Unwavering Affection *lemon*

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Sakura turned to face Sasuke. It was a few days before the end of the semester, and winter break was right around the corner. Fortunately, both Sakura and Sasuke had passed their finals and could now relax. They had been dating for almost a month and knew they would have to break the news to their parents.

Sakura reached over and gently tucked Sasuke's hair behind his ear. "Your hair is getting long again," she remarked.

Sasuke chuckled. "Do you want me to cut it again?"

"It doesn't matter, you're handsome either way," Sakura replied with a smile, pinching his cheek affectionately.

They had been lying in that position for a few hours now. If you were to ask them, they couldn't keep track of how many times they had done it last night.

"When are you going home?" Sasuke asked absentmindedly, playing with the ends of Sakura's hair.

"I'm not sure yet. I was thinking maybe we could leave together," Sakura said, her gaze locked with Sasuke's.

"I'm fine with either. I just can't wait to get it over with," Sasuke admitted.

"Can we celebrate New Year's together?" Sakura asked, her voice filled with hope. She wanted a New Year's kiss from Sasuke. She wanted to experience everything with him.

"Do I have a choice?" Sasuke smirked.

"I was going to make you anyway," Sakura said, leaning in for a kiss.

"I just know my mother will be happy to know we're dating," Sasuke said.

Sasuke raised an eyebrow. "Why is that?"

"Because I've never had a girlfriend before," Sakura corrected.

"I think she'd be happy to know that her best friend's daughter is now dating her son," Sakura added.

"Do you think my mom planned this?" Sasuke wondered aloud.

"Hmm... I wouldn't be surprised. The fact that she offered her approval right away when my mom mentioned it to her seemed suspicious enough," Sakura chuckled.

It didn't matter to her, though, whether it was planned from the beginning or not. She was just happy to be in a fulfilling relationship. She felt herself opening up more and moving past what had happened with Sasori. Sasori was nowhere near the man Sasuke was.

She tried to figure out what she would explain to her parents about Sasori. She didn't want to tell them what he had done to her; it was too much for her mother to handle. She knew her mother would be extremely disappointed, especially since her mother adored him. Perhaps one day, when she was ready, she would be able to confide in her mother about him. But for now, she just had to come up with another excuse.

"I'm ready to leave whenever you are. We can go today, or tomorrow, or we could stay here and do more of this," Sasuke teased as he pulled Sakura closer.

"Ugh you're such a pervert," Sakura groaned.

"You love it though," Sasuke said as he played with her breasts.

Sakura quickly jumped on top of Sasuke,
"Let's make it quick."


Sakura: I'm heading home! Hopefully we can meet up during the break.

Ino: How about a triple date to the fireworks festival? What do you think?

Hinata: Count me in!

Sakura: I'll have to ask Sasuke about it.

Hinata: I'll have Naruto talk to him, haha.

Ino: Take care, everyone!

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