Unfamiliar Feeling

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"You seem really excited, Hinata," Sakura smirked at her friend.

Hinata's hands were filled with pastries and balloons. She had overestimated how much she ordered.

"It's Naruto's birthday, and I want it to be perfect!" She squealed.

Ino couldn't help but tease, "What else do you have in store?"

Hinata's cheeks grew redder. "N-nothing at all!"

Sakura couldn't help but laugh at their interactions. It felt nice not being on the receiving end of the teasing for once. She had endured enough teasing from Ino and Hinata over the past few days.

Feeling a bit nervous knowing that Sasuke would be at the party, she tried not to dwell on it too much. She had vowed to herself that she wouldn't drink too much, but being with Ino always seemed to change their plans.

Sakura made her way back to the apartment. Today, Sasuke had the room, so she texted him in advance to let him know that she was coming home to get ready.

Sasuke was sitting in the living room as usual, studying whenever he could find the time. She didn't want to disturb him, so she went into the room without saying a word.

She wasn't sure what to wear, but she eventually decided on a green bodycon mini dress paired with white Nike Air Forces. It looked casual enough and not too over-the-top. She curled her hair slightly and went all out with her makeup. She usually didn't wear this much makeup, but since it was a party, she figured why not.

Not wanting to take up too much time in the bathroom, she walked out of the bedroom to find Sasuke still studying.

Sakura cleared her throat. "What time are you leaving?"

Sasuke looked up and couldn't help but check her out for a moment before quickly dismissing the action. "Soon. I just need to finish some of these lecture notes, and then I should be ready."

"Do you want to go together?" Sakura asked nervously.

Sasuke hesitated but he gave in, "Sure. Just give me a few minutes."

Sasuke stood up and made his way to the bathroom. Sakura sat down on the couch, fidgeting with the ends of her dress. Sasuke had been making her feel nervous lately, all because of what happened that night. She knew she would never completely get over it; she could only learn to deal with it.

After a few minutes, Sasuke emerged from the room. He was wearing a black crewneck sweater, jeans, and Nike Air Forces. Sakura hadn't realized they were wearing matching shoes, but it didn't mean anything. It was just a popular shoe, after all.

"Ready to go?" Sasuke said, grabbing their apartment keys.

Sakura walked out first, with Sasuke locking the apartment door behind them. Naruto only lived a couple of floors down, and they made their way there without saying a word.


"Happy birthday, Dobe," Sasuke said, wrapping his arm around Naruto's shoulder.

"Look who decided to come out!" Suigetsu exclaimed.

"We knew having Sakura around wouldn't be too bad," Kiba teased.

Sasuke scoffed. "You guys will never live this down. I obviously came for Naruto."

"Whatever floats your boat, bud!" Suigetsu playfully smacked Sasuke's arm.

"Hey, what's up, Sasuke," Sai greeted as he fist-bumped Sasuke.

"Hey, Sai. You're here," Sasuke replied.

"Yeah, I came with Ino!" Sai said excitedly.

"Oh, shit, you guys are dating?" Kiba asked curiously.

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