Unseen Depths

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Sakura began to drown herself with tequila shots, leaving Ino and Hinata looking at her with shock.

"What's gotten into you, Sakura?" Ino asked, surprise evident in her voice.

Sakura, drunk enough to gather the courage, proceeded to recount her encounter with Sasuke to them.

"Do you remember when I mentioned needing some time for myself? I didn't think Sasuke would be home, but he walked in on me... you know," Sakura confessed, her face turning a shade of red as she cupped her flushed cheeks.

Ino and Hinata's mouths dropped open. "Are you serious?!"

Sakura let out a defeated sigh. "Seriously!"

Curiosity getting the better of her, Ino asked, "What happened after he walked in?"

"I immediately ran to the bathroom and hid there until I was sure he had left. I haven't seen him since," Sakura explained.

Hinata added, "Naruto mentioned that Sasuke would be staying with him for a few days, but I didn't realize it was because of this."

Relieved, Sakura replied, "Oh, thank goodness. I wasn't sure how I would be able to face him after this."

Ino, ever practical, brought up an important point. "But what will you do when he comes back? You can't avoid each other forever."

Sakura sighed, feeling the weight of the situation. "I know, I know. I don't even know what I would say to him. Would I apologize and say something like, 'I'm sorry you ran into me in the middle of my orgasm?' How ridiculous does that sound?"

The conversation took a more serious turn, and Sakura couldn't help but feel a mix of embarrassment and uncertainty about what would happen next.

"Well, he's seen you naked now, so scratch that off the list," Ino said, unable to contain her laughter.

Sakura's eyes widened, a sense of dread washing over her. "Oh god, he's seen me naked!"

"Relax, Sakura. I'm sure he's just as embarrassed as you. The fact that he's hiding out in Naruto's apartment says a lot," Ino reassured her.

"Let's call it a night, Sakura. Just sleep it off, and hopefully, things will get better in the next few days," Hinata advised.


A few days had passed, and there was still no sign of Sasuke. Sakura felt a sense of panic building within her because she knew he would be returning soon. Hinata had mentioned that Sasuke had been trying to persuade Naruto to let him stay longer, but they insisted he come back.

Sakura didn't know what to say or how to approach the situation. She dreaded the idea, but she knew they had to address it.

She went to class, attempting to distract herself, and spent a few hours at the gym before returning to the apartment. As she entered, she found Sasuke sitting in the living room, hoodie up and headphones on. It was clear he was trying to fade into the background and avoid any confrontation.

She knew they couldn't continue avoiding the issue forever.

"Sasuke," Sakura began nervously, slowly approaching him.

Sasuke looked up hesitantly, clearly not wanting to engage. "What's up?"

"So, about what happened..." Sakura said, fidgeting with the ends of her hair.

She noticed Sasuke's breath hitch as he sat up nervously. "About what happened?"

He was acting oblivious, pretending not to know what she was referring to.

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