Unusual Boquet

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Sakura stirred, half-asleep, her eyes fluttering open to find Sasuke standing at the foot of her bed, a small smile playing on his lips.

"Happy birthday, baby," he greeted softly.

Sakura blinked, momentarily taken aback. "Sasuke?"

He nodded, stepping forward to sit beside her on the bed. "Yeah, are you awake?"

As Sakura fully woke up, Sasuke reached into his pocket and pulled out a small velvet box. He handed it to her, his onyx eyes filled with anticipation.

Curiosity and excitement bubbled within Sakura as she carefully opened the box, revealing a delicate silver necklace with a dainty cherry blossom pendant.

"Sasuke, it's beautiful," she breathed.

"I wanted to give you something special," he explained softly. "The cherry blossom represents new beginnings and everlasting love. It's a reminder of how much you mean to me."

Sakura felt her heart swell with emotion, tears welling up in her eyes. She quickly threw her arms around Sasuke in a tight embrace, burying her face into his chest.

"Thank you, Sasuke," she whispered, her voice muffled. "I love it, and I love you."

Sasuke's arms wrapped around her, holding her close. "I love you too," he murmured. "I want to make this day special for you."


Sasuke had promised her a special birthday surprise, and she couldn't help but wonder what he had planned.

A breeze whispered through the trees as Sakura made her way to the meeting spot. She saw Sasuke standing there, a small smile on his face as he held a picnic basket in his hands.

"Happy birthday," he greeted, his voice soft and filled with affection.

Sakura's eyes sparkled with delight as she approached him. "This already looks amazing."

Sasuke took her hand and led her to a secluded spot in the park, where a cozy blanket was spread out under a cherry blossom tree.

As they settled onto the blanket, Sasuke opened the picnic basket, revealing an array of Sakura's favorite foods.

Sakura's heart swelled with happiness as she took in the scene before her. Sasuke had put so much effort into making this day special, and she couldn't have been more in love.

Sakura's eyes widened, "You remembered all my favorites!"

Sasuke smiled, "Of course, I did. I wanted everything to be perfect."

After they had finished their meal, Sasuke reached into the basket once more and pulled out a small, beautifully wrapped gift. He handed it to Sakura, his smile widening.

Sakura eagerly unwrapped the gift, her eyes widening as she revealed a painting kit. It contained an assortment of brushes, paints, and a canvas.

Sasuke's gaze softened as he explained, "I heard from your mom that you liked to paint sometimes."

Sakura leaned in and kissed him softly on the cheek. "Did she now? You talked to my mom?"

Sasuke's cheeks flushed slightly, but he maintained his composure. "A bit. She mentioned some things here and there."

Sakura felt an overwhelming sense of happiness. It was a definitely a birthday she would remember forever.

Sasuke reached out, tucking a loose strand of Sakura's hair behind her ear. "I love you," he whispered.

Sakura turned to him. "And I love you. Thank you for this."

As they lay beneath the cherry blossom tree, wrapped in each other's arms, Sakura realized that moments like these were the ones she wanted to experience forever. She never wanted this feeling to end.

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