Unexpected Gesture

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"You're gonna do what?!" His friends exclaimed. It's been a while since he hung out with them, but it seemed like this meeting was important. Sakura was in class, so he decided to wait until she finished before heading to the apartment.

They were all at Naruto's place and honest, he wasn't sure how they would react to another unexpected news, but he felt like he needed to tell them so they wouldn't be caught off guard later on.

"I'm gonna propose to her," Sasuke said casually, trying to hide his embarrassment as the room started to feel hotter. He loosened his tie and shifted in his seat on the couch. It felt surreal to say it out loud, and he was still surprised himself.

"I'm still recovering from the fact that you're gonna be a dad, and now you're gonna be a married man too?!" Kiba said, sinking into his seat. Everyone else in the room was equally shocked.

"Damn, Sasuke really did a complete 180 on us. Remember when he never wanted to hang out, and now he's calling for a meeting every week? Not to mention, he's gonna be a committed man, a dad, and a husband? Naruto, you owe me 50 bucks," Suigetsu joked, though there might have been a hint of truth in his words. Sasuke's transformation had surprised everyone.

"Hey, when are you gonna pop the question?" Naruto asked, curious. Naruto knew it was bound to happen. Sasuke was old-fashioned, and marrying Sakura was something he would do. He could see how much in love Sasuke was with her anyway.

"I was thinking of doing it on our one-year anniversary, but I also want to do it as soon as possible. She was overthinking that I didn't want to marry her in the first place," Sasuke smirked, remembering how emotional Sakura got when she brought up her fears of him not wanting to marry her.

"So, I'm guessing you called us here for some much-needed help," Suigetsu nudged Sasuke. Well, he wasn't wrong. Sasuke didn't know much about this whole proposal thing, and he always turned to his friends for advice, even if he knew they would continue to tease him mercilessly.

But he couldn't blame them, really. He had transformed so much from who he was last year. If someone had told him back then that he would be in a committed relationship, about to become a dad, and getting married, he would've called them crazy. Life was changing fast, but he was genuinely happy with it.

"Yeah, I want it to be special, but I just don't know how to go about it. I definitely don't want to copy those cheesy proposals you see on TikTok though. I want something simple," Sasuke expressed. The thought of doing something in a public setting didn't appeal to him. He didn't see the need for random strangers to pry into their personal moment. Proposing to Sakura in a private, intimate setting seemed more fitting to him.

"Hey, handcuff yourself to the bed, write 'Will You Marry Me' on your chest with a marker, and lie on a bed of rose petals," Kiba laughed, unable to resist teasing him. His friends couldn't help but join in the fun. This news had really caught them off guard, and they felt the need to lighten the mood even more.

"And don't forget to hold a flower in your mouth too! It'll be quite the sight for Sakura to see," Naruto added, doubling over with laughter.

"Maybe throw in some whipped cream as well," Suigetsu chimed in, continuing the teasing.

Sasuke glared at his friends. "Very funny, guys. Well, at least I'm starting a new chapter while one of you is still stuck in the single life," Sasuke retorted, hitting back at them. If they could tease him, he was going to hit them harder.

Kiba pouted. "Hey! It's not like I chose to be single! I'm just having fun!"

"Yeah, and that's why you shed a tear every time you fifth-wheel with us," Sasuke smirked. The once-serious conversation had now turned into a petty argument among friends.

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