Unable to Resist *lemon*

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Sakura glanced nervously at Sasuke, then back at Sasori. All eyes were fixed on her as Sasori stood before her. Confusion filled her mind. What on earth was happening?

"I..." Sakura stammered, trying to find the right words. How should she respond? Reject Sasori publicly? Make a scene?

Beside her, Sasuke seethed with anger, while Fugaku and Mikoto looked on, puzzled.

Taking a deep breath, Sakura knew she had to prevent any drama. She gave Sasuke a gentle look, silently assuring him that everything was alright.

Sakura took Sasori's hand, and he handed the microphone to Sasuke. They walked to the center of the room, the lights dimming around them. Sasori placed his hand on Sakura's waist, causing her heart to skip a beat. He then guided her hand onto his shoulder as they drew closer.

Sasuke watched from a distance, his fists clenched. He was tempted to confront Sasori in front of everyone.

Mikoto leaned over to Fugaku and whispered, "Hold on. Isn't Sasori Sakura's ex?"

Fugaku turned his gaze towards Sasuke, noticing his change in demeanor. He recalled the dinner they had for Mebuki's birthday, where they mentioned Sakura's "ex." It wasn't until they met Sasori and his father that the pieces fell into place. Fugaku couldn't ignore the fact that Sasuke and Sasori had tension.

Leaning towards Sasuke, Fugaku asked, "That's her ex, isn't it?"

Sasuke gripped the microphone tightly and replied, "Yeah, he is."

"Do we need to be concerned?" Fugaku scrutinized his son.

"No, father," Sasuke gritted his teeth, redirecting his attention to Sakura and Sasori.

Sasori whispered into Sakura's ear, causing her discomfort. "I miss holding you like this, Sakura."

Avoiding eye contact, Sakura waited for the song to end. Then, she glared at him and said, "You and I will never happen again."

Sasori chuckled lightly. "Hmm... Okay, whatever you say."

Sakura ground her teeth. She had never encountered anyone as persistent as Sasori. Her only concern, however, was Sasuke. Across the room, she felt his glare piercing through Sasori's back. She couldn't imagine the anger and frustration Sasuke must be feeling. She dreaded the thought of him resorting to violence in front of everyone.

Finally, the song came to an end, and Sakura let go of Sasori's hand. She swiftly returned to Sasuke and sat down silently, avoiding everyone's gaze.

Sasori approached Sasuke, grabbing the microphone. "Thank you once again, everyone. Now, enjoy the rest of the night. I know I will, thanks to Sakura," he said, winking at her.

Sakura tenderly placed her hand on Sasuke's and leaned closer. "I'm okay. Please calm down."

Sasuke shot her a glare. "Am I the only one who sees it? He invited us for this purpose."

With a sigh, Sakura replied, "It was just a dance. He's trying to provoke you, and unfortunately, it's working. But nothing else happened, so let's just move on."

Sakura didn't want Fugaku and Mikoto to question them about the complicated situation. She turned to them, offering them a reassuring smile.

"I hate this," Sasuke sighed, looking at Sakura. "I promise I'll find another partner, someone who won't cause any problems."

"Let's just enjoy the rest of the night. We're going home tomorrow," Sakura whispered, kissing his cheek.

Sasuke looked at her, a mix of gratitude and worry in his eyes. "What would I do without you?"

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