Untangling Fate

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Warning: sensitive scenes relating to kidnapping/abuse in the next chapters.


"Shisui is on his way to collect a statement, Itachi said as he sat down in front of Sasuke. The room was beginning to feel heavier.

Sasuke slouched on the couch, feeling utterly defeated. Mikoto, trying to reassure him, gently rubbed his back and said in a comforting tone, "Hey, Sasuke, don't worry. We'll find Sakura, I promise." Meanwhile his father stood in the corner, deep in thought, his brows furrowed in concern.

Sasuke couldn't shake off the overwhelming feeling of despair, not having Sakura by his side and not knowing if she was safe. He blamed himself for not doing enough to protect her, regretting not dealing with Sasori earlier. It dawned on him that he should have taken care of Sasori before allowing their lives to continue as usual.

The Uchiha living room was filled with Mebuki's cries as she buried her face in her hands, overwhelmed with worry. Kizashi attempted to support her, his silence carrying strength, but he couldn't believe that Sasori could be capable of such heinous actions. He questioned himself, wondering how he had missed the signs.

Sasuke glanced guiltily at his future in-laws. He knew it wasn't his place to reveal this information, but given the gravity of the situation, he had no choice. With a shaky breath, he mustered the courage to confess, "There's more about Sasori... something I have to tell you. I promised Sakura I wouldn't, but she always intended to confide in you. Sasori... he was abusive towards her. He forced her to do things she didn't want to do, and he would physically harm her when he was angry."

Everybody in the room was stunned, struggling to process this newfound knowledge. Mebuki began to tremble uncontrollably, directing her anger towards Sasuke. "You knew this, and yet you continued to work with him? Knowing what he did to Sakura?" Her anger was justified, and Sasuke carried the weight of his mistakes.

Kizashi intervened, attempting to calm Mebuki down. "Darling, I'm sure Sasuke and Sakura had their reasons. Sasuke respected our daughter's wishes."

Mebuki pulled away from Kizashi, her anger still evident. "None of this would have happened if he hadn't entered into that partnership." Sasuke could only bow his head, acknowledging the truth. How could he have allowed Sakura to be in such a dangerous situation? He blamed himself for her current state of fear and isolation.

Finally, breaking his silence, Fugaku focused his gaze on Sasuke. "Sasuke... why didn't you inform me of this earlier, especially during the business meeting with Sasori?"

Sasuke furrowed his brows, shaking his head. "Father, I tried. But how could I betray Sakura's trust? She convinced me to continue the partnership because she wanted to prove to herself that she wasn't afraid of Sasori. I should have been more persuasive. I'm sorry." Emotions overwhelmed Sasuke, tears welling up in his eyes. He had never felt so ashamed in his life.

Mikoto silently observed everything, realizing the weight of the situation. They were not only worried about Sakura but also concerned for her unborn child. The gravity of their fear intensified.

Itachi stood up, taking matters into his own hands. "Shisui is here. I'll let him in."

Sasuke paced anxiously in the living room, unable to wait any longer for updates from the police. He was prepared to take matters into his own hands if necessary. As he walked back and forth, he noticed two unfamiliar men following Shisui. One had a hairstyle similar to Ino's, but with a darker shade, while the other had distinct shark-like features. It was a strange combination that caught Sasuke's attention.

Itachi cleared his throat, indicating the arrival of three individuals. "Shisui has some information, and he's wondering if it's alright for these two guys to join us?"

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