Epilogue *lemon*

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3 months later...

"You nervous?" Ino asked, casually curling Sakura's hair. Sakura sat in front of her mirror, cradling Sarada in her arms. It felt like just yesterday that they had brought her into the world, and now it was their wedding day.

Hinata carefully applied eyeshadow to Sakura's lids, while Hanabi held Boruto. "You look amazing, Sakura," Hinata said excitedly.

Sakura smiled at her friends' reflection in the mirror. "Thanks, Ino, Hinata. But I have to admit, I'm a little nervous. I just hope Sarada doesn't cry too much since she won't be with me," Sakura giggled, planting a kiss on Sarada's cheek.

Ino finished curling Sakura's hair and stepped back to admire her work. "When Sasuke sees you, he'll be blown away," she said, grinning.

Hinata finished Sakura's makeup and took a step back as well. "It's crazy how much has changed, right? I'm so happy for you, Sakura. Today is going to be amazing!"

Tears welled up in Sakura's eyes as she held Sarada closer, nuzzling her cheek against her daughter's. "I couldn't have asked for better friends or a better family. Thank you guys, seriously."

Sarada giggled, as if sensing the joy in the air. It comforted Sakura, reminding her of how far they had come as individuals and as a new family.

Taking a deep breath, Sakura got up from her vanity. Ino handed her a bouquet of delicate cherry blossoms that matched her gown perfectly. "You've got this, Sakura," Ino whispered encouragingly. "Go and marry the love of your life."


With her friends and family by her side, Sakura walked down the aisle toward Sasuke, who stood at the altar, looking as handsome as ever.

All Sakura could think about was jumping him.

The soft melody of the piano filled the air, creating a serene atmosphere for the beautiful ceremony. Sakura's heart fluttered with a mix of excitement and nervousness as she locked eyes with Sasuke. It felt like time stood still in that moment.

Sasuke couldn't stop staring at her. Even though they had been together every day, seeing Sakura in a dress felt like seeing her for the first time again.

They both had the same thing in mind about what they wanted to do to each other after the ceremony.

As Sakura reached the end of the aisle, Sasuke reached out his hand, and taking his hand in hers, Sakura felt a surge of excitement, knowing that she was about to embark on a new chapter of their lives together.

Sasuke whispered, "You look beautiful."

Sakura's eyes widened as she nervously gulped. Being in front of Sasuke made her feel the same way she felt when she first moved in with him. The butterflies came back, and she couldn't help but look at him with so much lust.

As Sakura stood before Sasuke, her heart swelled with love and anticipation. She took a deep breath, gathering her thoughts as she prepared to speak her vows.

"Sasuke," she began, "from the moment we met, my life changed for the better. I remember when I first moved in and how annoyed you were with me," she giggled. "You were a mystery, a puzzle that I couldn't resist solving. And the more I got to know you, the deeper I fell in love."

Glancing into his eyes, Sakura saw a flicker of emotion that matched her own. "Today, surrounded by our loved ones, I promise to love and support you unconditionally for the rest of our lives. I'll be your partner, your best friend, and your confidante. I'll be the best wife and mother to Sarada."

Sakura paused, looking at their gathered friends and family. "I promise to love you fiercely, even when life gets tough and the world seems against us. I'll always be by your side, lifting you up when you stumble and celebrating your victories."

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