Under the Gavel *lemon*

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"Forehead!" Ino exclaimed as she barged into Sasuke's apartment. It had been about a week since the incident, and Sakura's bruises were mostly healed by now.

Hinata and the rest of their friends rushed into the apartment, relieved to see Sakura safe and sound. This past week had been incredibly tough for all of them.

Ino and Hinata hugged Sakura tightly, not being able to contain their joy and relief. Not knowing if their best friend was safe for the past two days had been absolute hell for them.

"I'm so glad you're okay, Sakura. Both you and the baby," Hinata cried, her voice muffled by Sakura's shoulder.

The two girls practically suffocated Sakura with their embrace. "You're never leaving my sight again. Ever," Ino sobbed. It was rare to see the tough girl of the group cry, but Sakura always had a special place in her heart.

Sakura smiled and tried to squirm out of their tight grips. "It's alright, you guys. I'm okay. I'm just really happy to see all of you."

Ino clenched her fists, her anger evident. "I fucking hate that crazy redhead. Seriously, when I see him at the court hearing, I'll shoot him for real this time," she swore.

Hinata nodded in agreement. "He better get what he deserves."

Sakura's eyes softened. "Sasuke's dad managed to get us the best lawyers, and Shisui was able to gather more evidence. With everything that guy has done, he might end up serving a life sentence."

Ino wiped away her tears. "I'm sorry Sai couldn't make it. He wanted me to give you this," she said, handing Sakura a small gift bag.

Sakura opened the gift and found a 'Get Better Soon' gift set. "Please tell him I appreciate it. Really."

Naruto walked over to Sakura. "I'm just glad to see you're okay. We were all really worried, you know?"

Kiba and Suigetsu nodded in agreement. "As long as you and the baby are alright, that's all that matters. We're here for you guys, no matter what."

Naruto turned his gaze towards Sasuke. "And Itachi? How's he doing?"

Sasuke smiled and nodded in response. "He's doing a lot better. He only has to use crutches for a couple more weeks, and then the doctors said he'll be good to go."

Kiba chimed in, curiosity evident in his voice. "The trial's next week, right? Next Friday?"

Sasuke let out a sigh. "Yeah... that's the plan."


The courtroom was filled with a heavy silence. Sasuke and Sakura were informed that they would have to take the stand, considering they were both victims of Sasori's stalking.

As Sasori was escorted into the courtroom, dressed in his prison jumpsuit with chains binding his wrists, it was a sight that none of them would forget. Sasori's face remained emotionless, but a hint of jealousy and anger could still be sensed as he glanced at the couple.

A few minutes later, the trial began as the judge entered the courtroom. The first person called to the stand was Sakura. She looked nervously at Sasuke and then at her family. She never thought this day would come, and every passing minute only increased her anxiety. Dealing with pregnancy hormones on top of the trial was already overwhelming.

Sasuke gave her a warm look as Sakura stood up and let out a sigh. She made her way to the podium, trying her best to avoid looking at Sasori.

One of the attorneys began questioning her. "Miss Haruno, can you please explain your relationship with Sasori?"

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