Underneath the Surface

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Sasuke sighed and rubbed his temples, regretting his decision to bring Suigetsu and Kiba along for ring shopping. He couldn't understand why he had agreed to it in the first place. He should have just brought Naruto and Hinata.

"Hey, can you two fuckers stop fooling around?" Sasuke said irritably. Suigetsu and Kiba were acting like kids in a candy store, running around and causing a scene. It was getting ridiculous, and he was on the verge of leaving.

Kiba stopped in his tracks and asked, "How much longer do we have to wait? Where's Naruto?" It was a valid question. Where was Naruto anyway?

Sasuke took out his phone and let out a heavy sigh. If Naruto and Hinata didn't show up in the next five minutes, he would postpone the ring shopping altogether.

Frustrated, Sasuke scrolled through his contacts and called Naruto. "Hey, Naruto, where are you? You ditched me with these two idiots, and I'm about to lose my mind," he complained. He couldn't understand why Suigetsu and Kiba were so hyperactive today. It felt like babysitting two adults.

"Sorry, teme! I had to take Hinata to the doctor. She's not feeling well, so I'm dropping her off. I'll be there in a few minutes!" Naruto's voice sounded slightly nervous, which was unusual for him.

Sasuke's concern peaked, and he asked, "Is she okay?" He felt guilty for dragging Naruto away when Hinata wasn't feeling well. Maybe it would be better to cancel the ring shopping and have Naruto focus on taking care of her. After all, he wasn't in a rush to propose; he was just starting to plan everything. If not today, then he could buy the paint for Sakura and head home to her.

"Yeah, she probably just has a stomach flu. I'll be on my way soon, sorry again," Naruto apologized. Sasuke sighed, not wanting to be a burden. Plus, he knew Hinata's input would be valuable when it came to choosing the right ring for Sakura. On top of that, spending more time with Suigetsu and Kiba wasn't exactly his idea of a good time.

"No worries. Let's postpone this until next week when she's feeling better. And to be honest, I need Hinata's honest opinion anyway," Sasuke said, frustration evident in his voice. He ran his fingers through his hair, trying to calm himself down. "Plus, I don't want to be stuck with Suigetsu and Kiba. They're driving me crazy."

"Are you sure? Well, since you offered, then yeah, let's do it next week. And don't worry about those two idiots. It seems like they've had one too many special brownies before coming here," Naruto chuckled on the other end. Sasuke looked over at Suigetsu and Kiba, who were currently being escorted out of the jewelry store by security. He shook his head in exasperation and walked away.

"Hey, Sasuke, where are you going?" Suigetsu called out as he and Kiba were being removed from the shop.

"Forget it, I'm leaving," Sasuke replied, not looking back. He left his two friends to deal with the consequences of their actions and walked away, frustrated with the situation.

Sasuke was the kind of person who liked things to go according to plan. When things didn't go smoothly, it triggered his anxiety and made him question if it was a sign from the universe telling him not to proceed.

However, despite the bumps along the way, he was determined to marry Sakura. His insecurities would always try to get in the way, and his friends certainly didn't make it any easier for him. Don't get him wrong, he loved them, but they could be real idiots at times. Who in their right mind decided to consume "special brownies" before going to the mall? It was insane.

Sasuke made his way to the arts and crafts store to pick up the paint and canvases Sakura had requested. As he walked down one of the aisles, his attention was captured by a display of baby books. A warm feeling washed over him, and he couldn't help but smile. He was truly excited to become a father, and the reality of it finally sinking in made him feel overjoyed.

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