United Hearts

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Sakura hoped that no one had heard them last night, or at least that's what she wanted to believe. Sasuke had left early in the morning, and they hadn't gotten much sleep since they had spent the entire night engaged in passionate lovemaking.

Her father had to go to work early that morning, leaving only Sakura and her mother at the dining table.

"How did you sleep?" Mebuki asked, giving Sakura a knowing look.

Sakura felt a lump in her throat. Did her mom hear them?

"I slept fine," Sakura replied, avoiding her mother's gaze.

"You must have done a lot of sleeping indeed," Mebuki teased with a playful smile.

Sakura's eyes widened. "What do you mean?"

"I'm not oblivious, Sakura, but don't worry—I won't tell your father," Mebuki winked at her daughter. "Maybe I can expect grandchildren soon?"

"Mom!" Sakura yelled in embarrassment.

"I'm just teasing, honey. I just hope you and Sasuke are being safe," Mebuki assured her.

"Don't worry, Mom. Can we please not talk about this?" Sakura looked away.

"I'm only teasing!" Mebuki chuckled.

Sakura let out a sigh and tried to enjoy her meal, but thoughts of last night started creeping back into her mind. What was Sasuke worried about? Did he fear what would happen to them after graduation? Sakura had never really thought about the challenges they might face, especially with her pursuing a medical career and Sasuke taking over his family's business.

She didn't want to dwell too much on it. She and Sasuke had made a promise to each other, vowing to always be together no matter what. Her love for Sasuke was genuine, unlike what she had felt for Sasori. She couldn't imagine being with anyone else. It had been almost two months since they had started dating, and Sakura was certain that she and Sasuke would be together forever.


A few days had passed, and it was finally New Year's Eve. Sakura was filled with excitement, looking forward to the fireworks festival and spending time with her friends.

The holiday break had flown by faster than she had expected, and now she was eager to return to their apartment. She wanted to be by Sasuke's side as much as possible.

Ino: Who's ready for tonight!? 🫣

Hinata: I am!

Sakura: I can't wait 😭

Ino: Can't wait to see Sasuke?

Sakura: Oh, shut up, Ino! I know you're just as excited to see Sai 🫢

Hinata: It's going to be our first triple date now that we're all in relationships ❤️

Sakura: What time are we meeting?

Ino: Around 11. The fireworks start at midnight.


Sakura quickly got ready and anxiously awaited Sasuke's arrival. The fireworks festival was taking place on top of the mountains, and they had decided to meet up with their friends there.

"I'm so excited," Sakura exclaimed, glancing at Sasuke.

Sasuke remained focused on the road but reached out to hold Sakura's hand. "I'm excited because you are."

"I can't wait to go back to the apartment. I miss sleeping with you," Sakura sighed.

"You mean you miss having sex with me?" Sasuke teased.

Unexpected Hearts / SasuSakuWhere stories live. Discover now