Understand Me

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"Hey, how's everything going? So, when do you think you'll start shadowing?" Mebuki casually asked, sinking into the comfy living room couch.

Sakura let out a contented stretch, snuggling even deeper into the cozy sofa. Well, what was supposed to be a quick 20-minute adventure with Sasuke turned into an hour or maybe even longer. She had aimed to reach her parents' place by 2, but it was closer to 3:30 when she finally made it.

"It's all good, Mom. I won't start shadowing for another two weeks," Sakura replied, mentally preparing herself for the inevitable pregnancy question. She wished she could dodge it, but she knew it was unavoidable.

"And what about the baby?" Kizashi inquired, taking a casual sip of his tea. True to his nature, her father never beat around the bush. Her mother was excited, but they both had their worries. Can't blame them, though. This news came as a surprise. Sakura and Sasuke hadn't even hit the one-year mark in their relationship, and now she was carrying his child.

Sakura gulped, feeling the weight of their anticipation. "I had a checkup with my doctor last week. Things seem fine so far. Just gotta take the recommended supplements and get some proper rest." What kind of questions did her parents have in mind? They should already know that she and Sasuke were taking responsibility for this situation.

"And how's Sasuke doing?" Mebuki asked in a laid-back manner. The last time she saw them was during the announcement, and both she and Mikoto were over the moon. Especially after all the teasing they did about grandkids, they probably didn't expect it to happen so swiftly.

"He's doing alright. Handling things at work," Sakura replied casually. Honestly, all she wanted at that moment was to crash into her bed and get some shut-eye. Sasuke had really worn her out.

"I just want you guys to understand the weight of this responsibility. In a matter of months, you'll be parents. And with medical school on top of that, I want you to see the bigger picture," Kizashi expressed, concern etched on his face. He wasn't angry, just genuinely worried.

"Got it, Dad. Sasuke and I have talked it through. We're taking it one day at a time because, truthfully, this is new to both of us. I just want you both to trust that we'll figure things out," Sakura reassured them. It was the honest truth—they didn't have a concrete plan. All they knew was that they'd navigate through this journey as it unfolded, and surprisingly, it seemed to be working.

"And what about marriage?" Kizashi added nonchalantly. Marriage? Was it too soon? Then again, having a baby right after college could also be considered too soon. Sakura and Sasuke hadn't broached the subject, but now she couldn't help but wonder.

"What are you getting at, Dad?" Sakura asked with a hint of nervousness. Don't get her wrong, she wouldn't mind tying the knot with Sasuke. She knew he was her soulmate, and she was head over heels in love with him. It seemed logical, right? If they were already embarking on parenthood together, what was stopping them from taking the plunge?

Yet, a twinge of insecurity crept in. It wasn't necessarily a bad thing, but she did want her child to have parents who were legally married. Sasuke hadn't mentioned anything about marriage, so what did he really think? Did he envision a future like that?

"Your dad and I were just wondering if you and Sasuke had ever discussed it. I mean, you guys are about to have a baby, so what's the plan after that?" Mebuki asked curiously. There was no doubt that both she and Mikoto were already planning the wedding. Sakura wouldn't be surprised if her mother and Mikoto had already gone on a shopping spree for the baby.

Was Sasuke even interested in marrying her? If she wasn't carrying his baby, would he want to marry her at all? Her emotions from the pregnancy were overwhelming her, causing her to overthink. Sasuke hadn't brought up the topic of marriage with her, and she didn't think he would. Maybe he felt it was too early. But now, after her parents mentioned it, she found herself wanting to marry Sasuke.

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