Unleashing Everything *lemon*

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Sasuke made his way back to the apartment and entered his room. He needed to lie down and process everything that had happened. He massaged his temples and replayed the events in his mind. It was already bad enough that Sakura's ex was there, but he hadn't expected it at all.

As he put everything together, Sasuke realized that Suigetsu knew people from Suna. It shouldn't have been a surprise that Suigetsu invited his Suna friends, but Sasuke had never anticipated Sakura's ex being among them.

Sasuke lay down, hoping to get some rest. He knew that Sakura would eventually return home, and he prayed that she wouldn't confront him about what had occurred.

He had kissed Sakura, but he was too afraid to confess his feelings to her. Based on her reaction, it seemed unlikely that she would even reciprocate.

However, fate seemed to conspire against him when he heard a soft knock on the bedroom door. Lost in his thoughts, he hadn't even heard the apartment door open.

"Sasuke, are you awake?" Sakura's voice was barely audible as she quietly knocked.

Sasuke tried his best to pretend he was asleep, but Sakura spoke up again. "I know you're awake, Sasuke. Let me come in."

Letting out a sigh, Sasuke walked over to unlock the door. There she stood, looking as beautiful as ever. He wanted to make her his own and confess that she was his motivation to become a better person. He wanted to apologize for pushing her away all these months and assure her that he would make time for her, or at least learn to.

Without saying a word, he allowed her to enter and she sat down at the edge of the bed. Sasuke, still somewhat intoxicated, wasn't as guarded as he usually was. Sober Sasuke wouldn't have let her inside and would have ignored her until he felt like it.

Sasuke went over to the bed and lay down. Sakura remained on the edge, looking over her shoulder at the raven-haired man.

"I want to talk, I really want to talk," Sakura emphasized each word.

Sasuke remained silent, but she continued. "Look... these past few months-"

Before she could finish her sentence, Sasuke blurted out, "What if I said I'm in love with you?"

Sakura's eyes widened. Had she heard correctly? Was she hallucinating? How much had she drunk? As far as she could remember, she hadn't consumed as much as she would've liked.

"That you're lying," Sakura dismissed the thought. This had to be a joke, right? He couldn't possibly love her back.

Sasuke sat up and looked at her earnestly. "Well, I'm not."

Sakura stood there in silence. This was what she had wanted, right? She hadn't thought that Sasuke even liked her, but now he was confessing his love.

"Are you sure?" Sakura winced at her response. That wasn't something someone would want to hear after confessing their love.

"Why wouldn't I be sure?" Sasuke was regretting his confession. He knew he shouldn't have kept it to himself and move on after she was gone.

"I just didn't think you'd feel the same way. I wanted to talk to you because I wanted to tell you that maybe I'm falling in love with you too. I just didn't want to hurt myself if you didn't feel the same way," Sakura looked down, fidgeting nervously. This had to be a dream.

If it weren't for the alcohol, there was no way Sasuke would be doing what he did. The first time he confessed how he couldn't stop staring at her, and now confessing his love. Even if the word "love" didn't describe their current situation, he wouldn't oppose calling it that.

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