Sarada, could arrive at any moment.

Sasuke had been busy preparing the nursery, ensuring everything was in place. He had picked out new baby books, hung up Sakura's paintings, and carefully designed the room to their liking. They didn't want to go overboard with the decorations, avoiding the cliché princess-themed bedroom. Instead, they opted for a soft baby pink with adorable animal designs adorning the walls.

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