Unforgettable Moments

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The group gathered at Naruto's apartment, filling the room with a chaotic atmosphere.

As everyone settled in, Naruto's contagious excitement took hold. It was almost too contagious. He turned up the music, prompting Kiba to grab a bag of chips and start munching. Meanwhile, Suigetsu made a beeline for the drinks.

"You better not have that nasty tequila you had last time," Suigetsu remarked.

"What was wrong with the tequila I had last time?" Naruto glared.

"You're too cheap," Kiba chuckled.

"Alcohol is alcohol. You get drunk either way!" Naruto argued.

"He does have a point," Sai pointed out.

"Cheers, everyone! We graduated!" Naruto exclaimed, determined to make it a night to remember.

The group clinked their shot glasses, but the night had only just begun.

Sasuke made a face after taking the shot. "Damn, Suigetsu is right. This tastes so bad."

The girls couldn't help but giggle while everyone continued to tease Naruto.

"You guys complain so much. Why don't you buy the alcohol next time?" Naruto scoffed.

The group looked at each other. "Nah, we're good."


They made their way to Ichiraku and settled in a booth.

"Ugh, I'm so hungry," Sakura sighed.

Sasuke chuckled, kissing her cheek. "I could tell. I could hear your stomach on the way here."

Sakura's face reddened. "Shut up. I know you didn't."

"I'm just teasing," Sasuke laughed.

As Sakura blushed, Naruto chimed in, "Come on, guys! No need to get all lovey-dovey. We're here to celebrate!"

"Weren't you the one encouraging Sasuke in the first place?" Hinata teased.

"Yeah, without me, he probably wouldn't have a girlfriend! But seriously, no one wants to see you two kissing!" Naruto, now drunk, said.

"You guys keep yapping, but are you forgetting I'm the only single one here?" Kiba sighed.

"Don't worry, Kiba. We'll find someone for you," Ino reassured.

"Just don't embarrass yourself, Kiba. You and Naruto are more drunk than all of us," Sai added.

"I'm still shocked that Sasuke managed to get into a relationship before me. Sasuke, don't forget us when you get rich," Kiba said.

Sasuke rolled his eyes. "Go cry about it, Kiba."

Sakura giggled. "Guys, let's finish eating so we can rent the karaoke room. I'm dying for some music."

Naruto, on his second bowl of ramen, whimpered, "Never tell a ramen-loving man to hurry up."

Sakura and Ino scoffed. "You claim to love ramen so much, but Hinata can still out-eat you."

Hinata giggled. "What can I say?"


As the group finished their meal at Ichiraku, they eagerly headed to the karaoke room. The room was already adorned with colorful lights and a huge screen displaying a song list.

Naruto took the lead and grabbed the microphone. "Alright, everyone, let's see who can belt out the best tunes tonight!"

The others scrambled to choose the songs, and the singing began. Kiba, of course had to pick such a trending song.

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