Unveiling Desires *lemon*

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Mother: Dear, Sakura's mother is hosting a dinner next weekend to celebrate her birthday. Can you make time to come? Sakura-Chan will also be there!

Sasuke squinted at the text and read it a few times to make sure he understood correctly. It had become somewhat of a routine for Sakura to give him head every now and then for the past two weeks.

Sasuke was unsure of how to respond because, if he were being honest, it would feel awkward for him to meet her family, considering their complicated relationship.

He didn't even know how to define their relationship. They were roommates, but occasionally stuck his dick in Sakura's mouth whenever he needed a break.

Sasuke: I can find the time.

Mother: That's great! Remember to make time for your family as well, okay? Itachi's health has improved and father would like to see you too.

Since Itachi's condition had started getting better, Sasuke felt a bit less pressured. He hadn't seen his family in a while, as he had been focusing on his studies.

He just didn't know where things were heading with Sakura, and he wanted to figure it out before she moved out. He would be lying to himself if he said he wasn't developing some sort of feeling towards her, whether it was purely platonic or romantic.

Sasuke brushed off the thought. His main focus at the moment was his studies, and he had made that clear.


Sakura received a message from her mother earlier today that Sasuke's family would be invited to celebrate her mother's birthday. She wasn't sure how to feel about it, considering the situation she and Sasuke were in.

She could only describe their relationship as friends with benefits, or a guy she's been living with. It was a bit complicated, given that Sasuke was also the son of her mother's best friend.

Could she really label it as a friends with benefits though? Sakura didn't mind pleasuring Sasuke from time to time because she actually enjoyed it. She felt a certain satisfaction in helping him relieve stress and encouraging him to explore outside his comfort zone.

These thoughts occupied her mind as Sasuke laid on the bed, while she finished giving him head for the third time that day. Sasuke had been taking more study breaks than usual, but it didn't bother Sakura at all.

Everything changed when Sasuke flipped them over unexpectedly. Now Sakura was beneath him, and she blushed uncontrollably.

"W-what are you doing?" Sakura asked in shock.

Sasuke looked down at her. "Returning the favor. Do you want this?"

Sakura was taken aback. She didn't expect Sasuke to reciprocate, assuming that she was only pleasuring him to release tension.

But she would be lying if she said she didn't want it. Without saying a word, she nodded slowly, and Sasuke's lips met hers.

They continued to kiss, and then Sasuke started to trail down to her neck, collarbone, and breasts, making his way down to her stomach. Sakura's anticipation grew, not knowing what would come next.

Since Sakura had already removed her clothes earlier to give Sasuke some visual, he slowly spread her legs apart. Sakura couldn't help but glance down, her face flushed with embarrassment.

Sasuke's warm breath against her clit made Sakura look away, feeling shy as she had never experienced this before. She had heard stories from Ino about how wonderful it felt and how it surpassed anything she had ever experienced through masturbation.

Her eyes shot open as Sasuke inserted his fingers, slowly pumping them into her. Sakura couldn't hold back her moans.

"Does that feel good?" Sasuke asked, looking up at her.

"Y-yes," Sakura managed to respond.

Sasuke continued for a few more seconds before increasing his pace. Sakura thought that would be the extent, but then Sasuke's tongue swiped against her clit.

Sakura's hands instinctively grasped onto his hair, and she let out a loud moan. Sasuke skillfully licked her clit, while simultaneously thrusting his fingers inside her.

"That feels so good. Please don't stop," Sakura found herself pleading.

This spurred Sasuke to keep going, and Sakura held her breath. She couldn't take it anymore and felt herself reaching her peak.

Sasuke withdrew his fingers and focused solely on using his tongue. He moved from her clit to her opening, intensifying the sensations.

"Oh my god!" Sakura moaned, gripping Sasuke's hair even tighter. It was the most intense orgasm she had ever experienced.

Sasuke looked up at her, licking his lips, mirroring her satisfaction.

"Where did you learn to do that?" Sakura managed to say as she caught her breath.

Sasuke shrugged, buckling his pants as he stood up. "I watched some videos."

He was too embarrassed to admit that Naruto had suggested it to him, and he had watched a few porn videos to learn. It wasn't as difficult as he had initially thought, and he was secretly proud of himself.

Sakura covered her body with the blanket, gradually regaining her composure. Before Sasuke could leave back to his studying, she wanted to discuss the upcoming birthday dinner that her mother had mentioned.

"So, my mother is hosting a birthday party. I assume your mother informed you about it?" Sakura asked.

Sasuke glanced back, facing her. "Yeah, my mom mentioned it."

"Well, are you planning to attend?" Sakura inquired, needing to know. She needed to figure out what to say to her family if they were ever asked about "their living situation."

"I am. I promised to see my family, and it seems convenient this way," Sasuke shrugged.

"So, what are we going to tell them?" Sakura asked, curious.

"What do you mean?" Sasuke responded.

"I mean, I'm not sure myself," Sakura said. What could they possibly say? They weren't even officially together. They were just roommates who engaged pleasured on another to relieve tension and awkwardness between them.

"The same thing we've been telling them all along. That we're adjusting and it's temporary until you find another place," Sasuke suggested.

Sakura didn't understand why this bothered her. It's not like she had feelings for him, right? So, it shouldn't matter what was happening between them. Sasuke had his priorities, and she had hers. They just found a solution within one another, despite how unconventional it was.

"We can go together if you want. It doesn't make sense to leave separately, especially since we live together," Sasuke proposed.

Sasuke didn't know why he suggested it, but if their relationship wasn't serious, why make it even more awkward?

Sasuke remained determined in figuring things out before Sakura moved out. He believed that their current arrangement could potentially be a distraction, but instead, it seemed to motivate him even further.

He didn't want this relationship between them to hurt her. He had heard that women usually get attached, which is why he had refused to go all the way with her. Either they needed to stop before things got more complicated, or he needed to truly understand his own feelings for her.

However, Sakura appeared unfazed by it. She seemed completely content and showed no particular interest in him. Although she seemed unaffected, it still bothered him.

This was the only thing that his friends could help him with.


Do you think Sasuke and Sakura are going to confess soon or should they remain in denial for a bit?

I just need them to have more smexy time 😩😩  I find it so hot they're exploring things together

Photo credits go to @ceejss on Twitter (X)

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