Unspoken Relations

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"How were finals?" Mebuki asked, seated at the dining table.

"I aced them!" Sakura beamed.

These past few weeks have been hell, but having Sasuke by her side was a her source of motivation. Being in a relationship with Sasuke provided her a support system, as he was equally committed to his studies.

"I'm really proud of you," Kizashi said, offering a pat on Sakura's back.

Sakura felt a growing tension within herself. She knew it was time to inform her parents about her relationship with Sasuke. They had been wondering why she decided not to pursue housing options, despite their efforts to find her a place.

"Couple of things that I wanted to tell you guys," Sakura said nervously as she twirled her fork in her food.

"Are you and Sasuke dating?" Mebuki blurted out.

Sakura's eyes widened in surprise. How did her mother know? Did Sasuke's mom say something?

"How did you..?" Sakura asked, looking at her mom in confusion.

"Sakura, I'm not oblivious. You've been pushing us to find you housing, but suddenly you backed out," Mebuki said playfully.

"We're happy for you. Sasuke is a good boy. I can't wait for Mikoto to find out," Mebuki added.

Sakura knew her parents wouldn't object to it. They were already acquainted with Sasuke's family, and her mother must be thrilled to know that her best friend's son was now dating her daughter.

"By the way, I didn't know you and Sasori broke up. He was such a nice young man. What was the reason, though?" Kizashi asked.

Sakura gulped. What should she tell them? The distance? That they realized they weren't compatible? Sakura's mind raced with thoughts. Couples break up all the time, especially in college, and as a pre-med major, she knew that relationships can sometimes be challenging to maintain.

"We just weren't right for each other. Plus, we were already in the process of moving to Konoha. We both agreed on it," Sakura replied, shrugging her shoulders. They didn't know the main reason she decided to transfer was because of him.

"I hope you two ended things on good terms. Regardless, you're dating Sasuke now and he's a good boy, so I don't have to worry," Mebuki smiled.

Sakura inwardly sighed with relief. That was a lot easier than she had expected. Sakura knew that one day she had to be honest with her mother. Sasori wasn't a good person at all. He knew how to manipulate and deceive her parents with the facade he presented to them. They were together from freshman year of college until the end of junior year. They weren't as close as she was with Sasuke, and she was happy that she hadn't lost her virginity to Sasori. There were times when he tried to pressure her, and she was glad she never gave in.


Sasuke joined his parents and brother at the table. It had been a day since he last saw Sakura, and he couldn't help but miss her. He wished the break would go by quickly so they could be together.

Sasuke felt a nervousness bubbling up within him as he contemplated telling his family about his relationship with Sakura. He knew his mother and brother would be supportive, but he was uncertain about his father's reaction. He didn't want his father to think that being in a relationship would hinder his focus or ambitions. However, Sasuke had managed to balance his studies and spending time with Sakura without it negatively impacting him. With the school year coming to an end, he felt more confident about sharing the news.

Taking a deep breath, Sasuke blurted out, "Sakura and I are dating."

His family fell into a momentary silence, and Mikoto responded with a warm smile, "Really?"

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