Unveiled Wishes

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Sasuke squinted his eyes, his gaze fixated on the person who had just walked in. "Sasori..."

"Sasuke," Sasori replied casually, sinking into the seat across from him.

Sasuke internally cursed. Seriously, this guy had the nerve to come back just when everything was going smoothly?

"So, you're back," Sasuke cleared his throat, his glare intensifying as he looked at the redhead.

"Oh, don't be like that, Sasuke! I promised I wouldn't be gone for long," Sasori smirked, deliberately provoking him. If they weren't in the office, Sasuke would have thrown a punch by now.

"What do you want? Why are you here? We don't have any scheduled business meetings," Sasuke gritted his teeth. There was no way he wanted Sakura anywhere near this man now that he was back. Sasori was clearly here to provoke him, and Sasuke was having none of it.

"Can't I drop by to say hello to my business partner? Always so serious, Sasuke. I wonder how Sakura puts up with you," Sasori chuckled, finding amusement in watching Sasuke lose his temper. It always made Sasori feel superior when he could make Sasuke feel small.

"Shut up. Just shut up," Sasuke snapped as he stood up, his fists clenched. He was on the edge of launching himself at the man in front of him. Screw it, it was his office and he had half a mind to beat the crap out of him.

"Heard she was pregnant," Sasori mumbled under his breath, his gaze drifting away as his fingers fiddled with the chair's armrest.

Sasuke's brow furrowed in confusion. "Wait, how do you know she's pregnant?"

Sasori brushed off the question, trying to avoid slipping up again. Little did they know, he still had access to Sakura's phone and could track her whereabouts. He knew about her pregnancy and her inevitable marriage to the raven-haired man standing in front of him. His grip on Sakura had slipped away, and it seemed impossible to regain it now.

That didn't mean he didn't have a few tricks up his sleeve, though. Deidara and Kisame were there to assist him behind the scenes, even though they often rejected some of his ideas. After all, everything he planned was driven by his own motives.

"Doesn't matter. I'm guessing you won't have much time to focus on your job," Sasori clenched his teeth. The thought of Sasuke getting Sakura pregnant and marrying her was irritating him to no end. He wanted to be the one to marry Sakura and start a family with her. It wasn't fair. It wasn't fair that she never loved him the way she loved Sasuke. He desired that kind of connection with her.

"Well, actually, I think our business partnership is nearing its end," Sasuke smirked, his satisfaction evident. While Sasori had been away, Sasuke and Fugaku had made the decision to inform Sasori's father about their intention to terminate the partnership.

Sasuke continued, his tone confident and assertive, "We've already filed the paperwork and finalized everything. With or without you, it's a done deal. There's no room for discussion now, and I made it crystal clear that we have no interest in renewing anything with you."

Sasori's eyes widened in surprise. Just how much had he missed during his absence? It seemed like he had come back to find everything already settled.

Sasori let out a chuckle, his voice laced with sarcasm, "So, it appears your crappy company is actually picking up, huh? I guess I should have never underestimated your abilities, Uchiha."

Sasuke's gaze darkened as he locked eyes with the man standing before him. "I guess you underestimated us. If anything, it's your company that's taking a hit now. Several of your business partners have chosen to join forces with us instead. Maybe you shouldn't have taken such a long leave," Sasuke retaliated, seizing the upper hand. He refused to let Sasori leave with the satisfaction of having provoked him over Sakura's sorry excuse for an ex-boyfriend.

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