Untamed Desires *lemon*

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In the days following the charity event, Sasuke and Sakura found themselves preoccupied with their impending finals. Despite their busy schedules, they longed to spend more time together. Sasuke's determination to excel in his studies meant he had to consciously push thoughts of Sasori to the back of his mind, not wanting it to interfere with his focus. Above all else, his priority was Sakura's safety.

To create a conducive studying environment, Sasuke and Sakura decided to meet up at the library instead of their apartment. They knew that being in so close to one another would usually lead to distractions. However, something changed when Sasuke gave Sakura bedroom eyes. Though they were in a private corner of the library, Sasuke seemed to have different plans in mind.

"Hey, want to try something?" Sasuke said, looking lustfully at Sakura.

"What exactly?" Sakura gulped. She knew that look.

Sasuke pushed Sakura against the desk, his hands going under her shirt almost instantly. He was rough this time as he moved his lips along her jaw. "Be quiet," he commanded.

Sakura bit her lip softly. "It's hard to when you're basically dry humping me," she argued.

Sakura tilted her head back, giving him more access to her neck. "Fuck."

Sasuke's fingers fumbled with the button on her jeans, and Sakura realized they were in public, at the library. Panic washed over her as she realized that anyone could walk in at any minute. It didn't matter that they had the place reserved for themselves. It was the fact that they were in the library and Sasuke was trying to have sex with her on that desk. Sasuke managed to tug down her pants and his hands traveled down inside her panties.

"Sasuke," she breathed. "Wait, we're at the library-"

Sasuke pulled away, "What?" he asked.

"We can't do this here, you know we're in the library," Sakura instantly regretted saying it. As much as she hated it, she actually wanted Sasuke to continue.

"It's a risk I'm willing to take," Sasuke said, instantly kissing her again. Sakura quickly unbuttoned his jeans.

At this point, Sasuke was grinding her against the table. She could feel how hard he had gotten and how wet she was. They needed to release the tension somehow. They knew deep down they were stressed about the situation with Sasori, and now that they were graduating, they felt things changing. Not changing in a bad way, but changing in a way where they had to make adjustments to their schedule.

Sasuke slowly inserted his fingers inside her. Sakura pushed against him, urging him to go deeper. They both knew this was a risk they were willing to take, and they didn't care. In this moment, all they cared about was releasing each other, and they were determined to get it done regardless of the public setting.

"Keep doing that," Sakura moaned into his shoulder.

"I thought you didn't want to?" Sasuke teased as he continued to pump his fingers into her.

"Shut up, just keep... keep doing what you're doing," Sakura said, out of breath.

Sakura slipped her hand down to Sasuke's pants and freed him. Sasuke held Sakura up with his other hand, now placed on her waist. Sakura wrapped her legs around Sasuke and pulled them closer.

Sakura moaned loudly, but Sasuke quickly covered her mouth with his hand, "Be quiet."

The sight and the thrill of being in a public place made Sakura lose control. It wasn't until she realized that Sasuke was still hard. Sakura reached down and began to stroke him.

He inserted two fingers inside her as she continued to stroke his dick, "How does this make you feel?" Sasuke groaned.

"Good," Sakura managed to say. Sakura continued to stroke him, earning a grunt from him. "Fuck, Sakura."

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